Monday, January 25, 2010



"ENJOYING - 1 - The Intercontinental Hotel Miami used to be one of the tallest buildings in the neighbourhood; today is surrounded by higher buildings on all sides... 2 - Which one of my visitors is going to invite me to his/her mansion and to the yacht moored in front? 3 - OK, an apartment at South Pointe Marina will also do... 4 - No chance? Then, at least a dinner at Smith & Wollensky..."

"GETTING READY - Miami is definitely the cruise capital for the Caribbean, and the Liberty of the Seas (roughly 340m long and almost four thousand passengers on board) usually departs from there. Here we may see: the Ship's Bridge, the Port, the Lady, Trotter phones home, small boat, downtown Miami, the Flagler Monument Island and the Fisher Island ferry..."

"MAC ARTHUR CAUSEWAY - The Venetian Islands and Miami Beach at the distance"

"VILLAS - Probably not for sale, but if one puts some millions on the table, there might be business..."

"START MOVING - Towards East: from the Venetian Islands to the South Pointe skyscrapers..."


"MOVING DOWN - Through the Shipping Channel, from Terminal through South Pointe Park"

"SOUTH POINTE PARK - Washington Avenue"



"SAILING - Sunset Day One"


Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! It was the first time I was departing Miami by sea... And must confess that the view from the stateroom on deck 10 port side was truly impressive! Hope you share my opinion... Anyhow, enjoy and have a great week ahead!!

PS: Don’t forget that you may use the SmileBox show to see the pictures of the Art Deco District in better shape!!

juka14 said...

Yes, I made it! I'm the first to comment!

You're so lucky to be on a cruise ship like that in such a great place! I can only dream of that...

Beautiful photos of the south beach, what a view!

Olivier said...

une belle croisiere...

SusuPetal said...

Those sea banks are so low! It makes think about huge waves about how the buildings would survive.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant pictures! Its amazing to see how well you've captured the mood and the inherent culture of a place!

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

Lovely photos!!! Wish it was warm here in Canada, although I heard Florida is having bad weather and the orange growers are very nervous...

S-V-H said...

Yeah, a cruise from Miami to the Caribbean, how wonderful that must be. I never made it that far, even I was so close to it. :)

Is your next stop maybe Key West?

RNSANE said...

Are you sailing right now, Trotter? You know I've done 77 cruises on Royal Caribbean and my beloved friend, Werner Zurcher is the Food and Beverage Manager on board the Liberty of the Seas. He is going on vaccation in a couple of weeks and I will see him in San Diego. He is from Switzerland. If you are actually on the ship now, ask the maitre d' or one of the head waiters to page him and ask him to drop by your table and let him know you are a friend of Carmen Henesy. Tell him I love him and wish we could go back to the old days, with the old gang on the Monarch!

Cloudia said...

It was years ago, but leaving Miami by sea is an exciting experience indeed.
Excellent post and pics!

Aloha, Friend

Comfort Spiral

alicesg said...

Very lovely scenery and having a cruise to enjoy the holiday is the best.

hpy said...

They might have manythings in MIami thank make some people envious but there's one thing they don't have and thats' SPACE!

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful! Love the "SOUTH POINTE PARK - Washington Avenue" photo view.

Leena said...

Thank you fr the trip with you! I was enjoying very much about views and the good company :)
Welcome to see snowy landscapes of this part of our world!

PeterParis said...

Next post will include pictures of you both at the Captain's table? Would not be surprised! :-)

Mariposa said...

fun in the sun and sea :)

Ron said...

Great post! That cruise looks so much fun.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. I loved the various views of the sky scrapers.

Galaxy6139 said...

So great trip ^-^ You got many beautiful pictures, I love those villas ^-^ But I need to earn much more money to put them on table haha

MedaM said...

I can only dream about cruising. This post is great. What a wonderful place! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous skies!


Pietro Brosio said...

Gil, impressive views indeed! I like all these landscapes and the perspectives of the skyscrapers. Very beautiful photographs! The collages are nice as well!
Happy Sunday!

Andrea Gerák said...

Hey Gil, this is really cool, and your new blog looks great!!
Thanks for still visiting me, although I didn't have time for much blogging recently. But probably I am coming back.Greetz from snowy and VERY cold Stockholm :-)

My Unfinished Life said..., the very name is so beachy and sunny!!!
definitely wanna check out this city !!
coincidently....i also started the year with a beach holiday, however, on the very other side of the planet!!!

Emery Roth said...

