Friday, March 18, 2011


NICE - JUNE 2010

The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMAC) in Nice, France, opened in 1990, is an important museum showing the Contemporary Art from 1950 till today... The New Realists, the Nice School, L'Arte Povera and the American Minimalism are all represented there!


"ESPLANADE YVES KLEIN - Loch Ness Monster (Niki Saint Phalle) and Mobile"










"CAI GUO QIANG - Travels in the Mediterranean and Reflection..."



Trotter said...

Hi Folks! After Chagall and Matisse, we are now dealing with the MAMAC - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice! It’s an interesting museum, at least for me and there are some pretty exciting works there! And with the couple Jean Tinguely/Niki de Saint-Phalle some amazing pieces came to life... And Klein's blue is awesome!!
See it yourself and leave your comment here... Have great fun and a joyous weekend!!

Sylvia K said...

Always a fabulous tour you take us on and this one is no exception! Terrific and interesting art! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


PeterParis said...

I should comment, but just wanted to advise ... My blog suddenly disappeared! Don't understand! :-(

alicesg said...

The museum is so interesting. I am sure I will be attracted by all the sculptures. Thanks for sharing these photos.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Very interesting works of art! Quite unique indeed!

And yes, the sunset shots are iconic!

My Unfinished Life said...

thnks for ur words on my coming back to normal life by & by.....
nice place this one seems to be...

SusuPetal said...

Oh, I love such museums, they are filled with delicious ideas, inspiration and art!

juka14 said...

A beautiful museum with fantastic art!

Chuckeroon said...

Thanks for this feast Trotter. I noticed that Mrs T. became a little bit foot sore, but it's clear you did the museum circuit full justice!

magiceye said...

beautiful perspectives!

Thérèse said...

Les peintures ressemblent aux peintures du plafond ou est-ce l'inverse? Le plafond est-il signe??
Des plus interessantes toutes ces peintures. Cote sculptures, j'aurais des choses a dire :-)

Ingrid said...

When I was in art school I tried to understand "modern art" but I am sorry, to me it's making fun of people ! I prefer your sunsets by far !!

eye in the sky said...

what can i say! astoundingly beautifull all around.

A Lady's Life said...

Wow what a difference between artists and ho they create. So different.
The motorcycle sure put fear into you.
I like color and some of the pieces have lots of it so these would be my favorite.
Thanks :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I do enjoy modern and contemporary art as it takes the imagination and senses to new heights. Kleins Blue is am amazing work! The museum building looks very interesting, itself!

Cloudia said...

What FUN!

Warm Aloha to you
from Honolulu!

Comfort Spiral



Emm in London said...

That museum looks fanstastic! Just the type of museum I like best!! I love all of that art, especially the David Tremlett's. And your sunsets are exquisite.

Emery Roth said...

This is one of your best posts ever. Sensational! I love the juxtaposition of Nessie and the Calder. Ceiling on the Floor is fantastic both as photography and architecture. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. I also enjoyed the way you organized the terrace montage and the visual beauty of the David Tremlett and Pop montages. Of course, highest prasie is reserved for the Trotters. Clearly there is a new Rothko in our midst.

yyam said...

These are so cool! Love the pieces! I so want to visit this museum! Thanks for sharing! :)

Nikon said...

Amazing shots of amazing art, Gil.
The colors are so vibrant! Great photography.
I love that "Ceiling On The Floor!"

rochambeau said...

All the art you shared, seen at the MAMAC is great. Klein's blue is my favorite! Thank you Gil and Mrs. T. for sharing!!


Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! Thanks for sharing these beautiful perspectives and art works! Vey nice pictures! I think some paintings of mine would go well in this Museum! ;-)
Happy Sunday!

diane b said...

Thanks for the tour of MAMAC it reminds me of our GoMA. Modern Art ! You either love it or hate it. I like it (not all) It is fun and imaginative.

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Magnificent photos of an interesting tour. The sun sets are spell binding.
Thank you for taking me to some lovely places in the world.

Olivier said...

belle exposition d'art moderne, cela doit valoir le detour ce musée

Anonymous said...

The best part of this contemporary art is your Mrs.! I guess I am not much of a contemporary connoisseur. I much prefer the old masters intricate work. An as always your photography is outstanding Gil. :)

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Always interesting to see art pieces and places through someone else's eye.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful display of contemporary art in museum. They look very different.

seema gupta said...

sunset pics are just mind blowing, some time i feel i am viewing whole world from your eyes.....thanks a lot and lot.

Ola said...

Some of the pieces are of a very high artisitc level.
Breafly speaking-a place worth visiting!

Urmi said...

Amazing place. Beautiful pictures and very artistic. As always brilliant photography.

Cergie said...

