Saturday, March 05, 2011


NICE - JUNE 2010

"SACHA SOSNO'S VENUS - Alexandre Joseph Sosnowsky, known as Sacha Sosno, was born in Marseille of an Estonian father and a mother from Nice. The Venus at the Elysée Palace Hotel in Nice is made of bronze and granite and is 26m high"

"VIEWS FROM THE ELYSÉE PALACE HOTEL - Mediterranean sea: from rough to calm... and the Villa Furtado Heine"

"CIMIEZ PARK - With Satchmo"













Trotter said...

Hi Folks! Nice is nice and you’ll check it in this post... ;) And there is always a possibility for you to exercise my favourite sport: sea watching!!! ;)
Enjoy, don’t forget to leave your comment and have a great day, whichever it is when you drop by... ;)

A Lady's Life said...

Hi ! Nice is Nice. I sure love the place.
And I also love sea watching and diving.

Have a good one.:)

SusuPetal said...

That Square Head looks a little out of place. Maybe it should go better in some other town.

The sea is so blue!

Nikon said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful place, Gil. I'd love to go there someday.I'd love to be there now!
(I agree that the "square head" sculpture is for the birds :)

Anonymous said...

Square Head is ....well....let's just say...not my cup of tea but it's fun to look at. Thank you Gil for giving us such beautiful photos of places most of us can't experience. That last photo is worthy of a prize. You should enter it in a contest for sure! :)

eye in the sky said...

Awww brings back memories. Indeed is nice.

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Nice does look very nice! Maybe I can see it one day. . .

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

I just adore Nice! Would love to vacation here again some time...

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! Nice is nice, it's so true, and with your beautiful images you describe so well this attractive town. Thanks for this very enjoyable tour!
Happy Sunday :-)

Dianne said...

Oh~ I agree Nice is very nice. Lovely lot of pics I would like to be strolling along the beautiful Promenade-Des-Anglais right now.
"All Things French"

magiceye said...

lovely images indeed!

Regina said...

I'm loving this part of France. Wow thank you Trotter for the tour.
Have a great day.

Light and Voices said...

Oh my gosh, is that me there sea watching? just kidding. Very interesting photos.
Joyce M

Chuckeroon said...

Nice is a disappointment! I looked hard but couldn't spot Mrs Trotter!! But I found her in Grasse - or was it Cannes? I also noticed how you cleverly juxtaposed yourself with the Negresco - there you are down on Pebble Beach but cleverly teasing me you were at the N. I'm hoping to be on C. d'Az this April. Oh, and don't forget - Oman awaits you.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Honestly, would you live in nice Nice?
I certainly wouldn't.

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Many thanks for taking me to another wonderful place on this earth. Nice is a lovely place and your magnificent photos add charm to your narration. I thoroughly enjoyed this post.

rochambeau said...

OH YES! Cote D'Azure IS very Nice.
Adore the photo of the "sea watchers. I'm into sea watching. It's good for the soul~~

Happy Day to you and Mrs. T, Gil!


Cloudia said...

From Venus on down:

a lovely visit/post!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral



alicesg said...

Nice is nice. :) Very beautiful scenery especially the photo of the scenery taken through the frame. Have a nice day.

seema gupta said...

Nice is really nice, what a miraclous beauty..... you are lucky enough to visit heavens on the earth ha ha ha .

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Belle région, surtout en cette période hivernale sans la foule de l'été.
Et très saine occupation : observer la mer (tout comme observer la neige et la montagne, ce que je viens de faire pendant deux semaines).

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Now I know why Nice is named the way it is!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. The structures are interesting an unique.

Ingrid said...

In a little more than a month I will be there too !
Nice pictures !

Cergie said...

La dernière fois que je suis descendue dans le sud de la France guère loin de Nice, j'ai dormi dans ma tente igloo sous des chênes liège. Heureusement qu'il y avait la clôture électrique pour retenir les moutons et les ânes de mon beau-frère, non que je craigne les moutons ou les ânes mais parce que je ne tiens pas à me retrouver face à un sanglier...
La Côte d'Azur c'est beau mais surtout quand il y a le moins de monde possible....

Ola said...

First think that comes to my mind is the advantages of such a localization-such view guarantees that the city itself will aslo be beautiful

joo said...

It's a lovely place indeed! I love this post - all photos are terrific, but my favourite is the last one - smashing:)

Emery Roth said...

