Thursday, May 27, 2010



"TOWARDS BODRUM - The Aegean blue..."



"CASTLE OF ST. PETER, built by the Knights of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta..."




"CASTLE - Another view"


"SEE YOU..."




Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! With my computer down, uploading and posting, as well as visiting your blogs became much slower and difficult. Furthermore, it suffers the challenge of the «Rock in Rio» festival in Lisbon, live on cable TV… ;) Anyhow, a sunset cruise is always something interesting and a good excuse for a drink and some golden pictures… Enjoy and have a great weekend!!

Cloudia said...



Aloha from Hawaii, Friend

Comfort Spiral

Olivier said...

encore une superbe ballade et les voiliers sont magnifiques...

SusuPetal said...

Blue sea, blue sky -can you ask for more!

Have a nice weekend, Gil.

L. Neusiedler said...

beautiful! and the sunset is amazing!

Oman said...

whoa. another awesome trip. i just love the golden rays of the setting sun.

Oman said...

whoa. another awesome trip. i just love the golden rays of the setting sun.

hpy said...

I wish you a weekend as golden as your golden sea.

BLOGitse said...

Cheers! :)
It's Friday - again!


diane b said...

Lovely warm pics to make our cooler nights feel better.

RNSANE said...

What wonderful photographs .... beautiful blue sea but, my favorite of all, is that sparking sunset picture! How I want to be there, enjoying life on the other side of the Atlantic!

I am thrilled that at the anciet age of 65, I just got my first book of poetry out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

Lakshmi said...

Blue has always been my fav colour..but this time, I love yr golden pics more

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi trotter friend Gil,
Sorry to hear that you had no internet, I know the feeling, Allthough you mad =e a great serie again from Bodrum, impressive sea and boats, wonderfull relaxing you + your wife are looking:)

As you noticed maybe, I am not very much "in the mood" to upload my own blog, my sick dog is having a hard time, (so do I) but don't worrie, I visit your blog anyhow,

Thanks for your wonderfull showing of waterpics, I always enjoy visiting your blog THANKS!!!

Greetings from JoAnn/Holland

eye in the sky said...

i thought they only use" disco" in canada. hmm, love the photos as usual. castle by the sea looks very dramatic too.

Urmi said...

Amazing pictures. Clear blue sky and blue sea looks wonderful. All the pictures are so nice that I feel like looking at them again and again. "See You" and "Golden Bay" pictures I liked very much.

alicesg said...

This is the kind of holiday I like. Very relaxing and no rush. Love those sailing ships. Thanks for your comments in my blog.

Unknown said...

Splendid scenes of the sea and the sunset. Unforgettable.

rochambeau said...

Heavenly, enchanting and amazing!
Thanks for taking all of us along with you on the cruise! Seeing the boats against the castle fabulous.
Happy Weekend to you and Mrs. T. and thank you!!!


Anonymous said...

I would like to visit and explore the castle.

Paz ;-)

A Lady's Life said...

beautiful ships and castle!
Well done!

Rajesh said...

Exceptionally Beautiful shots.

My Travel Photos

april said...

Wonderful photos - and of course, sunsets are best, so golden and romantic.

Nikon said...

Beautiful, Gil - it looks like a fabulous place to visit and live. The color of the water is so unlike what we have here in RI, USA.
(I think that you would need to own a boat to live there, though :)

Joy said...

The photos have a very historical feel to them. Really lovely. Love the sunset photos.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again. Enjoy a gorgeous weekend!

Emery Roth said...

Now that's what I call a castle. Did you go ashore and explore? Excellent sunset shots too. Looks like a place I should go.

Beefybob7 said...

Hi Gil,

Well I see on your visitor list there is Canada 1. Must be me! So it works. We have a lovely sunset on the starbord side this evening.

Great Turkey pics.


Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Gil! Another very beautiful trip! All wonderful photos, I like so much the picture of the castle, the ships and, of course, the splendid sunset! Nice collages too!
Happy Sunday! :-)

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Oh my! What a lovely treat! The "Golden Bay" and "Sunset" pictures looks fabulous!

