Thursday, February 24, 2011



"GRASSE - The world's capital of perfume and the Cathedral, dedicated to Notre Dame du Puy and founded in the 11th century..."


"GRASSE - The Fragonard factory and the Old Town"

"INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF PERFUME - According to Wikipedia, «twenty-seven tonnes of jasmine are now harvested in Grasse every year»"


"SAINT RAPHAEL - In 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte and his forces arrived by ship from Egypt, and landed at the fishing village of Saint-Raphaël. Connections..."








Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Grasse is the capital of Perfume and Cannes is the capital of the Starlettes... ;) The drive from one place to the other, going through Saint Raphael and then along the coast is a wonderful trip... Hope you’ll enjoy the drive and wish you a fabulous weekend...

diane b said...

Thanks for that trip. We were going to do it from Cannes but we ran out of days before we moved on to Barcelona. It is a beautiful corner of Europe.

SusuPetal said...

Oh! Summer! Wait for me, I'm coming!

I've never been to Cannes. It would be interesting.

joo said...

You always show such beautiful places Trotter, and I always feel like catching the plane and going there!!!
As for your comment on my Madrid post - yes, I haven't visited Lisbon so far, but it's my dream! Will do it sooner or later:)

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures as always, Trotter! Next best thing to being there! Hope you have a great weekend!


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! Brilliant pictures! Quite a treat! Thanks very much!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Beautiful drive! Thanks for taking me there.

Now, Then and Forever .

Lloyd said...

Wow! Great photos. I love it.
And beautiful places to visit too.

You are so lucky to see all this beautiful places.

Thanks for sharing this.

Seattle Real Estate | Alaska Fishing Lodge

Ron said...

Wonderful post. The first picture with the cathedral is amazing. Did you take in the film festival?

Dianne said...

Thank you for this beautiful trip - I have never been to Grasse but love-love perfume so would have enjoyed that town and the famous Fragonard factory. Cannes is my sort of place.
"All Things French"

alicesg said...

Looked like another nice and enjoyable trip. Your wife looked like she is pleased with her shopping. :) Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend.

Nicole said...

Awesome - you've really seen the greatest places!
I think I would like this one too :)!

My Unfinished Life said...

Grasse..such a lovely preferring it more to Cannes!!....

eye in the sky said...

I love the Esterel by the sea. Beautiful photos.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Hope you have plenty of interesting views of old Marseilles - best if around the 7th district, because I'm planning to move there.

Olivier said...

quelle est belle notre france, le sud est magnifique et tes photos lui rendent hommage

leo said...

I love the smell of jasmine; but Grasse is a first for me thanks to you.

Emery Roth said...

Twenty-seven tonnes of jasmine! Holy garlic festival! I never knew there was a world's capital of perfume, but I guess it's got to be somewhere. Lovely photos, as always.

BTW, I'm fine, just preoccupied with another project and unable to post to my blog. Thanks for asking.

A Lady's Life said...

Wonderful post!
I think you have such a rich knowledge of history by now visiting all these places and learning about people and cultures.
There is always so much to learn which makes the world so interesting.

Nikon said...

Looks fabulous there, Gil.
I like your interior shots at the cathedral and the sea looks beautiful there.
It would be so nice to take a break from Winter :)

Georgianna said...

Well, this was a marvelous vacation, Gil! Just amazing images and what a location. Thanks so much for your visit and for sharing this trip. – g

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is will I be in Paris for the Springtime? :)

As always, a delightful post Gil!

seema gupta said...

again a magical view of cannens....feeling like visiting now itself ha ha ha thanks for sharing ya


yyam said...

Thanks again for the great share! Awesome pictures! Yet another place to put on my long list of places to visit!

Cloudia said...


Great smelling post\\

Aloha from Honolulu,

Comfort Spiral


Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. Looks very different from here.

Pietro Brosio said...

