Wednesday, June 22, 2011






"NONZA - From the beach to the tower"

"NONZA - View from the Tower"




"CENTURY-PORT - Lobster at «Le Vieux Moulin»"





Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Hope you’re enjoying this tour of Corsica! Better enjoy it as there are still a good bunch of posts to come... ;)). This one circles around Cap Corse...
Now, another Blogger mystery; can anyone tell me why can I do everything to prepare a post with Internet Explorer and when it comes to posting it I’ve to change browser because Blogger will remain indifferent to the orders given through Internet Explorer? Thanks! Also for the comments...

Olivier said...

des vues de reve, et puis vous avez le dieu du temps avec vous ;)

Oman said...

whoa, the rock formations are just sooooo gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Finland ! Yes, I am alive still and doing well actually :) And it is nice to see that you both are also doing well, you and your wife. Greetings to her too.

Your views from Corsica seems very inviting, thank you!

We were last November cruising at the Red Sea, visiting those normal tourist attractions of Egypt and then also from Jordan.
I started publishing photos - too many - , but that blog is more just for ourselves and for organizing those hundreds of photos :)And it is much under working now.

I will be back to Corsica with your new photos!

BLOGitse said...

What a place to visit...
I'm going to have a blogging break (too much to do in real life), see you again in the autumn! Have a nice summer!

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous captures of a breathtakingly beautiful place! Wish I was there right now! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!! Hope your week is going well!


PeterParis said...

I don't know how long you stayed there; all this and more to come! Anyhow, you obviously enjoyed this beautiful island! :-)

I don't know what kind of problem you have (had), but there are defintely occasional problems with blogspot and not easy to get any help, explanations. Yesterday, for a number of hours, it was impossible to upload photos ... and then it worked again. A couple of weeks ago my blog disappeared ... and then it came back! ...

Regina said...

Wow such beautiful place! Love the scenery!
Thank you for sharing.


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wonderful pictures. Your posts never cease to amaze me!

RNSANE said...

Absolutely breathtaking scenery and the sparkling blue Mediterranean is so beautiful. You are having too much fun! What a special part of the world.

Marja said...

great pictures. I love old villages against hills.

Emm said...

More Corsica! Yay! I really ove the second photo of the Mediterranean sea and the photo of the view from the tower at Nonza.

leo said...

Hi Gil, sorry can't give you any advise on comp things, I'm still a novice even after all these years :(
In one of your entry, you named it the sea show. It is indeed. So much blue. Almost all places are picturesque. I can almost smell the sea. Have a good week.

Ash said...

Marvellous photos, Gil!

lyliane six said...

Chers amis, Je suis allée en Corse du sud en 1982, belle île, mais Corse avant d être Française!!!!
je prépare en ce moment pour la fin de l'année mon voyage en Argentine.
Je n'ai pas trouvé beaucoup de photos de vous sur ce pays.
Bises à vous deux

Ron said...

Awesome post! Very beautiful scenery especially the shot with the boats.

Back from a trip to Disney. Pictures will be up later.

eye in the sky said...

My easy favorite is "Nonza - the View from the Tower". It's gorgeous, it looks like a painting.

magiceye said...

thank you for the wonderful virtual tour!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful landscape, I have been there when we did a mediteranian cruise.
I never use IE because Firefox is far better and also quicker and Blogger likes it ! With IE I always had troubles.

A Lady's Life said...

This is certainly a very interesting and different place completely to visit.
It seems quiet and very good for people who need a good rest.The view is spectacular.
and it feels so homey.

rochambeau said...

The azure colored water and the fading castle!! Enchanting!
The swimming pool isn't bad either!


Thanks again to you both!
Happy Weekend~


Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! How many thrilling views, so nice the landscape of Nonza from the tower with that beautiful red church! Another very enjoyable post!
Happy Sunday! :-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I haven't had any trublB with IE and blogger, Gil, so I'm not sure why you are having difficulties? Maybe it is a temporary glitch.

Corsica is certainly beautiful! I love the views from the tower area. I'm looking forward to seeing what foods you ate there in a future post :)

Nikon said...

A really beautiful place, Gil!
The sea is fabulously blue in your shot "Mediterranean Sea."
The shot of the village from the tower is beautiful, too - and I love the shots of the wooded hills.
great spot! Thanks for showing it to me!

yyam said...

Ahhh...just so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

I gave up on IE years doesn't support a lot of online programs...switch to Firefox or Chrome!

Cergie said...

Salut Gil, la semaine dernière j'ai trainé sur Paris et pas sur le net !
Que de détails magnifiques : des bateaux, des maisons, des rochers, des arbres et Madame Trotter.
Je peux juste prendre cette belle applique en angle, tu crois que ton hôtel s'apercevra de quelque chose ?

My Unfinished Life said...

lovely romantic!!

Emery Roth said...

I have no advice except that I avoid Explorer like the proverbial plague. Now, did I miss an explanation of that tower?

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Same Pisan towers as in Sardinian coasts, of course.
It's ok for a coffee 'aux pieds du MUR/Obrkampf, one day...

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Gil, YES!!!
Thanks for your comment on my blog, I enjoyed watching your trip to Corsica, A country where I ver never been yet, well not yet, When looking at your blog I really feel the need to visit Corsica, I love the harbors and vieuws. We will heding for France , to the : Midi Pyrineen and the "Lot" area also the coast we love to visit La Rochelle (France) . Have you ever been there too? Happy travelling and love to follow your blog.
Sunny greetings from JoAnn/Holland

Light and Voices said...

