Saturday, July 17, 2010



"GOAT - On the road from Cala Gonone to Cala Cortoe"

"CALA CORTOE - It used to be much emptier than it is nowadays, but still a nice alternative to the other beaches, south of Cala Gonone; the advantage is the arrival by land..."


"GENNARGENTU - A large massif in central Sardinia, it includes the highest peaks in the island, such as Punta La Marmora at 1,834 m"

"ISPINIGOLI CAVE - Famous for its spectacular stalagmites, including a magnificent 38m high column, the second largest in Europe. No pictures allowed..."

"OLIENA - A nice little town by the Gennargentu massif, it's also the birthplace of former Chelsea FC soccer player Gianfranco Zola. Who knew that? Only Wiki, and Zola himself... ;)"



"BOSA CASTLE - About 3 kilometers inland on the north bank of the Temo River, the beach in Bosa was voted the best in Italy in 2006. Next time..."


Trotter said...

Hi Folks! I’m happy to see that most of you are still around, though at least some of our blog friends are definitely in vacation out of the blogosphere; at least far from Blogtrotter Two... ;)) I’m envying Cergie, Hélène (probably only too busy...), Lynn, Peter, Susanne and Thérèse... ;))
Anyhow, for the poor guys staying around, I leave you with deep in Sardinia, which is also something that has its particular beauty... ;)). Enjoy, have a joyful weekend and a marvellous week!!

RNSANE said...

It's been fun seeing Sardini through your eyes since, I am sad to say, I don't think I'll make it any other way.

Best wishes and happy travels.

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

i'm still around...sometimes i am missing in action because i get very busy with my newborn and my 3-year-old!!! argh! sigh! loving your Sardinia series, though.

yyam said...

Awwww...I just love that first picture! That lone goat walking on the road against that beautiful landscape!

Have a beautiful weekend! :)

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

SusuPetal said...

For once, I can look at these photos without envy! The heatwave has been in Finland for over two weeks now and it has been 34 degrees Celsius! And you know, Gil, what that means to me who hates winter!

Helene is probably working too hard. Not good!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! Absolutely wonderful pictures! If I had my way, I'd recommend a knighthood for you, for having so wonderfully showcased some of the finest places that man can chance upon!

Oman said...

ahhh. nature at its best. i always drool whenever i visit your blog. awesome sights.

alicesg said...

Lovely place to be in and relax. I wish I can go for another holiday soon. Did the goat lost its way?

P.N. Subramanian said...

Beautiful Sardinia! I have fallen in love. Thanks.
Dear Gil, there is some thing new at my space.

BLOGitse said...

...and here I am inside...working on my new blogs...But. Most of it is done. Good.
Soon I'm able to blog again! :)
Happy Sunday,
greetings from Casa!


Ron said...

Very nice post. Lovin the goat close up.

Unknown said...

You really travel a LOT Gil :) Wish I was you for sure. Love the whole collage and again, anything with a beach is a sure good holiday. Am going to Vietnam this friday, pop over next week for some pictures :P

hpy said...

Where are the sardines?

Ezhilan said...

Wonderful captures of the place. I like the first photo with the mountain scene and the goat.

diane b said...

Looks a nice place to be in summer.

My Unfinished Life said...

surreal place, stunning photgraphs!!
i especially like the first pic of the goat!!

June (An Asian Traveler) said...

Wow, the water is crystal-clear. Sardinia seems a nice place to wander around.

magiceye said...

thank you for the wonderful virtual tour!

indicaspecies said...

Thank you for this lovely Sardinia series. The blue waters, especially in the previous post are just awesome!

Andrea Gerák said...

O si, absolutamente bellissima!
Thanks for visiting my Stockholm - yes, I don't even have time now to upload my pictures, not to mention posting them or checking out other blogs... Booking concerts and preparing to hit the road... :-)
Enjoy the summer!

Regina said...

Love the skies and waters.
Beautiful scenes and captures Trotter.
Thanks for sharing.

Happy weekend.

eye in the sky said...

That first pic alone is worth this visit already! What a lovely place.

Cergie said...

Et tu es jaloux de ceux qui sont en vacances, Gil ? La photo du dessus me rappelle (en moins plissée cependant pour la roche) où nous sommes passés il y a deux jours dans le Vercors. Mais aujourd'hui il fait si froid à Cergy que je n'arrive pas à avoir chaud en regardant tes photos.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Gil! Another fabulous trip through Sardinia! Very beautiful pictures, I enjoy them all! I like the beaches, with that water so clear!
Happy weekend :-)

Pietro Brosio said...

I forgot: it's very pleasant and interesting the collage of the roads!

Nikon said...

That is a beutiful island, Gil. I wish I could get there!
The sea and the island look stunning - I need a trip!

Emery Roth said...

You mean there is a beach you haven't visited? Thanks for adding the word, "massif" to my vocabulaty. Gee, all those road pictures!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Gil
Sardinia is certainly beautiful! The water looks so clean and warm. I liked the hilltop town and Bosa Castle
Have a good weekend!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful ! I would have loved to visit the "Grotte" !

NicoleB, Kuwait said...

What a gorgeous place!
I love those mountain & ocean views!

Anonymous said...

Back home now but my heart is still at the beach. :) As always Gil, spectacular photos and is that "Billy Goat Gruff" walking across that bridge? :)

Kunal Bhatia said...

