"ARRIVING TO KOM OMBO, fifty kilometres north of Aswan"
"KOM OMBO - Located on the east bank of the Nile, the Temple was dedicated to two gods: Horus, the falcon god, and Sobek, the crocodile god. Being of Greco-Roman structure, it dates back to the year 119 BC, when Ptolemy VI, who started the construction, built it out of limestone"

"THE TEMPLE - The left side of the Temple was dedicated to Horus the elder, god of victory, and the right side to Sobek, the crocodile god. The Temple, however, became famous for its healing power, becoming a major pilgrimage site"



"HATHOR, SOBEK & HORUS - And the birth in the middle..."


Hi Everybody! Thank you very much for your continuous support during this year and hopefully also during the next one... I wish you all the best foir 2011!!
Horus, the falcon headed, and Sobek, the crocodile headed, are reigning on this post. And the Temple, just by the Nile, allows you some awesome views from the ships cruising to and from Aswan... Enjoy, don’t forget to drop a line here, enter 2011 in great shape with lots of health, joy and champagne... Dom Perignon 2002 will do... ;))
Happy New Year!!
mes meilleurs voeux pour l'annee 2011 et toujours plein de voyage...
Happy New Year, Gil!
Ca ne va pas tarder... Happy 2011 !
Que de beaux paysages et de beaux monuments, vous devenez très certainement de grands experts!
Bonne année 2011!
The Oasis was great to look at. The temple of Horus is impressive. The sunken reliefs have a special effect. Wishing you a very happy New Year.
Impressive photographs! Happy New Year to you and your wife.
Joyce M
Very interesting trip that you have there. The photos are beautiful and I guess the paintings on the walls tell much about the history of the past.
Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2011 be a better year for all of us.
Time for the Old (or New) Cataract?
Beautiful and enchanting as usual!
Yes, 2010 was a great year with holidays in Portugal and meeting Mr & Mrs Blogtrotter! Let's wish us all a wonderful 2011, maybe with a visit in Paris by the wonderful couple! :-)
I'm trying to catch up on you, Trotter. So....you've not been to Muscat? Keep trying!
Beautiful place to meet New Year:)
happy new year! :) Stay happy and healthy! :D wish you all the best for 2011!
Beaucoup d'eau parce que beaucoup de soleil et le désert s'il ne fleurit pas verdit. En février ce devait être très agréable comme saison pour cette escapade...
Vous êtes vous donc convertis à la religion du dieu soleil ?
Tu nous emméneras encore l'année prochaine dans des lieux de rêve, mais je me demande bien où.
Bonne année 2011 , Gil !
(Et si vous passez à Paris voir Mr P. faites signe)
I've never heard of low relief and sunken relief. Beautiful. My favorite would be the 1st photo.
To my penultimate favorite traveler -
more eye-popping travels, good health and happiness.
Happy New Year, Trotter! :->
AMAZING GIL!! it's like being in a different world!
i hope you enjoy the final party of the year!! feliz año nuevo amigo!!
Happy New Year Trotter!!
Enjoyed your blog all year and hope to continue enjoying it.:)
Truly enchanting history. Can you imagine what it would look like if they fixed those ruins and modernized them to original form?
I love such history. Imagine going back to Ptolomy days?
Ones imagination could run wild here.
A great variety of wonderful photos.
Dear Gil, I wish you and your wife all the best for the next year,
Wishing YOU Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
wonderful trip! i wish i was there to see all these. truly stunning monuments!
Have a wonderful 2011!
Love to you and your family from your friends in Argentina.
Mike and Alicia
So much history in these photos ~ Now tell me the difference between low relief & sunken relief !!
Have a wonderful New year
Happy New Year, Gil!!!
Love the photos of the temple and the last shots of Aswan.
I've really been enjoying this trip through your camera lens, Gil. I can't get over hwo well preserved so much of the hieroglyphics are! It was interesting tio see some of the reliefs still showed paint color. I'd love to cruise the Nile.
Happy and healthy 2011 to you and your family! I can't wait to see where you take us next!
Gorgeous night photos:) Happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for your kind words on my blog.
Love those shots of the water. And look at all those large structures. What were they for? Was that where the leaders lived?
Happy New Year!!! May this year bring you everything your heart desires.
Thank you for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. I'll see you again tomorrow!
There is so much to see and enjoy in this one post.The majestic grandeur, skill in painting and carving,beautiful places, lovely breath taking sunsets and so on.Thanks for taking us to another wonderful place.
