Saturday, October 09, 2010



Located on the west side of a bay of the Mediterranean Sea, Algiers is the capital and largest city of Algeria and the Maghreb. It is known as Algiers the white, due to its white buildings rising up from the sea.

"HOTEL - A great deal of time is spent in hotels..."

"SUNRISE - For once..."





"REVOLUTION DAY - On November 1st, it celebrates the beginning of the fight for independence from France in 1954. Flags are everywhere"

"ALGIERS - Old and new..."



"THE MARTYRS MEMORIAL - Opened in 1982, on the 20th anniversary of Algeria's independence, it commemorates the Algerian war for its independence"


Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! This post is moving Blogtrotter Two to the South rim of the Mediterranean Sea. After Morocco and Tunisia some years ago, we’ll be travelling the streets of Algiers in Algeria!! But to start with - it’s not a piece of cake strolling around town - we’ll see the views from the hotel room, which had a nice look towards east...
As for the rest, the delay in posting here at Blogtrotter Two just returned to the average one year! So, enjoy, leave a comment and have a great weekend!! I’ll be out working next week!!

Sylvia K said...

Another great tour as always and marvelous, fun captures! Thanks for taking us along! Enjoy your weekend/week!


RNSANE said...

Well, it looks like quite an interesting place to visit. I do, of course, love the Mediterranean. The white buildings look quite beautiful and it is nice to see the photographs at all hours of the day.

SusuPetal said...

Thanks for the tour in Algeria. I've never been there, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt are more familiar to me.

Have a nice weekend, Gil!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! What a fantastic representation of nature, people and culture! Truly awesome!

diane b said...

Those minarets are tall

juka14 said...

The Martyrs Memorial is looking great. Nice sunrise, you must have got out of your bed early.

alicesg said...

Love the sunrise photos. The street scene is so interesting. There's so many satellite dishes in the background.

eye in the sky said...

Hmmm so thats Algiers. I remembered an Algerian friend who used to tell stories of his country, like "putting a face" in a name. Those gorgeous palms along with the antenna ... wow! Great set of photos.

My Unfinished Life said...

interesting city...the sunset shots are pretty nice!!!

Paz said...

Wonderful photos. I love the sunrise pics. Have a good week.


Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Gil! I enjoy a lot this nice post with all the wonderful images and collages about Algiers! Really thrilling the hotel, the sunrise collage and the sunrise image too!
Have a good week :-)

Olivier said...

les photos du coucher de soleil sont magnifiques, j'adore

S-V-H said...

I liked that one with the many antennas, it looks some sort of "mysterious", like space scientists sitting behind every window :))

Thanks for sharing with me so many wonderful impressions of Algier!

yep... it's me commenting - again - I have set an "alarm" in my agenda that will remind me from now on to visit my blog friends at least once per week - and here I am...LOL... sorry to have been absent that long!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I like the photos of the sunrise between the minarets and the beautiful martyrs memorial.

Ingrid said...

That's the first time I see pictures of Algiers today. Looks like a very modern city and reminds me very much of Casablanca. French influence of course. It was a very bloody war for the independence. It's not yet ready for tourists I guess.

yyam said... the shots of the sunrise! Spectacular views! Another place to add to my super long list of vacation destinations! :)

Have a fabulous week ahead! :)

A Lady's Life said...

How interesting to see all those antenna's and the sunset is unbelievably beautiful.
I love hanging clothes outside to dry but no one does anymore.
But there is nothing better than the smell of fresh clothes scorched by the sun.Healthier too I would imagine.

P.N. Subramanian said...

The Sunrise is quite innovative, in between two minarets. Beautiful pictures, as always.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place. The sunrise shots are spectacular.

Marja said...

I love the sunrise shots and the palms in front of all these white buildings

april said...

Great impressions. the parabolic antennas *lol*
Greetings from Cologne and have a nice time,

HalfCrazy said...

I saw your reply on your previous blog. Yeah, I totally missed this virtual tour! I know someday I'll be following your footprints and you'll be my tour guide! Haha! :) Like I said in my blog, I got money in my mind now! :P


I love how you put those little photos together! Such beautiful scenery. I also love it when you tell a history about the place/pictures. So keep em coming. :)

Cergie said...

Le monument des martyrs s'élance vers le ciel...
Je suis allée à Alger sans descendre du bateau ; c'était avant 1964 puisqu'en 1964 je suis rentrée en France définitivement avec mes parents et mes frères. Ma tante qui vivait à Ouargla nous a rendu visite à bord...

Ash said...

Gorgeous sun shots...!!! The architecture is impressive.

BLOGitse said...

