Thursday, August 26, 2010



"GULF OF OROSEI - Clouds for our departure..."





"PORTO SAN PAOLO - Restaurant Il Portolano: lobster spaghetti and ravioli al nero di sepia..."

"TAVOLARA ISLAND - Just across from Porto San Paolo, the limestone massif is five kilometres long, one kilometre wide and 565 metres above sea level at its highest point"

"TAVOLARA - There was a Kingdom of Tavolara in the 19th and 20th centuries, one of the smallest in the world. Ruled by the Bertoleoni family, it became de facto part of Italy in 1962 when a NATO base was established, although it was never formally annexed"

"GULFS - Olbia and Aranci, with the village of Nodu Pianu"

"PORTO ROTONDO - No sign of Villa Certosa..."


"CALA DI VOLPE - Arrival at the hotel: strawberries and prosecco..."


Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! I’ll finally take my official holiday week this year next week... provided that my terrible L4/L5 back pain leaves me in peace for a while... But I won’t leave you empty hands... I was planning to be a bit more in advance with posts this August, but it seems that the one year delay is a trade-mark of this blog. So, the best I can make now is to show you the move to Costa Smeralda and the amazing Tavolara Island from the distance!! Enjoy, leave your comments and have a great time. I’ll be back to see and comment on your blogs by September 6th!!

My Unfinished Life said...

the first shot is just too beautiful!!!!

lovely place and am sure you guys had a lovely time :)

Anonymous said...

From a distance or up close's all very beautiful. I'll take that cute little pink house there on the beach for just a week. I won't be greedy. Have a wonderful time Gil and wife on your vacation and I hope your back pain stays quiet. I have it too and it's been a bummer the last couple of weeks. It seems the more exercise I do the worse it gets....not fair!

juka14 said...

That first photo is fabulous, what a view!! I like the Tavolara Island also, quiet impressive. Good luck with the back pain and enjoy the holiday!

eye in the sky said...

The first photo alone had me staring agape at the expanse and beauty of the place.

Olivier said...

des paysages magnifiques qui donnent envie de partir en Vacances (surtout qu'il pleut sur Evry aujourd'hui)

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! Really splendid views of the Costa Smeralda, nice collages, I enjoy them a lot! The funny words "No sign of Villa Certosa..." make me smile!! :-)
Have a wonderful holiday!

Lori said...

What magnificent scenery. I so envy your travels! Strawberries and prosecco sounds like a fantasic way to launch any vacation! Enjoy your next adventure!

Thérèse said...

A part pour les "moteurs" sur les photos, de bien belles photos saines. Cela fait plaisir.
Bonnes vacances et surtout le voeu que le dos se mette également en repos.

Cloudia said...

Waikiki must say "CIAO" to these glories!

Neptune's cave would house Hawaiian demi-gods and the bones of chiefs were it here...and Pele the volcano
goddess is at war with him sometimes...

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

Emery Roth said...

What, no picture from the top of Tavolara?

A Lady's Life said...

Its Home away from home. Very friendly looking and fresh.
:) Have a great vacation .
Gosh your life is a vacation. lol

L. Neusiedler said...

enjoy your holiday! I am sure you'll come back with a lot of new gorgeous images!

alicesg said...

Lovely photos. How amazing they can build houses on the side of the mountain. Hope you have a nice time and enjoy your holiday.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! This is such a wonderful place! Absolutely wonderful pictures of the water and the skies, and of course the place itself, reflecting its rich culture!

The lobster spaghetti and ravioli looks delicious too! :)

Do have a wonderful holiday and take very good care of your back!

yyam said...

Oh! Have a great vacation and take more photos for us!

Love all the photos in this post...the blue skies, the lovely houses and the clear're so lucky to have enjoyed all these! Can I come along? ;)

Rajesh said...

Fabulous shots. You always show us some of the most wonderful places.

hpy said...

L'île Tavolara est magnigique, si haute! Et la visite au restaurant n'était pas mal non plus.

Urmi said...

The first picture and Cape Comino looks gorgeous. All the pictures are so nice and the place is so beautiful that I feel like going for a trip. I am sure it must have been one of your best trip. Liked and enjoyed your post.

BLOGitse said...

I'd love to be there, right now!
Have a great holiday!!!

Indrani said...

Beautiful shots, I like the collages you create.

Cergie said...

Et ben une semaine de vacances ne te fera pas de mal, tu vas regretter le travail tu vas voir et être content de rentrer : trop de soleil, trop de mer, trop de fruits de mer, et des pâtes !
Et puis tes chers amis bloggeurs vont te manquer !
Repose toi et nous on va être contents de ne plus t'entendre dire que tu nous envies nos vacances alors que c'est toi qui fais envie à tout le monde !