I'm hoping that your computer is back to life soon and that you resume posting often, as before!

Good luck!

yyam said...

Gorgeous views! Love the castle!!

Anonymous said...

A real live! Even though it's early morning here I had my cocktail anyway. I just put orange juice in it. :)

Stella Bella said...

Very nice photos! :)

Wish we could go there!

I miss Lisbon btw!

Regina said...

Hello Trotter. Sorry about the computer.
Love cruising here. So many historical places.Mesmerizing seascape and wonders. And beautiful castles and towers as well.
Great captures.
Thank you for sharing.

Ron said...

Wonderful, wonderful post here. This is absolutely beautiful scenery. The castle is amazing.

Anonymous said...

excellent photography again my friend. well done

PeterParis said...

There seems to be no end to your always fabulous travels! I have a feeling that you have a particular love to the Aegean Sea! No wonder!

lyliane six said...

Bleu et or ce sont des couleurs magnifiques et qui s'accordent bien.
Vous êtes toujours aussi beaux tous les deux. bises

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Hi Trotter !!I must say amazing post !!I felt like i am there !!Beautiful memories !!Would love to visit this place some day !!Unseen Rajasthan

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The Castle of St. Peter is an impressive sight, Gil! I enjoyed the golden sunset photos and the beautiful blue Aegean Sea!

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! It was a gorgeous day outside and it seems that the traffic lines to cross the bridges over the River Tagus and get to the beaches on the southern part of Lisbon extended for many miles… So, what better than keep stuck and surf the blogosphere rather than the waves… ;). The lucky guys who have a swimming pool at home and or a house on the beach can avoid these traffic jams; the others, just envy. That’s my case… ;). Anyhow, I must confess that I’m getting a bit tired of this blog. After six months, it takes a lot of time to create the posts and then they are seen by an average of seven persons a day during a week. It doesn’t make much sense… ;). But I couldn’t let my faithful down. So here you have my views on your comments, for those who noticed that there are some replies to what they have said here… ;)

Aloha! I wish I was in Maui… I know you live in Oahu, but Maui is my favourite island in that part of the world… One day I’ll get back to see how it has changed since 1998… ;)

Tout était parfait pour la balade au coucher du soleil, même si les cocktails étaient un peu en dessous des expectatives… ;). Les voiliers, que tu peux louer pour faire une balade plus ou moins grande à la mer Égée, étaient superbes, surtout le fameux (je me suis rendu compte après…) «Esma Sultan»…

No, that’s perfect… Actually, anything with the blues goes perfectly well and needs no more… The point is how to manage that blue sympathy with the fact that the Special One – José Mourinho – after winning everything with the Blues (F.C.Porto, Chelsea and Inter Milan) will be training the soccer team of Real Madrid, all in white… ;))

Sunsets usually make great pictures. Much better than sunrises, at least for me who rarely see the sun rising… ;)

Well, maybe not as impressive as the trips you make in the Philippines and show us in your blog, but anyhow a worth seeing cruise scene… ;). As for the sun setting, that’s my expertise… Not like Sue, who has some fantastic pictures of sunsets, but anyhow… ;)

Merci! Unfortunately, things aren’t running the way I was expecting and rather than golden those days are running grey… ;)

Well, with a decent weekend that you have now, Friday’s are becoming what they should be: the start of an awesome period of life… ;)). Now, tell me: are you already packing to fly to Helsinki or there is still nothing to pack? ;)) Wish to read you back here soon…

That’s the problem of living in the antipodes: when we start warming up, you catch the cooler days and nights… Anyhow, in Brisbane, cool is always relative, like in Brazil… Considering a temperature of + 17º degrees Celsius a cool temperature goes a bit off the usual standards… ;))

You’re truly welcome! Why don’t you make a cruise starting or ending in Lisbon? It would be great!! And you would catch some awesome sunsets at the beach in Guincho, famous for the surfers and close to the westernmost point in Europe – Cape Roca!! What better? ;))
Wow! I’m impressed with your achievement: that’s absolutely gorgeous to make the debut in the arts at an age others have already retired… I’m going to check that book surely… Hope it is also a commercial success!!