Looks Cairo or Casa :)
Have a great week!
ps. back to Casa tonight...

Rune Eide said...

I would have loved to stay in that hotel with such a view. And some of that champagne you mentioned ;-)

Emery Roth said...

Perhaps not a place I will rush to see, but happy to see it in your photos. Wow, all those dish antennas!!! Now about those sunrises. You know with photoshop you can put the sun wherever you want it. Thanks for the tour and generally for showing me the places I must get to and also those I don't have to rush to.

Anonymous said...

In a remote area? Very mysterious Gil! :) I do love all those white buildings! And that one with all the satellites is very interesting. Have a great week!

Ashira said...

Hi there! Haven't been here in far too long, and I've missed so much! I love the photo of all the satellite dishes, so ironic :) The image of the sunset between the two columns is striking - bet it was even more wonderful in person! Thanks for stopping by Moscow Daily :) Have a good day!

rochambeau said...

The sunrise in Algeria is gorgeous! Thanks though for all your fab photos!


Ron said...

Very interesting post. I didnt' have much interest in Algeria until I saw your pictures. I really like the Martyrs Memorial. That's a must see.

Cloudia said...

You have fed my dreams...

Warm Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

hpy said...

When you say perfect the cats would say purrfect.

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Lovely photos.

For a change I was thrilled to see the sunrise so beautifully captured. I hardly get to see a sunrise because I don't get out at that time of the morning.

Beautiful place to be on a holiday.

Best wishes:)

Emm said...

Very pretty but did you enjoy it??

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Another wonderful trip and the sunrise shots are marvelous!

Shionge said...

Be leaving for Istanbul end of Oct Gil and I've browsed through your post in Turkey...amazing I think you travelled more :D

Now in Ho Chi Minh my dear friend :D

Mariposa said...

perfect sunrise indeed =)
Just came back from a short trip. will be updating my blog when i can!
Have a wonderful weekend

PeterParis said...

With such an hotel and view, I can understand that you hesitate a bit before taking a stroll outside, but after all, you did! It seems it was also worthwhile.

Joy said...

The sunset photo is so beautiful!

Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

indicaspecies said...

I am partial to sunrise and sunset shots. Have a good weekend Gil.

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Was out one week (you’ll see where to in probably a little less than one year’s time... ;)), had a lot to do on the return, and now the flu caught me... So, that’s why I’ve been a bit lazy to come to the blogosphere. It’s amazing how at a certain point in your life people start seeing that you’re not a hypochondriac and that illnesses actually start hammering you... ;)). Well, we will try to survive anyhow amidst all crises... ;))
Thanks for helping this project with your comments here!!

It’s my privilege and great pleasure to take you around for this kind of sofa-travelling... ;)

There is much more than the lovely blue and white buildings and skies that we see from the sea, and I would say that though interesting to visit, it’s not an easy place to stroll around...

I can understand that you have never been there...

«Fantastic» and «awesome» are probably a little bit overstated for the actual place in discussion, but it’s interesting...

They look even much taller at sunrise... ;))

Once in your life, it’s not a sin to wake up early... ;))

I love that picture with the satellite antennas... Absolutely amazing to see that kind of show in the streets of Algiers!!

So now you may get in touch with your friend and say that Algiers already has a face to you... ;)


Once in a while, I also catch sunrises rather then sunsets... ;)

Thanks! That sunrise came out exactly as it showed in the camera, no Photoshop added... ;) And I believe it actually came out quite nicely, though I had to wait some minutes till I got it in position, exactly in the middle of the minarets!! That was a treat...

Trotter said...

Part Two:

Cette fois tu t’es trompé... ce n’est pas le coucher du soleil, mais par contre le lever du soleil… Mais tu es naturellement excusé, car très rarement je me lève à une heure qui permet prendre ce type de photos… ;)

That idea of space scientists behind every window is much more attractive than the cruel reality, which will probably just show some lower middle class individuals seeing, in some cases some awful TV programmes put on air in some uncertain locations abroad... ;))
I see that you have set an alarm, but it doesn’t seem to have been working lately, anyhow... ;))

Those sunrise pictures are best sunrises I have ever caught!! No wonder, it’s so rare for me to be watching outside at that time of the day... ;))

The difference is that Casa doesn’t have that amphitheatre style over a bay, but it’s true that some blue and white buildings are similar to ones also existing in Casablanca!!
The problem for tourists doesn’t come from the old independence war, except probably for some still alive «Pieds Noirs», but from the outcome of the Algerian Civil War which started in 1991 and lasted up to 2002...