Gil, I've enjoyed this beautiful trip along the coast, fantastic views indeed, and Cannes is always so pleasant!
Happy new week!

Galaxy6139 said...

Very beautiful places ^^ Enjoy

PeterParis said...

A wonderful trip to make, provided you can avoid July and August! (So you spent a night at Carlton, I presume?)

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Wonderful trip with amazing photos and lovely write up. This is a very beautiful place.

Regina said...

Wow fantastic place. Thank you for sharing Trotter.

Have a wonderful week.

Mariposa said...

beautiful scenery! :)

juka14 said...

It's a great region to drive around. After seeing these photos I can't wait for spring to come.

elvira pajarola said...

SUBLIME and very "perfumed" tour en france.....!!!

I love the sory about Grasse....I certainly love perfumes....and I certainly love french perfumes......!!!

Beautiful Tour sur la Cote d'Azur....!!!

Thanks Trotter and a beautiful week!!

ciao ciao elvira

Ola said...

You keep on visiting fabulous places!

Cergie said...

C'est à Canne que j'ai acheté les tissus pour ma robe de mariée et les parfums de la Provence que je préfère sont ceux de la garrigue : thym, romarin, fenouil mais aussi celui des cageots de pêches ou de melons fendus...

rochambeau said...

What J O Y to be with you and Mrs T. here in Cannes, to experiencing the headquarters of fine perfume!
Wish I could scratch and sniff the jasmine of Grasse!

Thank you Gil! It is fabulous to have the chance to see because of you!


RNSANE said...

What a delightful sojourn you've given me in this wonderful part of France that I've visited several times in the past and that I lament my retirement will prevent me from seeing again. I suspect I will return to your blog to linger over these pictures when my heart longs for travel that I can no longer afford, otherwise. The pictures are just beautiful, Trotters. I so enjoyed all of them and I could not pick my favorites. You covered EVERYTHING.

magiceye said...

all picture perfect!!

Light and Voices said...

What an wonderful coastal highway!
Joyce M

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Time as been at a premium here... No time to see the Oscars (furthermore it’s too late at night here in Lisbon...) and also not so much time to blogging; but I’ll try to at least put the replies to your comments updated!!
Anyhow, thanks always for your nice and interesting comments! I’m truly glad to read you here!

The problem of travelling in the Côte d’Azur is that you not often run out of days to visit everything you wish to... But Barcelona surely also deserved your attention... ;)

Summer is a dream time; in particular in Scandinavia... Shame that it lasts so little: late June early August... ;)

That’s exactly how it should be... start packing and travel... ;)
I’m looking forward to seeing you in Lisbon... We’ll see what happens first, us going to Poland or you coming to Portugal... ;)

Thanks! That’s very kind of you... and I’m glad that you liked to see the places I’ve been showing...

My pleasure!

Mary Elizabeth,
My pleasure! Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two! Look forward to reading you here often!!

Lloyd (Tarantino),
Thanks for your visit and first time comment here! I’m however afraid that I’m not in the mood neither to get into Seattle real estate business nor in fishing in Alaska... ;)

When I went there the Cinema Festival was already over... and I tell you: it’s a nightmare to go to the region either during the Cannes Festival or in late July and August... ;)

I’m sure you would love to smell the fragrances at the Fragonard factory and at the International Museum... ;) I’m not so fond of Cannes, but love everything between Nice and Menton...

Alice SG,
She went to «La Cotonnière» and bought some cotton chemises... That’s why she was so pleased... ;)

Trotter said...

Part Two:

I’m trying to see the most I can, but it’s not an easy task... And for the time being Leptis Magna, Cyrene and Sabratha are completely out of the question... unfortunately!!

Cannes might be too busy or too aged to my style... Busy during the Festival and in summer; with an average of 82 during winter... ;))

That’s an interesting and impressive view; with a colourful sunset, the red of the massif against the blue of the sea is an amazing view...

