"COSTA SMERALDA - Different views"

"SANTA TERESA DI GALLURA - Church. Santa Teresa, a town on the northern tip of Sardinia, on the Strait of Bonifacio, was founded on August 12th 1808, by king Vittorio Emanuele I, and at the beginning was populated by smugglers, Corsican political exiles and some local families. The construction of the church started in 1835"
"SANTA TERESA - Way to the beach... The urban plan of the town was designed by king Vittorio Emanuele I in 1807 and with it is unique in Sardinia, with its straight streets, parallel and intersecting at right angles"

"SANTA TERESA - Pedestrian zone. At the end of the 19th century the town was discovered as a tourist resort. And you may see the ad on «Seadas Fresche» - a thin film of egg pasta, a soft cheese filling and a coating of melted honey, which, perhaps more than any other represents the Sardinian tradition. The origins of this cake are in the area of Orgosolo/Oliena. The name derives from the word «seu», meaning, in Sardinian dialect, the brilliance of the pancakes after they were covered in honey. The Seadas were prepared by women to celebrate the return of men from transhumance, and in principle were not regarded as a sweet, but as actual dishes. Today they are served as dessert"

"SANTA TERESA - Port and ferry to Corsica. According to the official site, «The coast on which Santa Teresa stands was the scene of the fights between the regular troops and the exponents of the ideals defended by the French Revolution, like the revolt of June 1802, caused by the priest Sanna – Corda and the notary Cilocco on the Spanish Tower of Longosardo»"
"RENA BIANCA BEACH - No comments..."

"BEACHES ON THE COAST - Including the fabulous Rena Bianca..."

"VIGNOLA MARE - A typical village on the gulf of Vignola, 16 km from Santa Teresa di Gallura, whose main feature is its beautiful sand beach"


