Sunday, May 22, 2011



After Sardinia, it would make sense to visit Corsica. The island is the most mountainous in the Mediterranean Sea, but it is probably more famous for being the place where Napoleon Bonaparte was born than for its enchanting mountains!!
Having been occupied since the Mesolithic era, it received Carthaginians, Greeks, Etruscans, Romans, Vandals, Visigoths, Saracens and Lombards, before being given by Pepin the Short, king of the Franks and Charlemagne's father, to pope Stephen II.
Governed by the Genoese from 1347 until 1729 (with a short interruption by the Franco-Ottoman alliance in 1553 - Sampiero Corso), it was independent under the leadership of Pasquale Paoli from 1755 through 1769! And then it became French...

"LA CANONICA - The closest monument to the Bastia-Poretta's airport is this church, which was consecrated in 1119, though it seems to have been built much earlier... Nearby, the archaeological digs of the Roman city of Mariana may be visited"

"LA CANONICA - Built in Romanesque style, it shows a curious bestiary over the portal. Inside, a small statue of Saint Devota (patron Saint of Corsica and Monaco, who was born in Mariana) may be seen. It was given by Prince Rainier III of Monaco on June 9, 2003, on the seventeenth centenary of the martyrdom of the Saint. The wooden polychromatic statue is of Santa Maria Assunta"

"FROM LA CANONICA TO THE SEA - Through roads N193 and N1197 and Ponte Leccia"


"SEA COLOURS - From Ostriconi Beach to Ile Rousse"



"ILE ROUSSE - Isula Rossa in Corsican owes its name to the ochre colour of a rocky islet that served as a natural harbour. Founded in 1758 by Pasquale Paoli, it is, together with Saint-Florent, the only two communes in Corsica to have a French name"



"NORTHWEST COAST WITH TRAIN - The little train between Ile Rousse and Calvi is a must for the beach visitors... But according to a rider, it's a «rickety old train (...), noisy as hell, sweltering hot in the summer but the views are stunning..."



Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! The last two posts on Amsterdam 2010 got the least number of comments since Blogtrotter Two has been created. It makes me think that the model is coming to an end; unless the problem is only with Amsterdam... ;)
But what is not ending is the fabulous career of F.C.Porto in the football world: won the Portuguese Super Cup Final 2010; won the 2010/2011 Portuguese Championship unbeaten with an advantage of 21 points on the second; won the Portuguese Cup Final 2011; and won the Europa League 2010/2011. And his coach is only 33 years old. A new José Mourinho (the best World Football Coach 2010) is born: André Villas–Boas!!!
OK, let’s go to Corsica... ;)

Cloudia said...

thank you, BT

Warm Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral




Siddhartha Joshi said...

Superb...lovely pics as usual, especially the sea...

SusuPetal said...

Oh, that turquoise sea and those mountains. Beautiful views.

My Unfinished Life said...

lovely images of always you have catured the place beautifully, or is it the place is so amazing...the photographs came out so good without much effort!!!
Either ways.....a great post and i loved each and every shot!!!

Bhushavali said...

Love the several blues in the sea!!!
India Heritage Museum
What I wore to a Museum Visit

Thérèse said...

Comme j'aime la Corse pour y avoir séjourné assez longtemps... de bons souvenirs et je reconnais pas mal de choses sur vos photos. Bravo et merci.

Dianne said...

Wow Trotter! that church in the top pic consecrated in 1119 that's very old. Lot's of history in these shots. Thanks for the drive around.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

I've read about Corsica, in Asterix in Corsica, and looking at these marvelous pictures, I must say, it is more magical than was depicted by Goscinny and Uderzo.

BLOGitse said...

Sunny greetings from Italy!

PeterParis said...

A wonderful place indeed! Mountain walking in the morning, beach in the afternoon, some good eating and drinking in between! ... and a bit less crowded than the continental coastline!

A Portugese final this year! So, I guess you are more a Porto than a Braga fan! :-)

diane b said...

Thanks for the visit to Corsica. The colour of the water is beautiful and the scenery to die for. You find the most wonderful places to visit and thanks for sharing them with us.

alicesg said...

Another lovely post on another beautiful vacation. The sea water looked so blue and inviting.

Lakshmi said...

wonderful post ..Im coming here after ages and the blues, although beautiful are giving me the blues..have been very busy and I have hardly travelled these days

Ron said...

Great post, really like the picture of the highway and the sea. Only 20 more days till my third Disney Vacation.

rochambeau said...

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Trotter,
Finally!!! Now I have been given the opportunity to see Corsica! It interests me, since I have a friend who grew up there. Thank you again for another great post!!
Hope you will have a lovely adventure this weekend wherever you are!