You’re a girl with very good taste; no wonder the blue is your favourite… ;)). But it’s true that this golden bay came out quite stunningly… An amazing performance the sun did that end of the day…

Wow! Great to see you again here! It’s always a great pleasure to enjoy your interesting and rather straightforward comments… I’m sorry to hear again that your dog (Ios, if I remember well…) is sick again; that’s a problem indeed… As far as I know, the average life expectancy of a European dog is around 12.8 years; as the life expectancy of a Dutch woman is around 81.9 years, you are supposed to mourn at least six dogs during your lifetime. That’s indeed a lot of mourning for one single person…
Thanks anyhow for taking your time to come here and comment!!

indicaspecies said...

Oh, this is a beautiful sunset cruise...and I like the color of the blue and golden waters!

How is the 'Rock in Rio' going on? I wish to come there to listen to Metallica.:)

Trotter said...

Part Two,

It seems that they use «disco» or discotheque in many places around the world… Anyhow, Halikarnas is one of the largest in the world, so they are entitled to use whatever name they wish to… The Castle of St. Peter is an awesome building, probably made out with stones coming from the famous tomb of Mausolus, one of the Seven Wonders of Ancient times…

Blues are the best... ;) And there are a few things in the world I also feel like looking at them again and again... Unfortunately not so many these days... Ageing... ;)) «See you», as all farewells, is a bit nostalgic already, but the «Golden By» comes here in great force... Thanks for your comments, which, together with the others from my blog friends, more than anything else, keep this somewhat unknown blog alive...

Alice SG,
I agree with you; don’t know whether the age plays a part on this or not, but the fact is that the older I get the more I love cruising: no stress, unpack and pack only once, the hotel travels with you, everyday a new port, you move while asleep... only advantages... ;)
My pleasure to visit and comment on your lovely blog; and with the important advantage of seeing wonderful Singapore without having to take that incredible hot and humid climate you have there... ;))

Great to read from you! Hope everything is fine with you and family!! Those sunsets were absolutely stunning; one day I would love to have a house by the sea, facing west... ;) Betting on Euromillions might help... ;))

I’m truly happy you liked these... My pleasure to take you on board!! One day, if and when I’ll have some time left, I would love to organize a blog group to make a cruise... No computers during the cruising time, just taking pictures to post the following year... It could be in a larger or in a smaller ship, depending on the number of people interested... ;))
Have a great Sunday!

Fair enough: I would love to get back to New York!! ;)) But this year things are getting tougher and tougher: first, we had the Icelandic volcano ash cloud, and then the British Airways crew strike... I wonder what I will do with my hundreds of thousands of BA miles... ;))

That’s their privilege; I just had to set the camera on the right direction... No specific competence needed... ;))

Thanks! That’s too kind of you, but the pictures don’t deserve such an encomiastic comment... ;). We aren’t talking here of the fabulous forts in India that you always show in your blog... ;)

I agree with you; but I hope that «Golden and romantic» has nothing to do in your imagination with diamond’s being «a girl’s best friend»... ;)). Too expensive, indeed... Pictures by sunset near the seaside are if truth be told much more affordable... ;))

Rhode Island is facing east by the sea, so you would have to get up very early in the morning and probably a lot of mornings in a row to catch something similar... ;)). It’s much easier to catch them at sunset than at sunrise, which particularly goes well with my way of life... ;)

Not so historic this time; you’ll have that sentiment much more intensively when visiting the castle on foot, like I did on the previous post «From Halicarnassus to Bodrum»... The sunset pictures in Bodrum were a true gem during this holiday break... ;)
I’ll visit your blog again as soon as I have a minute left. My pleasure to comment there...

