"NAPOLEON - He was born in Ajaccio to parents of noble Genoese ancestry on August 15, 1769"

"FAMILY HOUSE - The Bonaparte family home was a large four-storey building, now a museum. All brothers, but Joseph, were born on the first floor of the house"
"THE IMPERIAL CHAPEL - The construction of the Chapel was the result of the last wishes of Cardinal Fesch (Napoleon's uncle): «On the sale of my Great Gallery of paintings, my heirs should take the sum of two hundred thousand francs for the construction of a church in Ajaccio in which should be built my tomb, that of my sister Letizia and that of any of the members of the Bonaparte family who wish to be buried there». In 1857, Napoleon III had the chapel built by Paccard, the official architect of the Imperial regime"

"AJACCIO - Downtown and beach"


"FESCH MUSEUM - The father of Fesch, a Swiss officer, married the mother of Laetitia Bonaparte, after the death of her first husband and thus Fesch fulfilled the role of an uncle to the young Bonapartes. He was one of the most famous art collectors of his period and his collection included almost 16,000 paintings (not all at the same time), the core being Italian works from the Renaissance to the 18th century"

"SOFITEL THALASSA HOTEL PORTICCIO - Facing Ajaccio Bay and the Sanguinaires Islands, with unrestricted views of sky, sea and rocks, the hotel has a small private beach and a large outdoor pool"