Best wishes to you and your family in the new year.
Hello Gil! A fabulous temple, the reliefs are so thrilling! I enjoy the whole series of images and collages!
Have a Joyful 2011!
Just fabulous photos! I've really enjoyed the tour! Thanks for a great year of sharing! All the best in 2011! :)
The age of this temple is incomprehensible.The hieroglyphics are awesome.
A real pleasure to see that great projects are not the invention of the last couple of centuries and "the Western World". Culture and History hand in hand.
Happy New Year!
A wonderful tour! Hope we can visit these places one day:) Happy New Year to you and your family. All the best!
Beautiful archaeological, historical and natural treasures depicted by stunning image.
Happy New Year to you and yours,
Great series! It reminded me my trip to Egypt in 1998 (Hurghada, night drive to Cairo, two days in Cairo, train to Aswan, 4 days Nile voyage to Luxor, back to Hurghada for a week near Red Sea). Wonderful memories!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Shalom Gil and a very happy new year to you. Wishing you many new travel adventures in 2011.
Too many Gods ... I'm lost :D
Wishing you many good travels in 2011.
ps/ you are right about Zafon, I'm currently enjoying every page.
Hi Trotter!
So nice to hear from you hope you are doing well and happy new year 2011! I remember reading your posts on Russia before going there last year and now I am on the way to Mexico, so I am going to check that out!
Crocodile god? hehe that was funny, but then in India there's elephant god!
This has some of your very best photos. I love the first shot and the one of the beach umbrellas and columns. I also love the big shot of Kom Ombo. Thanks for these treats.
Can I have a glass of that DOM? hmmm... I love ice cold champagne! :) Happy New Year Gil to you and your beautiful wife. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your cruising and camera shots. It's been amazing and I look forward to visiting more fabulous place in 2011.
excellent, excellent photos! happy 2011! thanks for always sharing your photos with us.
Just incredible! Thank you so much for this remarkable tour generously filled with wonderful photos.
Happy New Year!
Placid waters, iconic locations and a great deal of beauty in history! Thanks so much for showcasing them. I pray that time takes you places and that you share some wonderful snippets that will continue to hold us all in awe!
OMG! This is absolutely incredible place! I am impressed!
Happy New Year to you and your wife--may you have many interesting trips in 2011 to share with us :-) This is so beautiful, I want to go there sooooo badly!
Great pics.
A trip to Egypt is high in my travel list, hope it happens this year.
Wish you and all your loved ones a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Happy New Year..all the best for 2011...These are stuning shots coupled with great history...you make me dream my friend.
Wow fascinating! Thank you for sharing Trotter.
Happy New Year to you and to your family. Best Wishes.!
Fantastic!! Hope you had a wonderful New Year!!
Bonne année - et surtout une sans des évènements comme ceux d'Alexandrie.
Interesting photos.
HEllo Mr. And Mrs. Trotter.
Thank you for these great photos. I have a friend who will be going to Egypt. I'm sending her your way!!
Happy 2011!!!!
Wonderful temple. The carvings are amazing.
"happy new year"
egypt seems to be a dream land. i missed an opportunity to visit this place in july 2010. but surely after looking at these beautiful pics of egypt i have to plan a trip. such a miracules place.
How amazing to see such a place. Just the photos take my breath away, I can't imagine being there in person. It is all so overwhelming. You are so lucky to be able to travel so extensively and I do appreciate your sharing the experience with me.
Sorry, sorry I'm late - Happy New Year!
I've been...packing! I want to check every item we have here, no rubbish or extra coming with us anymore.
Hard and boring work but helps when relocated and unpacking...
Have a good week!
hey there!!
happy new year!!!
just came bck from long long vacation and your pics wanna make me dash off to another!!!!
egypt is definitely on my list of must visit places!!!!!
Hi Folks! Hope you entered 2011 in great shape and wish you a fantastic Year! Things are definitely not running for the best here on this corner of the world, but I’m confident we’ll manage to survive… Meanwhile, memories of old travels will continue to keep this blog active and your comments will make it an appealing, though limitedly known and visited site…
As you may see from the dates, the delay in posting has been below the traditional one year during these last three months, and with the lack of travelling during 2010, it will probably remain so… My target will be to try to keep close to the nine month period; not too bad, I think… ;)
Merci. J’espère voir tes photos de New York cet année et, si j’en ai de la chance, peut-être tu verras aussi quelques-unes de Manhattan chez Blogtrotter Two. Il y a longtemps que je n’y vais pas, mais le monde est trop grand et il y tant de pays à voir… ;)
The same to you!! Will be this year that you will finally head South!! It would be great to see you here in Lisbon!!