Décidément on retrouve Niki de Saint Phalle et son copain Jean Tinguely partout. Même le plafond courbe et coloré il y a quasi le même à l'opéra Bastille de Paris avec une statue de... Niki de St Phalle. J'aime beaucoup cependant cette surprenante nana en sac mauve.
Klein c'est bleu, plus bleu que la mer et le ciel que tu aimes tant nous montrer....
Une belle visite, Gil, que tu as faite et que tu partages avec nous.

Dianne said...

You know what I'm going to say Trotter!- give me the Old School or immpressionists any day - but you have taken me there and I even quite liked the the Jean Tinguely and Niki Saint Phalle works. I mean the lady in pink dress with heart makes me feel relatively slim!!
Thanks for the tour.

Georgianna said...

Hmm, well definitely thought provoking, and an amazing display of a totally different type of art. As always, your tour is in depth and full of detail. hanks, Gil, and have a great week!

BLOGitse said...

Yes, yes, yes - I love this post.
Did you know they're planning to build a Guggenheim museum here in Helsinki?
Oh yes.

Regina said...

Wow fantastic work of art!
Thank you for sharing.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Happy spring.

Ash said...

Gorgeous artwork, thanks so much for sharing!

PeterParis said...

Was that too much walking for Mrs Trotter? (A little foot problem?)

A lot of nice things to see there!

Ron said...

Fabulous post!

Bhushavali said...

Exploring Chengalpet
Fashion Panache - Patiala Salwar Bottoms

Book said...

Great little post. It must be amazing down there.

Book said...

Thanks for the beautiful photos !!!

Christmas-etc... said...

What an amazing blog you have!
(I can't find your follow button...otherwise I would be thrilled to follow along!)
Please join me at my history blog!
Have a great day!

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! I know that contemporary art isn’t the piece of cake for everybody, but the works at the MAMAC, at least some of them, were quite interesting... Thanks for your comments and for keeping this blog alive!!

Glad that you liked!!

There are some hyper realistic sculptures over there... ;)

Great to read that you enjoyed!!

Hope things are getting better now; actually, it’s life...

I can imagine you strolling for hours over there... ;))


That was my hyper realistic contribution to the museum... ;))


Ça ressemble Tremlett, mais je ne suis pas sûr… Les sculptures, il y en a fabuleuses… ;))

Thanks! I’m going to get exclusive rights on those sunsets… ;))

Trotter said...

Part Two:

Just say it... ;)

You see, that’s the best we can get... ;)

That’s it; provided that you don’t get one of those ugly injections of supposedly deep explanations of its content, you may enjoy just giving space to your imagination... ;))

Aloha FUN!!

Since you liked Tremllett’s greys I can understand your comment on Matisse and Chagall... ;)

Thanks! This time I’m flattered...
Niki and Calder go together well in the entrance terrace... Also love that ceiling and the collages gave me great pleasure to assemble... As for the sunsets, it’s my weak point since a certain evening in the Fiji islands... ;))

You have a bit of a virtual tour her at Blogtrotter... ;))

It seems that the ceiling on the floor is making the plenum... ;))

Klein’s blue is the strongest blue I’ve seen, except for the Aegean Sea and a midnight blue suit I had when I was in my twenties... ;))

So, it’s time to offer them one and ask them to put on display... ;))

Trotter said...

Part Three:

Love or hate, that’s it...


Bon, pour les experts, vaut le voyage, nomenclature Michelin... ;)

Hyper realistic Trotters... ;)

Through someone else’s eyes is always an interesting point of view... ;)

They are different... ;)

These sunsets are trade marks... ;))

Glad that you liked...


J’aime bien Niki et à Lisbonne il y en a des pièces, notamment au Centre Culturel de Belém…
Klein, le bleu et le paradis… Ça va de soit… ;)

Trotter said...

Part four and Final, for the time being...

You see; Tinguely/Niki is success guaranteed... ;)


A Guggenheim in Helsinki? I heard the Guggenheim was running out of money, but it doesn’t seem to be true... ;)


My pleasure!!

Many miles, indeed... You bought a scooter; I bought a pedometer... ;))

Glad that you liked!

Is it? ;)

So, a different way to spam... OK! ;)

Ann Nichols,
Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two. The Follow button is at the bottom of the sidebar... I’ll check the history of St. Nicholas at your blog...

lv2scpbk said...

There's some nice looking artwork.

lv2scpbk said...

There's some nice looking artwork.

Trotter said...

Great to read you back!!

S-V-H said...

Loved Tinguely - of course! I have one of those little fat dolls made by Niki, bought it in Paris and it made the trip with me over here to America :)

And I loved your sunsets too :))

Thanks for sharing your interesting journey, Manuel!

Trotter said...

Tinguely/Niki, what a ticket... ;)

Mariposa said...

wow interesting art! n i adore the sunsets :)

Trotter said...

Thanks! Sunsets are my treat... ;)