"SANTA REPARATA - Located only 3 km far from Santa Teresa di Gallura, furthest point in the north-eastern Sardinia, its bay is surrounded by stunning sea cliffs and the colour of its bottom goes from the blue to the green"
Hi Everybody! Fall has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere and summer is gone... That’s probably the reason why it seems that most of the visitors to this blog are becoming a bit tired of Sardinia, like G@tto... ;))
OK! Sardinia 2009 is coming to an end, but there are still some interesting views of Costa Smeralda to be seen! Enjoy, drop a line and have a great Sunday and a fabulous week ahead ;))
A rocky coast just as in my own recenttravels, but how different it looks and how different the history. Thnaks for the tour.
What a gorgeous place and your photos are superb as always! The very next best thing to being there! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!
I love your photos of Sardinia. Love the rocky coastline. Very interesting history you provided.
The colours in the sea are magic. The beaches are beautiful too. I bet it was hard to leave and go back to work.
I'd love to spend a day (or more) over there...relax and enjoy sun and beautiful sea...aaaaah!
In Casa it's still warm but there are more clouds now...
I'm off to Finland on Mon night...
Have a great week ahead!
beautiful sea..the beach looks crowded and i love the moonlight photo at the previous entry :)
toujours des paysages de reves, alors qu'ici il pleut et que la ville est tristounette. superbe , et merci de me faire rever
Here again, Gil, and enjoying the trip to Sardinia.
Been a little under weather, but trying to recover.
Wow!!! The place looks so liberated, in the true sense, far from the monotony of a meaningless life!
Blue waters, pristine beaches, laid back life - bliss in totality!
Trotter you have visited some nice places I love the sea and the rocks
Have a nice day
Beautiful town. The blue and green waters entice me. Photographs are excellent as always.
Wide open spaces, and that inviting white building with the sea at its background. So lovely!
How beautiful ! I wished I could be there right now instead of sitting here in the rain with 11 ° !
wow, amazing views! so warm and nice, compared to the rain here :)
wonderful virtual tour!
Ok...you had me at that very first photo! Gorgeous views! Every time I visit, I feel like I need a vacation pronto! :)
Bon, c'est fini tout ça... l'hiver arrive ! Aïe !
Dear Blog Trotters,
It has been a wonderful experience to travel around Costa Smeralda with you. It is truly beautiful place on earth!
Happy Autumn to you both.
AND I do hope you are BOTH feeling well!!!
Bianca beach is so beautiful! I hope to visit all of Sardinia like you and your Mrs. did! I hope you are feeling well and planning your next trip!
Hi!!Hope you're doing well....thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Fantastic images, as always!
You must have a great time there. The weather must be very good that the beach was filled with so many people. Fantastic view.
Fabuleux! Au moins jusqu'au moment où j'ai voulu visiter la plage et où j'ai fait demi-tour car, comme tout le monde le sait, je n'apprécie pas la foule.
La plage me rappelle une chanson idiote que nous chantions dans toutes les langues quand nous faisons des stages à l'étranger
Les sardines nagent dans la Méditerranée, dans la Méditerranée les sardines nagent.
I Medelhavet sardiner simmar, sardiner simmar i Medelhavet.
tired of your Sardinia post....never! And even though I am heading to the beach myself it will never be as beautiful as this one. Happy Fall G.
Gil, wonderfull are this impressions. like as you say so too, I love the water the blue and greens , dreaming of a holiday there Thanks for showing:)
Gil, thanks for this very nice virtual tour of the Costa Smeralda! All splendid views, your images and collages are really wonderful, as always!
Have a pleasant day :-)
Hi Gil, great shots of the beaches!
Yes, summer is over, so those sunny beaches look very inviting.
I can't believe the shades of blue - beautiful!
Beautiful and gorgeous place. Feel like visiting the place. All the photos are superb. Excellent shots.
Beautiful place with awesome landscape. The old buildings are stunning.
Smeralda, Teresa, déjà ces noms sont tout un voyage famillier à moi mais sans doute pas à toi, Gil
Elle parait si récente cette côte avec cet amoncellement de rochers sur la photo du dessus, comme contruite par un bébé géant...
Lovely places to warm us up on these days that are getting colder and colder...
Lovely rocky coastline and beaches.
Esmeralda sans Quasimodo !
Que de beauté.
Beaches, mountains, sunlight what more could a person ask for? As always your blog is the place to visit.
Joyce M
It's a good job I'm just back from another Mediterranean island, or I'd find looking at your photos quite unbearable :-)
Very nice post. I could use some of that blue sky about now. Happy Fall!
Beautiful photos Thanks for sharing
Johnina :^A
Hi greetings:)
Lovely photos of pristine beauty,blue waters,white sand,excellent sun shine,plenty of people lazing around the beach enjoying themselves the cool breeze and warm sunshine,lovely buildings and great scenery and awesome beauty all around.
I thoroughly enjoyed all the scenes you portrayed with your magical photographic skill.
Best wishes:)
I can't even begin to tell you how much I like these photos.
Wow,... you def. 'sold' this place to me. I would go there any time :D!
Look at all those gorgeous colours. wow again!
Cheers from dusty Kuwait!
Your Sardinia series has been full of beautiful shots, and pretty different from the "away from sea" kind that I am back from. Thanks for your regular visits. Have a great weekend Gil.
I like the rock formation in the first photo, as well as the way you captured the sky, which was very dramatic. All that blue sea is just heavenly!
Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!
Hi Everybody! It’s amazing that the end post on Sardinia 2009 arrives by the end of the summer; advantages of being twelve months late in posting… ;). Another amazing fact is that this blog has an average of just twenty visitors a day while the old Blogtrotter, finished almost ten months ago, keeps an average of two hundred visitors a day… Ten times more… Something must be wrong with this one… ;)).