Sorry, no pictures of Marseille! I was there only once, at night and didn’t take any pictures... ;-(. But what the hell are you moving from Paris to Marseille? It doesn’t make much sense to me... ;)

Ah, mais il y a encore beaucoup plus à voir dans le sud de la France... Et aussi dans le Nord, sinon Lyliane va se fâcher…

Jasmine is in the front page with the jasmine revolutions in Northern Africa... much quieter and less hazardous the flower and the fragrances... ;)

There is a capital for everything, I presume... If you go to Ketchikan, Alaska, they will tell you that it is the World Capital of Salmon... But if you go to Port Albeni, British Columbia, Canada, they will tell you are at the Salmon Capital of the World... ;)
Great to read that you’re fine!

The most interesting of the travels one makes, at least from my point of view, is to what we learn about geography, people, history and culture (including food and sports...). The problem is that this is not such a small world and thus there is always a lot to learn... ;))

A break from winter is always great!! But this trip was taken already in June 2010... ;)

My pleasure to drive you around!!

Trotter said...

Part Three:

That is actually the big question... I’ve not been spending time in my favourite big cities lately (forget the airports...): last time in London – December 2008; last time in New York – May 2007; last time in Paris – February 2006, incredible!! I’ve to start taking care of that... ;)

Magical? Maybe... It’s my great pleasure to virtually drive you through all these sites... ;)

I see your list growing, but don’t see you doing anything to reducing it... ;)) you better start packing... ;))

Aloha!! So, you noticed the fragrances... It’s great to have all these new technologies... ;))

I’m sure it is rather different from there... At least, I haven’t seen any of the fabulous temples you use to show in your blog in any of these places at the Côte d’Azur... ;)

This is quite close to your neighbourhood; you must be well acquainted with the region, I presume...

Welcome back!! So, how’s married life?

No, not in the Carlton, though it is an Intercontinental Hotel... Usually I do not stay in Cannes; prefer Nice... And early May, before the Festival, or early June, after the Festival, are the best seasons to stroll around, I believe...

Thanks! Your appreciation is always too kind and much better than the appreciated...

My pleasure!!

Ingrid said...

Nice to see your pictures, I will be in the region between Marseille and Toulon next month for a week also visiting the coast.

Trotter said...

Part Four:


But even in winter you may drive over there... ;) But it’s true that it is far from being so interesting to stroll around the Côte in the winter months...

Great to read you back at Blogtrotter Two!! I surely can imagine you shopping in and around Grasse with all the fragrances in the air... Anyhow, beware: better keep your credit card at home... ;))

I wish I could visit much more than I’ve been visiting... Memories of old and long trips, that’s mostly what I get nowadays... ;))

Ah, mais une robe de mariée achetée à Cannes, avant qu’il n’y ait des Galliano dans le «business», c’était définitivement très chic… ;)). Et, pour en finir, comme parfum, le melon fendu… Super!!
J’aime bien le thym; mais sans le basilic, pas de cuisine provençale… ;)

My pleasure to virtually drive you around the Côte and surroundings… That’s the great advantage of blogging: I show the views; you make the comments... Everybody is happy... ;)

Don’t give up, one never knows... Maybe your 67th will be in a place even more exciting than you can anticipate!!

It’s not true, but thanks anyhow... ;))

Much more than a highway... ;)

Trotter said...

Lucky girl!!

Trotter said...

Where is the h of has gone in the first reply to the comments? Amazing...

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

I really love this part of Cote d'Azur. Never been to Grasse, though...

Trotter said...

So great to read you back here!!
La Côte is definitely your kind of territory... ;)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I enjoyed taking this ride along the coast of France with you on your blog, Gil! I doubt I'll ever see therse beautiful cities in person so it was nice to see them through your camera lens :) What amazing views!

Trotter said...

Who knows!! Maybe some months ago you didn't know you were going to Sydney... ;)

Emm said...

Oh, I really like the look of Grasse!

Trotter said...

It looks great...