Almost twenty six years later, we returned to Mexico! Just before the H1N1 Flu started... One of the reasons was that we wanted to conclude the Mayan itinerary we had started then. But there is still something left for a next trip...
"MI MEXICO LINDO – Map of Quintana Roo"

"COZUMEL - Arriving by sea to the island. We didn't stay much time there; not in the scuba diving business..."
"COZUMEL - The Norwegian Pearl and the ferry port at the distance"
"PLAYA DEL CARMEN - The gateway to the last Mayan outpost: Tulum!"

"PLAYA - From sea"

"PLAYA - The centre of the Riviera Maya"


"BYE COZUMEL - The Park Royal"
Hi Folks! Mexico was an interesting experience when we first went there in 1983. By then, I planned a visit to some Aztec and Olmec ruins and to all of the most important Mayan remains in the country. And to end the trip, we headed to Cancun, by then a recent beach resort, with still much space left… There was no notice of the tourist boom of the so-called Riviera Maya. This time was different; the cruise ship made a stop at Cozumel and we went to see Playa del Carmen, the heart of this Riviera. Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!
Beautiful photos of Mexico! Wow, would love to visit the place one day!
Thanks for showing:)
as always you show the most beautiful of places to visit.
and why not,
the world is beautiful.
Maybe tourism is suffering due to warnings not to go there because of civil unrest in some places.
Usually Cancun is full of march break university kids. :)
Hey Gil and company, This is where my oldest spent his honeymoon and they are returning this Spring for a 10th anniversary. BUT they did not invite me to go along....wonder why? :) They loved the ruins.
I love the photo of the veranda looking out at the incredibly turquoise water and the orange sunsets. Wonderful cruise! You have to show us some photos of the wonderfiul food served onboard.
Beautiful, and I got friends in Cancun, but...
next time I'll head East all the same.
Mexico is not too safe these days. Better stay with the tourists...
Beautiful images as always.
Cozumel is surreal! I like shots taken from inside looking out! Very dramatic indeed!
Beautiful shots of Mexico. Your sunset shots are ultimate.
encore une belle serie de coucher de soleil, c'est superbe, tu en as bien de la chance
Quand je mense Mexico je ne pense pas aux plages. Comme c'est étrange.
It looks beautiful but very touristic too as you say !
I've never been to Mexico but I imagine it to be culturally rich...:) It's always nice to visit a place that is not too touristy...and get the authentic feel of the place...Thanks for sharing! :)
Hope your week's great so far! :)
Il y a des jours où le tourisme de proximité me parait bien fade comparé à ces sites merveilleux !
Thanks, Gil, I've never been to Mexico.
Now I have! A little bit, at least.
1983 you visited Mexico for the first time. The same year I brought my first son onto this world. Same year, different memories but each beautiful on its own way. I enjoyed this beautiful post on Mexico. All the photos are beautiful but the sunset photos are breathtaking. I also enjoyed very much in fantastic photos from your previous post of Cayman Islands. I so much like its lovely blue sea and white sand beaches. Wonderful and interesting posts as always!
A lovely colourful country steeped in history. Your photos are wonderful as usual. We hear a lot about the drug problem in Mexico and the drug baron wars. It sounds like it could be a dangerous place too.
That water couldn't look more inviting! You've captured it so well. I would love to visit Mexico one day. Your photos will have to suffice for my visit for now. :)
Brilliant pictures as always! Those of the sunset are truly amazing! They never fail to amaze me, in all the splendid grandeur!
Wonderful photo´s!Amazing!
Hey Blogtratta's,
M E X I C O ~
FINALLY some photographs I can say YES!! Your right! It is so beautiful and so are the people!!!!
Have a great week!
Wonderful post here. It looks really amazing there.
Hello Gil! All wonderful views of Mexico, really amazing the photos of the beaches and the collage of sunsets! Thanks for sharing these beauties!
Have a nice week :-)
Beautiful sunsets. Love the colorful bus.
Marvellous post as always. You have taken spectacular shots especially the sunset. Amazing photography. Mexico is a very beautiful place and I am sure you are having wonderful time over there. Beautifully described and I always wait anxiously for your new post.
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend
Comfort Spiral