Will we look back at all this one day the way we are beginning to look back at the Art Deco of your last post - all these buildings that look like stacked up Nabisco crackers? You have found clouds that really do them justice.

BTW, did I notice your opening photo last time I was here? Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful - color and pattern. It is a wonderful header for your journeys.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Gil I've never seen Miami look better than in your photos! Such a different perspective from the cruise ship views ,,,happy crusing! I'm looking forward to seeing where you went next.

Have you ever caught an opera at The Metropolitan Opera in NYC? I have Turandot on my blog today. It was wonderful!

diane b said...

Hreat views from the ship. Don't know if I would like 4000 passengers. Miami is impressive similar to our Gold Coast but a bit too commercialized. Great beaches and great weather in both places. Looking forward to Carribean photos. Lucky you!
BTW in response to your comment on my blog.
Trotter: Yes, red wine with chicken and fish. We have been doing wine tours for 15 years and I have learnt that it is old fashioned to think that you must drink red with red meat and white with white meat and fish. You can compliment food with the wine that you like the best. I'm not fussed on white wine and drink red with everything and love it!

april said...

Yes, right, it's really impressive and the motives are wonderful to photograph. But ... I don't like so many skyscrapers in one place. What's your opinion on that?

('Max Mingus' from the thriller I read likes Miami ;-)

Baron's Life said...

Miami is by far one of my favorite cities in the World...thanks for sharing this lovely post and pictures

Venksh said...

Thank u for the comments ur at KMR...
i really enjoyed at Jaipur n Udaipur stayed there for nearly a week had loads of funn with my whole family...
Miami is so superb... seems like u really had nice time out there at the cruise...


eye in the sky said...

Everywhere you turn is scenic! love the MacArthur causeway!

joo said...

Wow, lovely place! Would be nice to spend couple of days there:)

A Lady's Life said...

I always loved Miami. I guess like every place there is a commercialized area and a place where real people live.
I was fortunate enough to meet the real people and they made all the difference.
Its so nice to come back to a place where people do the same things every day and no matter how long you've been away, you come back and see them still doing it just like when you left.
It kinda makes it a home away from

Nikon said...

You really make the city look wonderful, Gil. I espefcially like those villas!!

Anonymous said...

Gil aka Trotter, You do have a way of making one want to travel with your fabulous photos. You know....everyone I know including my family has been on a cruise...but not me. I think it's about time...don't you?!

Unknown said...

Nice, nice and nice...wish I was there Gil :)

Cergie said...

Sur ce message on peut faire le rapprochement avec San Francisco et sa baie que l'on peut découvrir de Sauselito, du chemin côtier ou de l'autre coté du Golden Gate Bridge.
Ce quartier résidentiel a l'air tout à fait sympathique et j'imagine qu'il est bien desservi par les transports en commun.
Le voyage en bateau est quelque chose que j'ai beaucoup pratiqué dans mon enfance ; la première fois à 2 ans pour revenir du Vietnam, ensuite tous les ans parceque mon père avait trois mois de vacances, de Marseille ou Bordeaux > Abidjan avec la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis. Nous avons fait escale à Lisbonne.
J'avais la chance d'avoir ma propre cabine, mon frère ainé la sienne, mes deux petits frères ensemble et mes parents la leur. Maintenant je n'aurais pas les moyens de voyager en première classe je présume mais je reviendrais de Chine en cargo de marchandise volontiers !
(Nous avons failli une fois voyager sur un bananier)

Tu as adopté un rythme de croisière pour tes publications et tes visites, Gil ?

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful,lovely and fantastic series of great shots !! I loved this post !!

L. Neusiedler said...

I am covered in books and exams, but I am following you also on this blog! well done! and, as always, a joy to see your photos!

Unknown said...

It's a wish waiting to come true for me. So lovely.

Shionge said...

You have come a long long way Gil and all your wonderful posts in your previous blog and now this.

WOnderful journey and memories and thank you for sharing with all of us ;D

P.N. Subramanian said...

It was a feast to my eyes. Miami is definitely the cruise capital of the World for the reasons stated by you. I learn that there is also a concentration of criminals around. I find some difficulty in opening your blog, It is taking a longer time to load. May be a local problem. My wife has started walking around with a walker.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! beautiful pictures ! You lucky guy going on a cruise ! That's 6 years ago that I made one through the mediterianian sea.

rochambeau said...

Hi Trotters,
Since I've never been to Miami, these posts are extremely fascinating to me. By water and by land, it is a unique and pristine looking part of the US!

Have a wonderful weekend to you both!

Lori said...