Hi Folks! Happy New Year for you all!!
This is the last post on Corsica 2010, which means that I’m definitely late now... more than the usual year... But as there are not so many trips now, it won’t be difficult to recover... ;-(
Hope you like the post!! Enjoy and have a great week, month, and year!!!
c'est toujours aussi beau la Corse.
Such a beautiful place! I love Napoleon's family house with the blue shutters and would gladly join your champagne sunset:)
Happy New Year Trotter!!!! All the best to you and yours!
happy new year 2012!!!!
lovely shots...right now I'd rather be here than in frosty and chilly delhi city.....!!!!!
I'd like a room with a view like that!
Happy New Year, Gil!
Happiest New Year wishes
with Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Out of he world really..... I'm a huge fan of your sunset and 'from-the-air-plane' pictures which are remarkable indeed!
Redefining Oblivion wishes you a Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Purposeful 2012, and beyond.
The pines and the palms look beautiful. Wishing you a very happy New Year. My regards to your parents.
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne said...
Hi there!
This is a wonderful series of pictures! Very interesting to see! The blue ocean is amazing!
I see you have come around the world! i will have to spend some time here to see all your adventures!
Greetings from Switzerland!
Yvonne & Raphael
Meilleurs vœux surtout de bonne santé pour toute votre famille
J'ai passé Noël à Macao à l’hôtel Lisboa, j'ai pensé à vous et le Nouvel an à Hong Kong, c'était grandiose!!.
Quand je suis allée en Corse en 1981, j'étais logée à l'hôtel Albion,près de la statue de Napoléon, je ne sais pas s'il existe encore.
My dear friend Trotter,
Happy New Year with a good HEALTH, happiness and many trips!
I hope that your health will be better day by day!
About half an hour I'm in your blog, and boasts the wonderful photos!
Corsica, amazing and the reportage full!
many greetings
with friendship
GORGEOUS!!! Happy New Year GMG! :)
VOus avez l'air d'y passer de bonnes vacances!
Bonne année 2012.
Sensational post. Lovely pics of beautiful blue sky & sea. Gorgeous sunset.
Best Wishes Ram
beautiful shots, Gil! Happy 2012!!!
Gorgeous view from hotel room. And what a sunset!! Here's wishing you more travel opportunities in 2012 and more awesome pics to come. Cheers.
The island is very beautiful, Gil. The rocks, palms, the houses & the sea - beautiful place!
I hope that 2012 is going well for you!
I love the view from your room. Love the gran finale view, too.
I thought I commented here, but obviously I didn't. Can only repeat what we all know ... that Corsica is beautiful!
Especially, I would of course like to wish you the best possible new year! Times are not easy, but I'm sure you can make the best out of it! Travelling and blogging is important, but not the most important! Anyhow, I trust that we will se more of your posts here soon, not forgetting your comments on our blogs! :-)
Happy New Year to you and yours! Hope you are keeping well.
Here we are with another year ahead... hope the best for the Internet and Gil's travels.
Beautiful pictures !
I have seen Napoleon's birth house too, now I live where he lost his most important battle ! Good for the city, he makes money for us, lol !
very pretty photos as always! ;D
Happy Chinese New Year! :D
Have a happy weekend!
Happy New Year Mr and Mrs Trotter!!!
What a magical champagne Sunset and such terrific looking trees in your first collage, as if someone was pruning them to look so perfect!
Always lovely to take a trip with you!
Beautiful set of photos as usual! I love the ones taken from the skies. Awesome scenery! :)
i love the napoleon statue
Something warm for winter :)
From the air, everything looks Pink. Nice set of photos from Corsica.
Joyce M
This section of Corsica reminds me of Italy.
I loved the airplane views, Gil! I always take photos from my airplane window.
Hey Trotter, Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you and your wife are fine. I've just sent one of my friends your way to look at your photos of all your buildings. She loves the details on them also.
Happy New Year to you too. Seems like you having a great time travelling. Love the view from the plane. Have a great weekend.
I came over here to check on you the other day, realizing I had not heard from you in quite some time. As always, it's such a treat to visit and tag along on your wonderful scenic sites Gil. And I love that you show the rooms you two stay in. I like that part. Happy News Year. :)
Greetings from snowy, frosty Finland!
Those beautiful warm sunny photos warm up my mind and made me organize a new cruise to wait for:)
We had this morning glorious sunny morning, white landscapes and -26 degrees Celsius. They promised even -31 degrees for coming days, we will see!
I wish you and your wife good health and all the best!
Soon it's midsommer and you say happy new year! :) kidding...
I'm off to Fuerteventura for two weeks, had enough of this winter season, I need a break.
Have a good week ahead!
I just saw a TV-program about the food on Corsica, not to mention other well-known facts about the island. Your post made it even more tempting to go.
Hello Gil! Very enjoyable post, all beautiful images!
Happy Sunday!
Wow! What spectacular views! I love the beautiful sunset...thanks for sharing!
Wishing you a wonderful 2012 with lots of leisure travel and excellent health! :)
Bonne année au blogtrotter et à tous ses amis.
Merci pour ces nouvelles de la famille Buonaparte.
J'habite à quelques kilomètres de Brienne le château où Napoléon Bonaparte a fréquenté l'école militaire.
Mais je ne suis pas passée chez toi depuis le début de l'année ? Nous sommes tous très occupés et le blog en pâtit. D'abord avant qu'il ne soit février, une heureuse année 2012 à toi, et aussi une bonne année du dragon !
J'aime bien les palmiers et ces arbres très graphiques au dessus ; la prochaine fois, où vas tu nous emmener ?
I am enjoying your blog and plan to visit the older ones too. Have a good week!
Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave
Happy New Year to you and yours too!
superb images
Wonderful photos and very interesting history. I enjoyed this post.
Best wishes,
Beautiful shots of the place, so much variety.
Wow gorgeous scenes!
Thank you for sharing!
Fantastic photos with a beautiful gran finale!
Happy New Year!
a lot of blue evereywhere- I love it!
Lovely views from your hotel and champagne sunsets are the way of life. Napoleon history is interesting. Thank you for this tour of Corsica.
Did you decide to stay in the so beautiful Corsica?
greetings from the snow covered Romania. -20 today, better than yesterday's -22 ;))!
Hi Gil! Tremendously beautiful, and such a mix of cultural details. Really appreciate all the different views. Of course, those blue shutters really caught my eye! Hope you are well.
Great post, this is a great way to make me feel warm on this cold day. I am loving the aerial pictures.
Hi Folks! It was great to come back to the blog world, though the activity has been limited!! Thanks anyhow for your support and for the patience attending news from this side of the Atlantic... ;) Corsica was already almost a year and a half time ago, but the memories are still very present!! Have a great Sunday!!
Tu as raison! Merci!!
We are waiting you for a champagne sunset in a lovely city: Lisbon!! ;)
Incredible to hear that Delhi is frosty and chilly... Just imagine being in Northern Europe in earlier February with temperature below minus 30 degrees Celsius... ;)
How I understand you!!
Thanks!! The «from the air plane» pictures came out reasonably well this time! And Corsica’s sea coast helped definitely a lot...
Pines and palms are great values of a Mediterranean climate... ;)
Raphael & Yvonne,
Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two! Wish to see and read you often here!!
Merci! Il y a des hôtels près de la statue de Napoléon, mais vraiment je ne me rappelle pas des noms… ;)
Thanks! Don’t lose touch… ;)
Great to have you here!
Great that you liked!!
Hope you’re having a great 2012!!
The most beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea, some say...
The Gran Finale was awesome!!
Thanks! I’m trying to keep connected... ;)
Thanks!! Same to you all!!
Hope so!! ;)
Living near Waterloo has its thrills... ;)
Great to see you back my dear!!
Those Northern pines are amazing!! And champagne is always magical... ;)
Napoleon was too hot in those days... ;)
It looks rather blue, I think... ;)
It’s not that far away!!
Great to read you back here! Hope things are going well with you and family!!
No dear, I’ve been stuck here!! These are pictures from 2010 trips... ;))
Part Four!
Thanks! It has been hard to keep in touch...
Oh dear, I hope that cold has vanished already... We were also cold here +3º minimum... ;) but our problem seems to be the drought... No rain since late October...
Fuerteventura will be warmer... but the low season may have some tricks... ;)
Ah, la vendetta... ;)
That sunset was gorgeous!!
Mais l’empereur, il semble être partout... ;)
Peut-être l’année du dragon sera meilleure que 2012… ;))
Thanks for your visit and first time comment here ! Look forward to reading you here very often!!
Part Five, and final, for the time beiing!!
Great that you liked!!
It’s always great to have you here!!
Gran Finale indeed!!
Blue is the best!!
Champagne is the best!! ;)
I moved... but nowadays I’m much more stuck than ever... ;)
I saw on TV. Awful white and cold...
It has been cold all over the Northern Hemisphere, it seems...
"GRAN FINALE" and sun set are just amazing super
Thanks! I love them too...
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