Wow truly an awesome experience.I wish I cud travel as extensively around the world as you. Can I be your bag boy lol?
Wow another awesome scenes!
Beautiful captures.
I've only seen the Mexican Riviera not yet on these side of Mexico.
Thanks again for sharing Trotter.
Have a wonderful weekend.
No wonder you wanted to return - it looks like a paradise for tourists.
I visited Mexico in 1965, not quite in the same conditions as you this time; exchange student (in US), hitch-hiking... Some memorable souvenirs!
Looking forward to follow your Mayan itinerary!
que bonita!
What a breathtaking voyage!
That old bus photo is just my style. I hope we're going to be treated to those Mayan ruins soon.
So wonderful ^-^ I love the sunset pictures too much
Have a good time
I've been to Cozumel also, to the Mayan ruins. Such a beautiful place and you conveyed this very well in your pictures.
I love the colour of the sea in these photos :-)
That's an incredible blue; but not as wonderful as the dark blue of the Aegean Sea...
Hi Gil,
What beautiful photos of the place. And that blue is incredibly fantastic. Would love to go to that part of the world.
Right now as you know I am backpacking to 2 countries. I have been told that I am the first Indian woman to do so.
So glad to see you here... I had some trouble getting into your blog but I'll try again!!
Great adventure. Hope everything will be fine with your trip...
The first woman... one day you'll make Mexico, that's sure... ;)
Maybe you could remind people you leave a comment back for them here. While your visiting the following week, let them know a comment has been made on their last visit post. They may draw them back. I would be saddened to think I can't visit here to see your travels. I can't seem to get a vacation in, so I have to go on vacation through this blog. LOL. Anyway, it does seem frustrating at times, but people like to go outside in the sun when it finally gets here. Hang in, people will visit. Sometimes I only get one or two comments, I just keep plugging away.
On my Craft blog I give away prizes from time to time. It draws new people in. Especially if you tell them they get an extra entry for being a follower. See my Craft it Wednesday blog. Anyway, I'll get off the soap box now.
Fantastic shots Gil, especially of the Caribbean sea and the Mexican sunset. Have a lovely week ahead.
Thanks for your kind words! They made my day; forget the blog traffic... ;))
I'll check the Craft blog asap... Now I'm facing another trouble as my blog doesn't download the pictures; Blogger's server problem, it seems...
Thanks again, I won't let you down... ;)!!
You're luckier than me... as I can't (momentarily, I hope...) download my blog... ;)
All these places have such a great weather with lots of sun, beautiful beaches and a fantastic sea! This is something different than my grey Belgium...
That's true that during my times travelling to Brussels I always thought that the grey sky was a bit depressive; but imagine being in such paradises during the hurricane season...
Il reste toujours un bout de chemin à faire... J'aime cette philosophie : avoir toujours à découvrir et autant que possible chaque fois avoir un regard neuf...
Alors attendre trente ans était une bonne idée, du moins pour cette fois là...
Il me semble que le monde du blog est assez tranquille en ce moment, ou bien sa "population" se renouvelle.
Bonsoir, Gil...
Comme le disait le poète Antonio Machado, «Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar...». Or comme le disait Stevenson, «the great affair is to move»... Alors, il faut marcher pour faire le chemin... Le problème est que quelquefois on est vraiment bloqué, sans aucune chance de partir. Ni même pour un seul déjeuner à Paris... ;). Je ne parle plus de mon voyage - mille fois rêvé, mille fois préparé et mille fois différé - à la Patagonie... de Chatwin... C’est peut-être ça, plus que le fugace soutien que ce blog reçoit, qui est la cause la plus profonde du désenchantement... Ah, et le fait que le F.C.Porto ne sera pas champion cet année... ;))
Semaine pascale, trois jours et demie théoriquement dehors et pas de chance de partir... C’est trop, avoue... ;))
Le monde du blog est tranquille, les gens sont partis au Facebook, au Twitter, mais tout ça est encore beaucoup plus éphémère…
Merci Lucie!
Oh only 2 posts on Mexico! :D okay okay I am dreaming about the blue sea, especially since its snowing in Toronto at the moment! If you ever stop by in Toronto, do give me a shout!
There are some more (actually nine more), but from September 1983... You have to check <a href="”>here</a>...
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