Saturday, April 25, 2015



On the way to Sofia, Bulgaria, a short stopover in London, one year before the Olympic Games...

"RIAS BAJAS - Airplanes from Lisbon to London sometimes take the west cost of Potugal. When the weather is fine, a wonderful view of the Rias Bajas in Galicia is available..."

"PATERNOSTER PLAZA - Views of Saint Paul's Cathedral from the Paternoster Plaza"

"WEST FRONT - According to Wikipedia, «for the Renaissance architect designing the west front of a large church or cathedral, the universal problem was how to use a facade to unite the high central nave with the lower aisles in a visually harmonious whole. [...] Wren's solution was to employ a Classical portico, [...] but rising through two storeys, and supported on paired columns. The remarkable feature here is that the lower storey of this portico extends to the full width of the aisles, while the upper section defines the nave that lies behind it. The gaps between the upper stage of the portico and the towers on either side are bridged by a narrow section of wall with an arch-topped window»"


"LONDON SKIES - Usually grey..."

"TATE MODERN - Preparing to cross Millennium Bridge. Not alone..."

"MIRÓ - Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed inside. So we have to stay only with what was shown outside."


"PUNCH & JUDY - A nice balcony for a beer at the end of the day in Covent Garden"

"PEOPLE - Always lots of people in London"

"TRAFALGAR SQUARE - Preparing for the 2012 Olympic Games"

"NELSON - Definitely turned his back to the show..."




Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Holiday in Portugal - 41 years of democracy and 45 years I met my wife. Time to blog. Cheers...
London is so familiar, but sometimes there are some aspects we have not yet noticed. Probably it’s not the case of this post, but anyhow... I didn’t want to miss Nelson turning his back to the 2012 London Games...
Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Nikon said...

Hi Gil,
I didn't know about the holiday in Portugal - Happy Anniversary to Portugal & to you & the wife!
My favorite shot of London was the first photo of the crowds going into the Tate - that's a great shot!
And then the grey skies; everywhere!
I'd love to visit Portugal & London!
Have a great time,& best wishes to you & the wife!

Sylvia K said...

Great to see your post and wonderful captures!! Wishing a very Happy Anniversary to you, your wife and Portugal!! Enjoy!!! Thanks for sharing the fun and the celebration!!

Emery Roth said...

Hi Gil,
I'l always good to talk to young men. I first met my wife 51 years ago. She is a piper, so I was glad to see one in your pictures. At last you are at a place we've been. I hope you'll watch for my book. Making it has been one of the great joys of retirement.

BRASS VALLEY: The Fall of an American Industry

magiceye said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Lovely pictures as always!

Cloudia said...

Feels like being there!

ALOHA from Honolulu,

eye in the sky said...

Lovely London and I am missing it.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Gil,
Happy Anniversary!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful views of London, great collages too!
Greetings from Italy, happy weekend!

A Lady's Life said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the bag pipes and the view from way up there.
Love the bicycles. Seems like an awful lot of fun.

Ingrid said...

I know London very well and go often there. With the Eurostar it takes not even 2 h to get there from Brussels. Sofia looks beautiful, so far I have never been to an Eastern country.

diane b said...

A great city with a variety of architecture.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary Gil. Same years for us! whew!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. The architecture is amazing.

alicesg said...

Beautiful photos of London. You must have travelled the whole world. Have a great week ahead.

Cergie said...

Londres vaut bien un arrêt et même plus. J'y suis passée plus tard que toi, juste avant les JO paralympiques. Mais très vite aussi.
Un livre te conviendrait bien, de David Lodge : "Small World", un tout petit monde en français, l'élément d'une trilogie, certaine scènes se passent à l'aéroport de Londres >

Thérèse said...

De belles vues d'une ville que l'on a jamais fini de découvrir. Traditions... petits pois sucrés... Nelson... Miro... Tout y est!

yyam said...

I love London! Thanks for sharing these pics! Hope you are having a lovely week!

Indrani said...

Hi Gil,
so glad to hear from you after a long time. I am planning to tour Portugal in the last week of May. I will be in Lisbon for a couple of days. Any tips on what to cover and what not. :)

Anonymous said...

London, a place I've always been dreaming to step on oneday. Beautiful sky and lots of people hoping one day to bump some of them.. haha! Wonderful views!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello greetings and good wishes.

Breathtaking photos and very interesting information.

I remember reading an article when I was young under the heading ==COVENT GARDEN AT DAWN.

Best wishes

Nisha Jha said...

Beautiful shots and the architecture is amazing.

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes! Wonderful photos, as usual.
~ Paz

Stella Bella said...

Hey you! :)

Happy Anniversary! :) Ours are 11th this year! :-)

My 2014 was a bit strange. Had some problem with my health but I am better now! :) Full of beans again! Yeah!

hope you are well! :) keep exploring... bye bye

I miss London and Lisbon :)
Nice photos!

Greg Prosmushkin said...

Thanks for sharing all of these photos of your trip to London. Some many wonderful places you were able to visit. Have a wonderful rest of your day and keep up the posts.
Greg Prosmushkin