Nonza looks like paradise.


Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. I loved the aerial views.

Urmi said...

Thanks a lot for your lovely comment.
You are welcome at my new post-

Anonymous said...

A fun trip around the cape. ;-)

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Je comprends pourquoi on l'appelle l'île de Beauté !

juka14 said...

Hi Trotter, I'm having a very busy couple of months and unfortunately not much time for travelling.
It's good I can still see the great places you've visited. Keep posting them!

Anonymous said...

As I most likely will not take a vacation this summer I can enjoy the sea through your travels. Love that photo of the blue boats.

Try using firefox instead of IE. But blogger has been very buggy lately.

Tinsie said...

I'd love to visit Corsica one day!

Ola said...

the port picture is marvellous, living in such peaceful places must be pleasent!

Joseph Pulikotil said...


The photos are fantastic. Beautiful photos of beautiful places. They took may breath away.

Best wishes,

alicesg said...

Sorry that I missed this post. Looks like another lovely vacation for you. The view is so beautiful from where you are.

Cloudia said...

you show us such beauty!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral


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< ° ) } } > <

SusuPetal said...

I love the differences of height in the nature, high hills and mountains and sea lingering down under, beautiful.

Erika said...

Thanks for sharing with us your wonderful shots

P.N. Subramanian said...

The MEDITERRANEAN is mesmerizing.

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! Sorry for the delay, but I’ve had some troubles with my computer. The wireless keyboard seems to have some autonomous life: sometimes it doesn’t write; sometimes it duplicates the characters; sometimes it swallows the spaces... The wireless mouse acts accordingly; and the wireless printer only works if connected physically with a cable... Worthless wireless... or is this a virus?
Hope you’re doing fine! Enjoy your Northern Hemisphere Summer, before the crisis swallows us all in Europe!!

C’est mon soleil de poche qui fonctionne pas mal... ;)

Wait to see the rocks from the sea! Incredible!!

Great to read you back here!! And very glad to read that you’re doing well!!
We were in Egypt in February 2010 and it was a great experience!! We met Blogitse before she moved to Morocco and then to Helsinki!!
Your travel blog is fabulous!!

It seems everybody is making breaks!! No comments here... ;)

Easy! Just start packing... ;)

The least I stay, the more pictures I take... ;)
I’ve not yet tried to post again with the IE, but the last times I had to use Firefox. The publish button of the Explorer was dead...

My pleasure!!


Hope you’re feeling better!!

Old villages against the hills is what you have more in Corsica...

Trotter said...

Part Two:

That tower at Nonza is a treasure!!

I think we’ll always be novices facing the mysteries of Blogger and Internet Explorer... ;))
That sea show was truly amazing...

Great to read you here again!!

Alors tu pars en Argentine!! J’aimerais bien y retourner pour aller à la Patagonie… Peut-être un jour je réussirai… ;). C’est vrai que je n’ai pas beaucoup de photos d’Argentine, même si je suis allé là-bas quatre fois…, la dernière il y a dix ans… ;). Auparavant, je faisais des vidéos… Mais tu peux trouver des photos à

Great to have you back!!

Nonza was also a big surprise to me…

My pleasure!!

Thanks for the tip. I’m a bit uncomfortable with Firefox, but most probably I’ll have to surrender… ;)

Corsica is not really known for its calm… though the views are excellent… ;)

Everything great… ;)

Nonza is even much nicer than it looks in the pictures…

Trotter said...

Part Three:

Maybe is the the crossing of the Atlantic that makes IE and Blogger incompatible… ;))
Don’t think I took pictures of the food… And surely not of the (in)famous cheese… ;)

Those blues were amazing!!

Thanks for the hint!!

Paris... Maintenant je n’ai que des mémoires... Ah, et les chansons de Piaf, Greco, Montand… sur le Nano-Ipod… ;))
L’applique était intéressante ; voila pourquoi il est passé sur la Net… ;))


I understand your feelings about IE...
As for the Tower, like many others in Corsica, it was built by the Genoese to protect the land from the attacks coming from the sea... There are lots of them around Corsica ;)

Genoese towers rather than Pisan, I believe...
Sure for the meeting at Le MUR; but no coffee for me... ;)

Wow! Great to read you back here!!
I believe you’re going to make another great trip; so I’m looking forward to seeing those great pictures you shoot!!

It isn’t, but truly who wants Paradise... ;))

Aerial, but on firm land... ;))

I’ll check it out...

Trotter said...

Part Four and final, for the time being...

Great to read you back!! Funny indeed... ;)

Très justement!!

I’ll try, but I’m not travelling much either... The point is that I’m taking more photos in less travels... ;))

So, when will you come to Europe? After the crisis it may be too late... ;))
Truly buggy, you’re right!!

Welcome back!! Where are you? In UK or in Greece? Things are getting too tough for Europe and the Europeans...

Beautiful, ok; but peaceful? The day after I passed through Sartène, there was a vendetta and some people dead in the centre of town by the Saturday market... Not truly peaceful... ;)

Thank you for your support!!

Finally you didn’t miss...

My pleasure!!

Great to read you back!! And thank you for your support!!