Your friend,

Ingrid said...

we stopped in Corsica when we did our mediteranian cruise. Beautiful landscape !

eye in the sky said...

La Canonica looks intriguing. Beautiful shots as usual.

A Lady's Life said...

Lately my son has stopped playing soccer and is just practicing but its great to learn how well you guys are doing.He is disillusioned with college soccer because its only for 5 weeks and their coach is being blamed for losing them their nationals last year so kids aren't returning.So sad.
But Corsica looks very beautiful with its prestine beaches. The church looks eerie though. Very lonely.

juka14 said...

The sea is looking so inviting, I like the colour. Nice views of the mountains also.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Le pays est très semblable à la Sardaigne, mais les Corses ont su mieux préserver les spécificités locales.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Gil, many Blogspot bloggers are having problems with leaving comments on other blogs, and supposedly Blogspot is aware of the problem and is trying to correct it, so don't despair. Luckily, I can still comment on your blog, but there have been some that I can't.

Corsica's beaches look beautiful! The Mediterranean Sea is so beautifully blue!

Nikon said...

The sea is so beautiful, Gil - the blue is amazing! That is a place that I would love to go to!
I love the last shot with the white sandy beach - no stones :)
Great photos.........

lv2scpbk said...

Hi Trotter, Hope all is well with you and your wife. It's been awhile since I've been here. Seems like all I ever do half the time is go to doctors. I think getting my health under contol more now. At least hope so. My sister is having her bad share of health issues in her own family.

Anyway, trying to visit some more blogs again.

Love the peek inside the buildings and wish I was on that beach right now.

leo said...

By the time I'm writing this the result of Barcelona vs Man U last nite must have been known since hubs and kids can't stop talking about it + setting alarm and all to watch the match at 3am. I did the sensible thing ~ sleep :))
I like it when I'm learning something when I visit your blog and this time around is the name Assunta. There's a hospital here which goes by that name and now I know where it originated from. Have a great week ahead!

magiceye said...

that was a gorgeous virtual tour of corsica! thank you

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! Wonderful tour of Corsica! Nice views and blue waters!
Happy Sunday :-)

Urmi said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures of Corsica. I liked the vibrant colours of sea beach. I had wonderful tour of Corsica.

Mariposa said...

the sea is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gil, not sure the last two post on Amsterdam was the problem. Seems it has slowed down everywhere without a lot of commenters. Not sure what is happening. Anyway, the Corsica post on the beaches is fabulous. I think Lozari was my favorite. :)

yyam said...

Oh wow! Mountains and the sea - a fabulous combination! Looks like a nice place to chill....

Joseph Pulikotil said...


I was always curious about the place where Napoleon was born and only now I was able to satisfy my curiosity. This place is full of rich history and culture. It is a very beautiful place. Your photos and write ups provide special flavor. I enjoyed this post very much.

Best wishes,

Light and Voices said...

I adore the sea scapes.
Joyce M

Ola said...

You have been to Korsica! The sea has such a wonderful color there!

Emery Roth said...

There is no keeping you from the beaches. I can see why.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. True scenic beauty.

Regina said...

Wow gorgeous! Love the scenes here.
Thank you Trotter.


lyliane six said...

Nous avons visité le pays en 1982, j'ai juré de ne jamais y retourner....

joo said...

This place looks like a paradise! Beautiful post which makes me feel like going on holiday:)

hpy said...

Petite explication; si je ne passe pas régulièrement, c'et parce que ma maison est en travaux - et que je fais une bonne partie des travaux moi-même - et que je n'ai donc pas le temps, ni pour la Corse (dont on m'a pourtant dit que c'était une belle île), ni pour ailleurs.

Olivier said...

Magnifiques paysages, un vrai reve eveille. en reponse a ta question, perso je ne recois plus ton RSS, donc je ne suis plus au courant de tes mises a jour, peut etre a verifier si tu n'as pas un probleme avec

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

L'été est en avance cette année, la pause estivale également !
Beau pays difficile à comprendre parfois.

Cergie said...

Beh ? Qui vois-je ci-dessus ? Deslilas et Olivier !!!
"Canonica" un bâtiment bien austère, j'ai connu une dénommée "Canonica", et moi qui la croyais d'origine italienne !

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Four days off are coming. Friday: Portugal’s National Day (dedicated to Luis de Camões, surely one of the few countries (if any...) whose National Day is dedicated to a Poet… Saturday; Sunday; and Monday: dedicated to St. Anthony of Lisbon - he was born in Lisbon -, though the Italians insist to claim him for Padua, where he died…). Hopefully the weather will improve!!

Aloha! My pleasure!!