I wouldn’t list it as a vacation destination, at least for the time being... ;)

That’s sunrise, this time... ;)
We still have the practice of hanging clothes outside to dry, though some of the modern buildings don’t even have a place to hang those clothes... But I agree with you on the smell of those clothes... ;)

Those pictures took a while to be taken, but they came out exceptionally well, at least from my point of view... ;)


Wow! Great to see that you’re connected again!!
Hope everything is great in Christchurch!!

The antennas are a must all over town, and of course they provide excellent angles for some interesting pictures...

Trotter said...

Part Three:

I’m sure that one of these days you’ll be travelling around the world in style, with the tons of money you’re going to make with your determination to achieve goals; so, by that time, I would surely be pleased to be your tour guide... ;)
Thanks for the support; sometimes just putting a post together involves too much work and perseverance, and the only recompense are the comments of the visitors! So keep coming here and commenting...

Bon, Algérie en 1964 ne devrait pas être très séduisant… Je comprends très bien que tu ne sois pas descendue du bateau…

Sunrise, for once… ;)

It similar everywhere around the Mare Romanum!!

Champagne is always welcome!! ;)

I agree with you; no need to rush, but if you have a chance to drop by, don’t miss it... ;)
These sunrises are purely natural; no Photoshop added... I don’t use it ... But my sister-in-law is an expert on that, in particular to take out of the pictures people who aren’t doing anything there, except disturbing the views... ;))

Well remote, probably not, but at least a bit unexpected, let’s say... Anyhow, there will be some pictures, not many, to be seen in some year time... ;)
Those satellite dishes are amazing!!

Oh dear, you surely have missed a lot!! ;))
It’s sunrise, at least once in a lifetime... And it’s between minarets...;))

It’s probably the same everywhere when you’re able to catch the sunrise, but this was an interesting location to get it tn the middle of the minarets!!

I can understand you didn’t have much interest in Algeria; actually in the other side of the Atlantic Ocean there will be very people interested in the place, except probably the people of Algerian origin... I wouldn’t put it on my vacation list, but if one has the chance to go there, I think it shouldn’t be missed... There are always things to surprise you anywhere you go in this not so small world!
Have a great weekend!

Trotter said...

Part Four and final, for the time being...

Why? It is far from what I would call a «dreamland»... Talking dreams, I would love to go back to Wailea beach, see Kauai and the Big Island again and finally manage to see Lanai and Molokai... That’s feeding my dreams... ;))

Purrfect, indeed!!

So you have also joined the club of those who easily miss the sunrise! Welcome to the group... ;)
But, sunrise away, I wouldn’t say that it is a «beautiful place to take a holiday», because a holiday depends of many other factors than just natural beauty... And the other factors are not so positive to make it recommendable for holidays... I was there professionally... ;))

Ah, OK? Someone would definitely put the question!! It’s interesting to go there and see what there is to be seen... I was staying there in a professional visit and so things were much easier for us... But I definitely think I wouldn’t go there in a vacation trip; taking into account the number of police check points from the airport to Algiers, security is an issue of concern...

Always great to read you here! Thanks for the compliment!!

Come on, Ho Chi Minh, Istanbul by the end of the month... You’re the real Trotter... I couldn’t even make it to Istanbul to see the fantastic victory of F.C.Porto against Besitkas (3-1) and against an awful one-sided referee... ;)). But I’ll check your pictures of the tour you’re making!! ;9

It seems that everybody is making trips nowadays... I thought the vacations were already over... ;))

The hesitation to stroll outside was not only due to the delights of the hotel... ;). Anyhow, there are some interesting spots to see in the city, though the traffic congestion also makes it hard to go from one side to the other... ;)

It must be, but only because it is a sunrise picture, rather than sunset... ;))

I can understand why you’re partial on such a theme... ;))

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

is it safe to go to Algeria? any tips?

Trotter said...

OK, if you're not in a hurry, maybe you can postpone that trip a little bit... I was there professionally...

Emm said...

Aaah, okay, I did get the idea that it was not exactly a place to fall in love with. Very interesting. You must have a very interesting business! Did you know, I had an idea that you spent all of your time traveling for fun.

Trotter said...

It seems that the desert is absolutely stunning; but things are even tougher over there...

Travelling only for fun would be great, but you would never go to places you just go because you have to go... ;))

Light and Voices said...

Touring Algiers must have been fun for you and your wife. I love the sunset/sunrise photos. Lovely.
Joyce M

Trotter said...

I wouldn't say «fun»... But it's always interesting to visit new countries and new places... ;)

My Unfinished Life said...

vibrant city!!!

Trotter said...

Thanks for coming back to this post again!!