Voilà! Il est arrivé et, heureusement, n’est pas venu avec le Beaujolais Nouveau, mais, par contre, avec du Dom Pérignon… ;))
Tu sais, maintenant j’aimerais bien devenir expert en Patagonie, un rêve depuis des années… Mais, malheureusement, il semble que 2011 ne sera pas encore l’année de l’aventure à la Chatwin… ;)
It’s not technically an oasis, but it looked an interesting denomination for the picture. The river, the green and the desert so close…
The site is impressive; the pictures are just regular photos, nothing special on any of them… ;)
There aren’t actually any remaining paintings on the wall, just some on the ceiling of one of the buildings… But the reliefs are extraordinary… and the hieroglyphs are fascinating…
Yeah! Just arriving to Aswan… And the Old Cataract will reopen as a Sofitel in September 2011. Shall we go? ;)
This year is going to be terrible with the interest rates on the sovereign debt of Portugal bringing a huge crisis to this country… Maybe the only chance to get away will be an escapade to Paris… Let’s see!
Never in the area… ;-(. But maybe one of these days, surely if the Euromillions jackpot lands at home, we’ll manage to get there… New Year’s Eve and Fireworks in Dubai were absolutely crazy…
Part Two:
It might be, but we were there in February and I prefer New York for the New Year… ;)
Wow! Welcome back! Great to read you here… Happy and healthy would be great!! And with some «time» for travelling would be even better… ;)
A mon avis, février est le meilleur mois pour aller en Egypte… et aussi en Inde, dans les Caraïbes, etc. Février devrait être une année toute entière dans ces endroits ;))
Avec l’Algarve ici à côté, pas de surprise d’être converti à la religion du dieu Soleil… ;). Mais si on passe par Paris, ville de lumière… artificielle… ;)), on fera signe…
It’s probably a most sophisticated distinction, but it comes in the books and of course in Wikipedia…
That first photo gives actually the feeling of cruising the Nile…
Great to read you here!!
Feliz Ano Novo!!
Thanks! Hope to continue reading your comments here at Blogtrotter Two and your delicious posts in your blog!!
I wonder how would it be if they bring the ruins back to the original shape, in particular with the original colours… Incredible!!
Great to read you back here!! Long time no see, but it’s always a pleasure to read your comments…
I’m always planning and dreaming my most expected trip to Patagonia (Argentinean and Chilean…); maybe one of these days I’ll manage to visit my blog friends in Argentina…
OK dear, here it is the difference, according to Wikipedia:
“A bas-relief ("low relief", […] from the Italian basso rilievo) or low relief is a projecting image with a shallow overall depth. The background is very compressed or completely flat, as on most coins, on which all images are in low relief. Bas-relief is very suitable for scenes with many figures and other elements such as a landscape or architectural background. […]
High relief (or alto relievo, from Italian) is where the most prominent elements of the composition are undercut and rendered at more than half in the round against the background. All cultures and periods in which large sculptures were created used this technique. It is seen in "monumental sculpture" and architecture from ancient times to present.
Sunken relief, also known as intaglio or hollow relief, is where the image is made by carving into a flat surface. The images are usually mostly linear in nature. It is most notably associated with the art of Ancient Egypt, where the strong sunlight usually needed to make the technique successful for images is present most of the time. […]”
BTW, a contribution to the financing of the budget of the Wikipedia Foundation was my good action last day of the year…
Part Three:
Aswan is not extraordinary, but there are some true gems in the neighbourhood… And the bridge at night was a true delight for photographers, though I always have a problem with night pictures… ;)
You probably have been enjoying this trip as much as I have been enjoying posting it… Choosing the pictures, making collages, writing the texts to go with, all that takes a lot of time, but it is also a way of making a week long trip last for months… ;))
The hieroglyphs are very well preserved on this temple; and the reliefs have one particular feature: there is a section dedicated to surgical instruments and there is even a relief showing a woman giving birth to a child in a rather awkward manner…
Next stops will be in Europe… ;)
The night shots of the bridge came out better than usual… But the view of the city is a bit blurred (or at least there was some mist in the air… ;)
The large structure in the picture is the Temple of Kom Ombo; apparently, like most temples anywhere, it was a place of worship, not exactly the residence of the pharaoh… ;)
Thanks! You always find much more in the posts and pictures than what I manage to see and put in there… Like I use to say about the laws, they seem to be always more intelligent than their creators… ;))
The reliefs are great. In particular the one with Horus, Sobek and the pharaohs… Amazing!!