That sea looks exceptionally well in the Mediterranean!! Great to read you back after so long…

The mountains are the most and the must of Corsica… You may walk the 200 km of the famous GR20, one of the better known treks in Europe!!

I’m not so sure that the pictures came out so easily... ;)
Anyhow, the place is superb!!

Blues are the best!! Take F.C.Porto, for instance... ;)

Je suis très heureux de t’avoir fait retrouver les beaux souvenirs d’antan... Et enfin, quelqu’un(e) qui aime la Corse… ;)

If you keep coming to visit Blogtrotter, you’ll find that Corsica was already inhabited in very ancient times... ;)

So, you are acquainted with the famous OcatarineTabellaTchiTchix... not to mention the famous cheese... ;)

Oh dear, always travelling... Come on, who is supposed to be the Trotter on this story? ;))

Perfect description!! And some good wines also!!
Under the circumstances, we (the Portuguese) had something to joy: football and F.C.Porto... ;) All the rest is to forget, and for some years still to come...

Trotter said...

Part Two:

My pleasure!! You’re right about the water, but there will still be something even better in the other posts on Corsica... With almost two thousand pictures taken, it’s going to be a nightmare to make the choice for the posts... ;)

Alice SG,
Everything was inviting on that trip... You’ll see: will have posts till the end of the summer... ;)

I believe you have been busy, but I don’t think you haven’t been travelling; at least you have been travelling much more than me... That’s for sure!! ;))

So heading to Disney? Which one?

You’ll have a lot of Corsica this summer... I’m travelling very little, so I profit from every opportunity I have to increase the chances for posting... ;)

I don’t think Corsica, unlike Mikonos, Santorini or even Rhodes, is suitable for a one day cruise stop... You have to get back... unless you prefer an armchair travel!! In such case, just sit back and relax; Blogtrotter Two will show you everything there... ;))

It’s probably a bit old, and that may be the problem with her... ;))

Well, at least coach is something that F.C.Porto has no reason to complain this season... But maybe your son shouldn’t stop just like that; it’s a wonderful game... ;)
The beaches in Corsica are great, and there is much more to come...

Ready for a dive? Jump... ;)

Il y a quand même une petite différence: les montagnes en Corse sont peut-être plus impressionnantes, aussi parce que l’île est plus petite… En plus, le coût de la vie, bien que cher, ne se compare pas avec le Nord de la Sardaigne (Costa Smeralda)…

Trotter said...

Part Three:

I don’t know what’s happening, but now I simply can’t post with the Internet Explorer and have to use Mozilla’s Firefox to upload the posts created with the IE… Blogger’s mysteries… ;)

You’ll have a lot to enjoy with those beaches as there will be more during this summer… ;)

I’m truly glad to read you here and see that things seem to be better now!! Hope you’ll be in good shape and thanks for dropping a line here at Blogtrotter Two, notwithstanding the circumstances!! As for the beaches there were some superb on this trip…

Barcelona won… But in spite of their quality, which is undeniable, people cannot forget that the last two times they got to the final (and won it…) they were helped by referees’ errors: the scandals in Stamford Bridge (2009) and in Santiago Bernabeo (in 2011).
Amazing that the name Assunta got so far…

My pleasure!!

I too wouldn’t mind to dive again into those waters…

You wouldn’t need your beautiful red coat for a summer on the Corsican beaches… ;))


I agree with you on Lozari!! If it was not for a somehow tight schedule, I would have stopped there and taken a dive… ;)

Fabulous combination indeed!!

There will be more on Napoleon when we reach Ajaccio, probably by the end of summer, if I continue at this blogging pace… ;)

Trotter said...

Part Four and final, for the time being...

Wait till you see Scandola… ;)

Everything has wonderful colours there… ;))

Sea watching, my favourite sport… ;)


I’m glad you liked it...

Mais pourquoi? Elle est surement une des plus belles îles de la Méditerranée… Ah, l’effet OcatarineTabellaTchiTchix... ;)

Great spot for your holidays...

Je vois que tu es très occupé; ce n’est pas tous les jours qu’on détruit une maison pour la refaire… ;)
Merci quand même pour la visite!!

Je ne sais rien du RSS ; mais je sais qu’avec Blogger il y a toujours des problèmes… ;)

Ne dites pas que tu es déjà dans les plages scandinaves… ;)

Mais la Corse a été Génoise pendant des siècles… Et la Canonica est à coté de l’ancienne ville romaine de Mariana… Pas de surprise pour l’origine italienne… ;)

Ingrid said...

Beautiful landscape. I don't know anything about football, my men are not interested in football either, lol !

Ingrid said...

Beautiful landscape. I don't know anything about football, my men are not interested in football either, lol !

Trotter said...

They don't know the fun they are losing... ;)