Well, that’s why I truly thank you very few for your visits and comments!! And profiting from the holiday (Portugal commemorates today, October 5th, 2010, one hundred years of the change from monarchy to Republic) I’ll try to reply to your comments!
The history of the places is surely different, but the rocky coastlines aren’t so different at all... ;))
The best thing for this blog (not the next best...) is having your comments and support!
Thanks! My pleasure to provide you with something interesting to look at in several parts of the world...
You won! It’s always difficult to leave the beach and go back to work... In particular when one has only one week left in those three hundred and sixty five days that make a year... ;))
Just a day? That’s not enough... ;) You better aim to stay at least a week there and it won’t show you everything you would love to see... ;))
Beaches, at least the ones with easy access and facilities are always crowded in summer; that’s life... But the Rena Bianca, for instance, is absolutely stunning, crowded or not... ;))
On a eu un dimanche triste mais aujourd’hui, pour la commémoration des cent ans de la République au Portugal, le ciel est bleu et le soleil brille… Comme en Sardaigne… ;)
Wow! Great to have you back!! Forget the under weather... ;)
The monotony of meaningless life must surely create a boring existence!! ;)) Fortunately there are some paradises on Earth for us to forget the tediousness of every day work... ;)
One of the nice places I visited is a certain town named Christchurch in the antipodes of Portugal... But it seems that you know that small town pretty well... ;))
Part Two:
Blue and green waters are a treat to the eyes and soul... ;)
Thanks for your continued support!!
Santa Teresa di Gallura is a lovely small town... And the lamps are amazing... Did you notice?
Yeah! But you have to prepare for the next six months because, if I know it well, in Belgium autumn and winter isn’t a piece of cake... ;)
Maybe that problem of the rain and cold could be solved: move south to sunny Lisbon and enjoy also one hundred years of the Portuguese Republic... ;))
Magical Mystery Tour? That remembers me of something else... I was much younger, that’s it... ;))
You need a vacation? Start packing and fly to Portugal, the country where summer comes to spend the winter... ;))
C’est la vie mon cher...
Our pleasure to drive you around the roads and beaches of Sardinia!!
As for the back pain, it continues to hurt... ;))
I’m sure you will do that travel one of these days... Difficult to plan anything nowadays, in particular with this crisis around... But as there is one year delay in posting, there were some trips in between... ;)
Wow! So great to see you back posting and commenting!! It was a long absence, but now we hope to have you more often here...
We had a great time, but as it was already one year ago, the memories aren’t so vivid nowadays... ;)
Mais tu as eu tort, car la plage de Rena Bianca est peut-être une des plus belles que j’ai vues en Sardaigne… Alors, oublie la foule et courage… ;). Il y avait toujours des chansons folles pendant l’été à la plage, mais je les ai presque toutes oubliées… ;)
Heading to the beach? Lucky girl... though if we were prepared to face some clouds in the sun, we could also go to the beach here... ;)
But it’s so easy for you to make your travel dreams come true... Pack, fly, sail and drive and you’re there... ;))
Thanks for your continued support! Great pleasure to create these posts that get acknowledgement from you!
Still some months until next summer; unless we fly to the southern hemisphere and enjoy the sea between Manly and Bondi... But that’s Diane’s privilege... Lucky girl... ;))
Thanks! I’m so glad to read that you enjoy the pictures and the posts and that it gives you the chance to make an easy virtual tour... ;)
That line of old buildings in La Maddalena came out particularly well...
Smeralda non, mais Teresa il y on a beaucoup d’amies qui portent le nom... ;)
Du point de vue géologique je ne peux pas aider, mais en ce qui concerne la création humaine elle est plutôt récente… ;)
Under the circumstances, maybe we should move to the Southern Hemisphere from October to March... ;))
Part Four and final for the time being:
Great to see you back commenting here!!
Mais avec Quasimodo, ça serait beaucoup plus bouleversant… ;)
Thanks! Like George Clooney in Nespresso: What else? ;)). Actually there is no need for anything more...
I suspect you’re always travelling in some beautiful Mediterranean islands, which makes it truly unbearable to me... ;))
I still have some surplus of blue sky here available for sale... ;))
Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two!! My pleasure to share it with you all...
Fabulous description you made of Sardinia on this post! Much better than any text I would be able to put forward: clear, short and concise!! Thanks!
My delight to see that bit gave pleasure to you!! From dusty Cairo to dusty Kuwait? You’re taking a great share of dust... ;))
So my dear you’re back... For how long? A next trip, close or away from the sea, will be on track soon, I’m sure... ;))
My pleasure to visit your blog!
Blue is always heavenly!!
What a great place. So much to see and enjoy.
The views are so nice.
You can;t go wrong here I don;t think lol
That's a perfect spot for a vacation provided that money is not an issue... ;))
Such a beautiful place.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Thanks for your visit and comment here! Indeed a beautiful place, but not as much as Sydney... ;)
Getting angry with your spam...
I can't believe I did not previously notice this post!!! How terrible of me! Your photos are really exquisite and I am absolutely adding Sardinia onto my bucket list! That Seadas Fresche sounds positively delicious. Yum yum.
Sardinia truly deserves to be on your list!!
Such rugger beauty.
beautiful capture of beaches .
The captures are ok, but beautiful are the beaches... ;)
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