This is a place we might just get to. France is near the top of our list for our next international travel. The thing that seems to keep us home is how we hate airports these days. However, a former student living in Paris keeps tempting us with a place to stay.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Gil!

I agree, Nice is nice! I loved the photo of the Russian Orthodox Church but I can't say the same for the "square head' object.

I also enjoy sea watching..there is soemthing so relaxing about watching the waves coem to shore.

PS: Sydney, Australia was very beautful --I can see why you said it was one of the world's most beautiful cities!

Georgianna said...

Hi Gil, you are right. Nice is nice! Wonderful tour as always. Not sure about the square head sculpture but all else is marvelous. Have a great week! Georgianna

BLOGitse said...

Nice Nice indeed!
Sea watching...we did that a lot in Sydney! :)
Now we're back in Casa.
Less than two weeks and I'll be back in Finland but how long we don't know yet, we have several options... (We both could've stay in Sydney longer, even to live...)

Ron said...

What a post! Nice sure is nice, thanks for sharing. It looks like a beautiful place.

PeterParis said...

Nice, Nizza, is in my mind the place where you can find the best pizzas - thin with a lot of stuff on top! In my professional life, I had them quite often, as I had reasons to go there regularly.

Square head; I once noted in a dictionary that squarehead was especially used to describe Scandinavians. I really felt flattered! :-)

So, Negresco was closed for restoration. Not even the bar was open?

Lori said...

Ah, what a lovely place. I visited Nice years ago and absolutely loved it. Your photos are wonderful and make me long to go back. That Russian Orthodox Cathedral is amazing.

Unknown said...

My view from here: an out of place Square head!! I say 'Yes' to the lovely Russian Orthodox Church.

diane b said...

a fun place to visit. I love the Russian Orthodox Church. I couldn't get carried away with the pebble beaches, we are too spoilt with beaches in Australia.

juka1 said...

The Russian Orthodox Cathedral looks really great, I like the style. The Squarehead is a bit weird...

Urmi said...

I was extremely busy for past few months thats why could not visit your blog.
Excellent pictures and amazing place. I missed lot of beautiful posts of yours.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, as usual. I like the photo of the wedding party and I especially like this last photo. I'd love to be sitting there, watching the sea and relaxing. ;-)


Indrani said...

Nice Nice. :)
Terrific views from the place, hope to visit it some day.

yyam said...

Wow! Nice looks like a really lovely vacation spot! Love your pictures! :)

Happy weekend!

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! I’m still knocked down by what happened (and is still happening) in Japan... It seems that any progress one makes will never hinder Sisyphus’ myth to prevail... And so everything will have to be started from bottom again... What a tragedy!!
Nice is probably not the best place to live on Earth, but from my point of view is the best basis to visit the Côte d’Azur... And it also has its own enchantments to delight the visitors... ;). Thanks for your comments, and here it is what they suggested to me...

Sea watching is definitely a terrific sport!! But sometimes it may be horrendously devastating, as it happens when we see the images of the Japanese or the Indonesian tsunamis...

I’m not so sure that Sasha’s Square Head is out of context over there... It’s close to MAMAC and there you’ll find even weirder objects of art... So, it’s not out of the context... ;)

Well, hopefully the weather has changed and your wish to be there isn’t so strong now... ;))

We can’t forget that the Square Head is just across from the MAMAC, which ids the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Nice...
Thanks for the compliment! I also love this last picture of sea watchers... ;)

Great to bring your good memories back!!

Great to read you back here after so long!! I’m sure you’ll make it to the Côte one of these days... Rather sooner than later... ;)

Wow! Welcome back!! Nice and the Côte are surely your cup of tea... ;) But I’m more interested now on your trip to Argentina: don’t you need an assistant to help you there? ;))

I’m glad that you liked! Thanks!!

Strolling from the Quai des Etats-Unis to the Promenade des Anglais is definitely a wonderful walk...


Trotter said...

Part Two:

My pleasure to bring you around the Côte d’Azur... And I’m glad that you love the virtual trip...

It could be you... ;) It’s incredible when you look at such a serene landscape to imagine the devastating power of the awful tsunami we just saw on TV destroying so many lives and cities in Japan...

It’s not an easy task to find Mrs in Nice; Grasse is more adequate for the search... ;)). Hope you enjoy the Côte next month, but beware; the Negresco was closed for restoration works; it’s now reopened, but they have to recover the investment; so be prepared to pay... ;))
Oman will be probably waiting a bit more now; I was thinking of Petra, but it seems things are also a bit troublesome there...