You are probably the one from Canada (there is another one coming here sometimes: Jen Laceda, from Toronto...) that (on average each day) together with six other people from other parts of the world take the time to visit this obscure blog... ;)).
We always had some wonderful starboard sunsets here in Portugal; it happens since the early fifteen century when the Portuguese started sailing south to the coast of Africa... ;)

S-V-H said...

It's always fascinating for me to see the contrast between Christianity and Islam in the building, close together in one small place. And all those pretty ships and yachts! Thanks for sharing it with me, with us all :)

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Beautiful trip to the roots...

Trotter said...

Part Three!

That’s the same castle we explored on my previous post on «From Halicarnassus to Bodrum»... St. Peter’s Castle!! Quite impressive inside also... You’ll have a lot to see around, if you decide to get there one of these days...

Thanks! You are a trustworthy visitor – this is your 99th comment on my last 101 posts - and you always have a nice comment to support the work I put on this blog!! Truly appreciated!!

Thanks for the comment and the good wishes also!! It seems that it would be easy to change the Graphic Processor, but it always takes more than you would expect... It seems that they sent it to Spain to repair... Incredible...
It’s great that you liked those «goldies»... ;). The photographer (me) was at the right spot at the right time... ;)

The castle looks nicer from water then from shore... But the sailing with cocktails and some food also helps to turn things more interesting... ;))

Yeah! But it works as a museum; don’t fancy a medieval party over there... ;))
OK! No problem you are having a screwdriver already this early in the morning... Or was it a mimosa? Ah, better taste... ;))

But you’re always on the way... I’m sure you’ll be going there soon... But then make a diversion to Lisbon... We would love to see you here. There is much to see after your last stay, surely... ;)

The computer will be fixed soon, I hear from the guys at the shop... Thanks!
My pleasure to share the pictures for your enjoyment! The place is nice and seeing it from see aboard a nice small ship, dipping some champagne and eating some caviar (no, there was no caviar... ;-( ) always helps... ;))

Great scenery indeed! I would love to be by the sea now, rather than in front of the computer... ;) The only compensation is reading your comments here...

Great to have you back! Hopefully things are getting better in Greece, though tough times are threatening us all in Europe... Not a great time to enjoy, actually, but it will improve!!

It’s not true! Actually I’m flying roughly one eighth of what I used to every year... The difference is that I’m taking much more pictures anytime I go abroad, and so it seems that I have been travelling much more than I actually did... Memories are the only thing left... ;)
I absolutely adore that Aegean Sea; even when it’s windy... ;)

Bleu n’a pas besoin d’or; c’est d´jà doré… ;))
Tout va bien, même si on ne réussi pas a te rendre visite un de ces jours… Mais on va essayer… ;)

You’ll be there one of these days: start packing!!

Great that you liked! Great pleasure for me!!

Trotter said...

Blue is always great, but this time it also came with gold: Two in One, like Blogtrotter... ;)
I haven't been at Rock in Rio - Lisbon, 4th edition, but saw some concerts life... The last day - May 30 -, was your metallica treat: Soulfly, Rammstein, Motorhead and Megadeth...

Trotter said...

It seems they started to build the castle with the stones of the Tomb of Mausolus; it’s only later that stones were used to build churches and, afterwards, changed into mosques…

Many different roots!!
It’s probably the first time I’m replying to the comments before I manage to make a new post; but I’ll try to make one before the end of the day… ;)

Ingrid said...

That's a place I want to return too ! Beautiful pictures !!

Trotter said...

I'm sure you'll be always going back to Turkey... ;)

juka14 said...

The perfect place for sailing and enjoying the view on the castle. Nice photos!

Trotter said...

Just the perfect spot... It looks always better from sea... ;)

Emery Roth said...

I just had to come back for another look at that castle. You've hit one of my passions.

Trotter said...

You're always welcome!!

greece_traveller said...

Your blog is very interesting, good job! and the photos on this!!! I am a new blogger and because of my love for Santorini (a Greek island) I started my blog, Santorini Greece. Check it out.

Trotter said...

Greece Traveller,
Thanks for your visit and comment. I also love Santorini; you should have a look at it on my previous blog...

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