Thanks for a lovely year of support and also for the wonderful creativity you put on your own blog!
Diane B,
According to Wikipedia, «The temple was started by Ptolemy VI Philometor (180-145 BC) at the beginning of his reign and added to by other Ptolemys, most notably Ptolemy XIII (51-47 BC), who built the inner and outer hypostyle halls. […] Much of the temple has been destroyed by the Nile, earthquakes, and later builders who used its stones for other projects. Some of the reliefs inside were defaced by Copts who once used the temple as a church».
Yeah! It seems that there were already huge projects similar to the contemporary TGV trains and new airports made at those times… Egypt is a immense and long lasting culture bath and a paradise for anyone interested in History and Culture… I was truly impressed!!
While the wish is there, start packing… ;) I’m sure that one of these days you’ll be showing pictures of your trip to Egypt in your blog…
Thanks! I wish I had for the replies to the comments here the same conciseness you showed to qualify the presentation!! Sharp!!
Part Four:
Oh dear, driving, taking trains and boats in Egypt, that must have been an experience… ;). I just flew and cruised… ;))
I’ve never been to Hurghada, but Gattina, who went there this year (her tenth year holiday in Egypt…) always show a lot of pictures of the place on her blog… It looks interesting, depending on the resort… And in Winter it seems that Russia, Poland and the Scandinavia moves there to avoid the «lovely» cold weather up north… ;)
I wish I can have time enough to make all those travels that are just there waiting for you to jump in… Not in 2011, I think… We’ll see!
Try India if you want to see what is a huge pantheon!!
Have you been sleeping a bit? While reading Zafon is terribly difficult to leave the book… ;)
Great to read you back here after so long… So, Russia and now Mexico; you have been travelling far… Except for this Egyptian adventure, I’ve been much closer in Europe… ;)
Ganesh is a favourite… But Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus and Sobek also make a great company!! ;)
Thanks! Coming from an expert is quite a compliment!! The first one came out rather well, and the view of the temple from the upper deck of the ship was simply gorgeous…
We’ll save some Dom Perignon for you, when you’ll come to Portugal, which hopefully will be rather sooner than later… 2002 is the vintage now selling; is that OK? ;)) I’ll do my best to get to some wonderful places, but it’s not an easy task, anticipating the crisis that we’ll be facing in the near future…
Thanks, thanks, thanks… ;))
Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two! Love to read your comment here and look forward to reading many more in the near future…
My pleasure to show you all this!!
I’ll try to make my best to get some good pictures of interesting spots just to have the pleasure of reading your comments at Blogtrotter Two… Thanks a lot for your permanent and challenging support!!
Believe me, you’ll be also impressed coming to visit Portugal… much more than visiting a dreadful Portuguese restaurant in Warsaw… ;)
Start packiiiiiiiiiing… ;) I wish that you are right and that we may have lots of interesting trips in 2011; but it doesn’t look so evident that it may happen…
Part Five and final, four the time being...
I’m sure you’ll be travelling to Egypt and elsewhere very soon… And hope you enjoy it as much as we did…
Great escapade a cruise on the Nile... No need to drive and, like in any other cruise, the hotel travels with you... ;)
Great to see you back in action... ;) Look forward to reading you here as often as before the Cafe Pause... ;)
Great! Come back soon...
Bon, il semble que la relation des musulmans avec les coptes est en train de se détériorer d’une façon tragique… Espérons que ça ne se transforme pas dans un autre conflit à ne finir jamais…
World Tour,
Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two…
Hope the pictures and the posts may help your friends to profit from the best there is in Egypt... And there is a lot to see and enjoy in a trip to Egypt...
I wouldn’t say that it is miraculous, but it’s a wonderful destination; furthermore if you have any sort of interest on ancient history... But I wouldn’t recommend going there in July, unless you want to get more than forty degrees centigrade every day... ;)
You have been in so many cruises, why not trying a river cruise once for a change... But don’t think it was so «extensively»... As Blogitse said once, the fact that I take thousands of pictures and the fact that I show a single item on each post, makes it feel that the one week long trip lasted a month or so... Pure illusion... ;)
Packing and packing again? Where are you moving to? Lisbon? ;)
Wow, another long vacation... Lucky girl... ;)
Hi Trotter, best wishes for the new year and lots of more travels!!
The temple looks great, expecially the Hypostyle Hall.
Thanks! the same to you!!
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