I wouldn’t probably live in nice Nice, but I wouldn’t surely live in Marseille (nice or whatever)... ;))

My pleasure!! Thanks!

Good for the soul, it depends... After seeing the videos of the tsunami in Japan, it’s far from being relaxing...

Great Venus...

The framed castle from the garden of the Franciscan monastery came out in a particular good shape...

Thanks! Not so heavenly though... ;))

C’est vrai qu’en juillet/août la foule occupe tout l’espace disponible (et même l’espace pas disponible…) sur la Côte… Mais je me rappelle une fois en 1983, quand j’ai été à Nice: c’était le Carnaval et quand je suis allé à Cannes l’âge moyenne des passants dans les rues, boulevards et cafés était, au moins, 80 ans… ;))

Trotter said...

Part Three:

It could be a bit nicer though... ;) But it’s nice enough to deserve a visit and, in particular, to serve as a basis for visiting its surroundings... ;)

You lucky girl: always travelling around... and, furthermore, to the best spots on Earth... ;))

Disons qu’habiter un igloo auprès des moutons et des ânes, sous la menace des sangliers, en plus sans la présence proche d’Obélix, n’est pas mon rêve de vacances… ;))
Ce n’est pas facile avoir la Côte vide, sauf en hiver quand il pleut et fait froid et la moyenne d’âge est tout près des quatre-vingt ans… ;)

You are probably right with regard to the localization: Nice is probably the best basis to start moving around the Côte...

Thanks! When I saw that line of people sitting in front of the Mediterranean Sea and watching the water, I told myself: This is it!!

If you have time, combine the Côte with the Provence, but definitely avoid them from late June through early September... Late May (out of the Cannes Festival dates and early June are my favourites, furthermore because days are longer... ;))
Airports are becoming a nightmare these days, in particular when crossing the North Atlantic...

Well, maybe we should consider both as expressions of art, and in that case the differences might dilute themselves... ;))
It’s incredible how the circumstances can change our perception; before the Japanese tsunami, your comment about how relaxing is to watch the waves come ashore wouldn’t even need to be qualified; after...
True beauty, Sydney!! And they merge the red and blue hop on-hop off buses or do they still keep the two separated routes? And the ferry to Manly... what a ride that is!!

Come on; poor Sacha Sosno did his best to show that Square Head and nobody likes his effort... ;))

Sea watching in Sydney is the cherry on the top of the cake... I use to say that Sydney is one of two most beautiful cities in the World... with the advantage of being it the whole year... ;)
I can’t believe you’ll be leaving Casa without coming to Lisbon... ;)


Trotter said...

Part Four and final, for the time being...

Don’t remember Nice for the pizzas, but that is a good hint...
You’re right! Look at what I found at the «Squarehead is a late 19th century ethnic slur directed at German and Scandinavian immigrants. The phrase is meant quite literally as a disparaging reference to the cranial features, though often just used as a generic ethnic slur against those groups»…
Not even the bar was open at the Negresco... ;-(

Welcome back here!! I’m truly glad to bring back your good memories of Nice and its surroundings...

Everybody loves the Cathedral; nobody loves Square Head... See how cruel life is, Sasha... ;)

You’re right with regard to pebble beaches... With the golden sand beaches we have in Algarve, just seeing all those rocks under one’s feet makes anyone nervous... ;)

OK, a bit weird, but that was probably the intention of the author... ;)

Wow! Great to read you back here!! I was concerned that nothing happened on your blogs since December... Anyhow, the posts at Blogtrotter Two are still here, so you may enjoy at your own discretion... ;)

They were enjoying the views from the garden of the Franciscan monastery!! And the bride looked very happy... ;)
After the tsunami, we can’t avoid having to think twice when watching the sea...

I’m sure you will... Last time you were quite close...

It’s a nice basis to see the rest... ;)

elvira pajarola said...

Absolutely enchanting trip through this lovely City; beautiful shots and magnificient combinations...but...: the last shot is just too sympatic: Sea watching...soooo lovely!!!!

ciao ciao elvira

Trotter said...

Sea watching is terrific; provided there are no tsunamis around...

Mariposa said...

very 'nice' jejejeje

Trotter said...

Great that you liked... ;))

Book said...

Nice post with excellent pictures. The pictures alone would make me want to go there, because they show how much character the place has!

Trotter said...

thanks, but I don't want to book any car neither in Bulgaria nor elsewhere...