Gorgeous pics! Greetings from Mumbai.
- - Mindless Mumbai

alady'slife said...

Woah I was going to say goat country and there a goat popped up lol
The water looks so delicious.
I can see myself swimming there. What a good life!!!

Joy said...

I would have loved some photos of the stalagmites! The water looks so inviting. It looks really clear and pure. Love the goat!

Looking forward to the week ahead?

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

Mariposa said...

beautiful Sardinia!!

Chuckeroon said...

Hey, Trotter! The goat is obviously playing it safe following the crash barrier. It looks as if he's had a heavy night out and is easing himself safely back home.

juka14 said...

Sardinia has a beautiful coastline, the Gennargentu is looking impressive also.

Rajesh said...

Fantastic captures. You always capture such fabulous views that wants us to travel in person and see ourselves.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Hi Gil,
No, not yet on holidays and I confess I'm fed up with Sardinia - only I have to go there until the property is sold.
Have a great week.

trotter said...

Hi Everybody! The heat wave seems to have been fustigating everyone in Europe; even Moscow got its share with a record high temperature of 37.2º centigrade... It’s completely crazy... So, with all this heat around, a great deal of laziness invades human life, and so creating new posts, visiting your blogs and replying to your comments, all suffer a great deal... ;)). Anyhow, I’ll try to put some thoughts on your comments during the week, and thanks for being so kind to drop a line here...

Trotter said...

Part One, with my excuses for those (if any...) who waited for the replies...

Don’t be so disappointed; things may change and you’ll probably be cruising some exceptional waters in the future... ;))

Congrats on your new born!! Being busy that way is surely a very happy event... And thanks for taking your time to drop by and comment here!!

That goat made the day for many visitors... It happened on a side road from Cala Gonone to Cala Cortoe, with a quite impressive view and some close encounters on the road... ;))

Not exactly in Tirol, but similar...

I can imagine two weeks on the thirties (centigrade) in Finland... ;)). I see how happy you must be...
Hélène is too busy; not good, I agree... ;))

Thanks! I take your blogger’s knighthood as granted... ;)). It’s my pleasure to re-live all that showing it on Blogger... ;))

Nature was truly at its best in some of the places in Sardinia...

Sardinia deserves your attention, even if G@tto says he’s already fed up with it... ;)). I’ll check your blog as soon as possible...

Great that things are now running much better than at the arrival in Casa... Hope the heat hasn’t been too much... But for someone acquainted with Cairo, this won’t be a problem... ;))

That goat was the only living species we met on that road... ;))

M. Kate,
I used to travel a lot; now it’s just an escapade now and then... ;). Vietnam? I’ve never been there, but I haven’t given up yet... ;))

Grilled, but you have to come to Lisbon... ;))

Thanks for your visit and first time comment here! I’m quite happy that you enjoyed...

It surely is... In winter I don’t know; but it’s most probably a bit on the dead side... ;))

Trotter said...

The first one could be a bit of a surreal world; the rest not so much... ;))

More than crystal clear... Surely a wonderful place for you to spend some time wandering...

My pleasure!!

You’re welcome! You know how much I love those blue sea waters... ;)

Wow! Welcome back!! Love to know that you’re alive in the blogosphere, further to everything else you’re also doing... So, when will your tour come by Lisbon?
My summer is just one week; but I’ll enjoy it... Promised!! ;))

Skies and waters are blue; no wonder you love them... That’s the most beautiful colour one can see... ;))

That was actually a close encounter... ;)

Mais bien sûr je suis jaloux; tout le monde se promène et moi je reste coincé au bureau… ;)). Ah, le Vercors ; il ne faut pas se plaindre… ;))

It’s usually blue around; but you can also catch some green… ;))

I think I’ve Sardinia posts for the whole summer; at least it shows something nice while you’re stuck in the office... ;)). My pleasure to show it to you and I’m glad that you like it!!
Those roads are amazing!!

How I understand you on the need for a trip... ;))

Incredible, but true; I missed that beach... ;))
«Massif» seems to appropriate to name the «stuff»: «compact group of mountain peaks», according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary... ;))

I suspect you would have a great time in Sardinia; furthermore eating all those fabulous Italian specialities... ;))

There will be a «grotto» for you to see in the coming posts; and what a cave it will be... ;)

Trotter said...

Part Three:

Truly gorgeous indeed!

How I understand your heart being at the beach... ;))
That’s probably the youngest of the three goats in the «De tre bukkene Bruse» story... But there was no troll around... ;))

Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two! One day I’ll see Mumbai... ;))

I wonder whether that goat is on the municipality payroll... ;))
You surely would enjoy swimming there...

There will be some pictures of the stalagmites in one of the near posts; just keep in touch... At Ispinigoli they didn’t allow pictures... and they didn’t even have a decent book with pictures for people to buy... ;))


Those goats are far cleverer than you can imagine... Maybe the guy had some time at the John Bull Bar in the neighbourhood... ;))

Coastline, mountains, beaches and much more you still have to see... Everything in Sardinia!! I wonder why G@tto is so fed up with it... ;))

My pleasure!! And I’m glad you enjoy travelling on my posts!

Come on, there is no reason to be fed up with Sardinia... unless you’re just selling the house to get something much better elsewhere... ;))

Trotter said...

How can you exchange links if you're anonymous... ;)