You had a beautiful day to set out on your cruise. The people in those buildings must have the most stunning views of the ocean. Thanks for documenting your trip and sharing it with us!

sanjeet said...
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prashant said...
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Light and Voices said...

Beautiful weather. I like the composition of the photographs including the skyscrappers and the sea. Man made v/s nature. Nice theme going on.
Joyce, IL, USA

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! It’s an interesting experience to see that nobody comes here, except the faithful followers of Trotter’s trotting... And even some of those never drop a line... So, my thanks go deep from my heart to all of you who show your appreciation in words!! Thanks!!

Great that you made it first this time! The view of South Beach benefits a lot from being on deck 10... ;)

Et tu n’as pas vu que le début… ;))

It’s better to avoid thinking about that; even without big waves, global warming may bring some unpleasant surprises...

Thanks! Those are very kind words, though I think it’s a bit hard to catch the culture of the place from these specific pictures... ;)

Hope the weather is improving over there! Florida seems to have had some + 17º Celsius; freezing they say... ;)

I never made Key West on a cruise; always by land, if we may call land to all those bridges... ;)

I’m always almost one year late in posting; so this cruise was made on February 2009! 77 cruises is quite impressive achievement!! I won’t forget your tip for my next Royal Caribbean cruise. Thanks!!

That’s the good thing of memories...

Alice SG,
It took me some time to accept the delights of cruising; but once experienced, I became a fan!! ;))

It’s not quite exact; space isn’t an issue neither in Miami nor in general in the United States... ;)

That was a nice perspective; could only be taken from a huge ship... ;)

You’re always welcome!!

Not this time; for that you’ll have to check
Enjoy! ;)

Fun, fun, fun... but no Beach Boys... ;)

Jensen would love to run in such a ship!!

Skyscrapers are there to impress... ;)

Start now; maybe you’ll manage to get one of those villas; who knows? ;)

That’s a wonderful experience; and there are a lot of ships getting close to you at Dubrovnik!

Just gorgeous, I would say... ;)

Thanks! I’m doubtful about the collages because the quality of the pictures goes down hugely...

Great to see you back here!! I don’t have much time either, but there is always a bit to drop a line by blogfriends... ;)

Beachy (whatever it may mean...), that’s exactly how it feels in Miami... ;)

I think that some years from now will look at those skyscrapers with different eyes; that’s an advantage of ageing... ;)
The header is Moorea Island, French Polynesia...

The cruise was in 2009, but thanks anyhow... ;)
I’ve seen many operas at the Met in the nineties, when the stalls were only at 110 USD... ;). I must confess that it isn’t my favourite Opera House... ;)

Miami and the Golden Coast have many things in common indeed!
The wine wasn’t the problem; it was the food that didn’t seem too Japanese... ;)

I’ve nothing against skyscrapers, in modern towns; not in the middle of the old historic cities... But I’m a great fan of New York!

Great that you liked!!

I knew you would love Jaipur and Udaipur!!
This cruise was great, but I’m enjoying cruising more and more lately. The hotel travels with you; no packing, unpacking, that’s awesome!! ;)

Scenic everywhere, indeed!


There is real people everywhere... even in commercialized areas... ;)
And if you’re in the mood, you’ll make home away from home anyplace... ;)

It looks wonderful out there!!

I took some time to get to cruising; but once you start is difficult to stop... ;)

Start packing!! ;)

Trotter said...

Replies, Part Two!

La différence par apport à San Francisco est dans les ponts qui manquent à Miami, car celles qui existent sont juste à coté de l’eau… Transports en commun il y en a, mais la philosophie aux États-Unis ne les favorise pas beaucoup… ;))
À cinq ans j’ai fait Madère-Azores et, ultérieurement, Azores-Madère-Lisbonne… Ensuite je me suis arrêté jusqu'à l’âge des croisières… ;)) Mais dans un bananier, c’est peut-être de trop… ;)
C’est vrai que je n’ai pas eu beaucoup de temps, mais je n’oublie pas les «amis de la blogosphère»!!

Great that you liked!!

Thanks! Hope you have great success in your exams! It’s always great to read you here!!

One day it will come true!!

Thanks! Memories, that’s it...

Criminals there are everywhere... I reduced the number of posts per page and the number of pictures per post, but the pictures are larger, that’s probably a problem... But they look much better in large size!!
Great to read about your wife!! All the best!

This one was in February 2009!!

Never been to Miami? Start packing... ;)

They surely have!!

No profile available, comment deleted!!

Man made vs. Nature; that a nice title for the post!!