Ron said...

Fabulous post, love the pictures. I still find those houses on the hillside fascinating.

rochambeau said...

The blue waters seem to follow you and Mrs Trotter, Gil! Truly, I hope your back will be 100% so you can take your holidays soon!!!!

Moving Companies said...

It looks like the TV is going to fall down on you lol..

Regina said...

Wow such gorgeous and delightful place.
Thank you for sharing Trotter.

Happy weekend.

RNSANE said...

I can empathize with your L4 - L5 back pain....25 years ago, after I slipped on hydraulic fluid that leaked from an OR table, I ended up having a two level, bilateral laminectomy and fusion from L4 to
S1 - still have back pain, though. It makes life difficult, at times.

Great photos of places I will never get to see if not for you.

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Lovely amazing photos.Each one is a visual treat.They are beautiful. I admire your skill in photography.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday:)

P.N. Subramanian said...

Costa Smeralda seems to be a lovely place. Photographs are beautiful as always. The vacant chair in the last two photographs is self explanatory.

Bhushavali said...

Turquoise seas and hill toppings!!! Loving it!!! Also the decor behind the bed is great!!!

In Search of Pusa Hills
One more LBD - Little Black Dress

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Je n'y étais pas en touriste et je trouve qu'il commence à y avoir bcp trop de monde, sur cette île !
Je vends et je me casse pour toujours.

Nice pics, Gil, nevertheless !

Joy said...

Those mountains are gorgeous. People who have that vista are so fortunate. Lobster spaghetti? Yummy!

Have a great start to your week!

Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

Mariposa said...

really beautiful!hope you're having fun on your vacation now :)

Moving Companies said...

very nice blog..

Lakshmi said...

first picture is simply brilliant..take care of the husband has the same problem

lyliane six said...

Toujours aussi beau, les paysages et vous 2!!
Je n'ai rien fait à mes cheveux seulement un peu plus longs, mais ils ont terriblement blanchis.
Je suis toujours par monts et par vaux, ça m'aide pour le moral, je pars chez ma sœur, faire un tour sur le Rhin, puis faire un stage d'hélicoptère.

leo said...

Ouch back pain, take care so it wont aggrevate. I like the way they decorate the room's wall. Creative. Enjoy your holiday.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such beautiful blue skies, blue waters and clean white sands!

Sorry I haven't visited but I've been away on vacation in California and had little computer time. We visited san Francisco, the wine valleys of Sonoma and napa nad Yosemite National Park.

I hope your back feels better and you are able to go on vacation Gil!

PeterParis said...

So Berlusconi didn't invite you! Too bad (or good)!

The spaghetti and ravioli dishes look really nice! Accompanied by a bottle of Semidano?

An island to visit! Maybe next year's vacation.

Shionge said...

Living a good life there Gil :) What a lovely sight :D

Tinsie said...

Awww those pasta dishes look good! I need a holiday - and soon.

kyh said...

hey blogtrot! ;) decided to drop u a visit after so long! so sorry as i'm having a long hiatus from blogging - and who knows when i'm gonna rest again ;)

anyway, sardinia is really beautiful! i just love the mediterranean weather and landscape! cheers!

elvira pajarola said...

Fantastic Tour.......wonderful photos and very beautiful your mosaic - compositions!!!!!

have a wonderful weekend!
ciao ciao elvira

Haddock said...

A nice place and lovely photographs.

Sahildeki Ev said...

Thanks for the tour..It looks like an amazing place..

Sahildeki Ev said...

Thanks for the tour..It looks like an amazing place..

indicaspecies said...

Beautiful pictures, as always. Did you climb the mountain to take that superb shot in the first photograph? ;)

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

I can;t take my eyes off the ravioli al nero di sepia!

Nikon said...

Amazing place, this is a really great series of photos, Gil!
I'd love to visit there - you make it look so good!

Urmi said...

Thanks for your lovely comment.

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! Great to see that you profit from my absence to come here and comment!! It’s always great to read your lines, even more after some days off…
Thanks for dropping by and leaving your views on this journey from Orosei to Costa Smeralda, a gorgeous site!!

It’s the view you have from the road when, after the tunnel, you start descending to Cala Gonone! A gorgeous site and a fabulous view…

La Caletta isn’t probably one of the most beautiful places in Sardinia to spend the holidays, but if the pink house makes your day, please help yourself… ;))

Tavolara was probably the most surprising site I saw in Sardinia. It’s truly an amazing island, with an amazing history (the Kingdom of Tavolara) and an amazing shape… ;))

That’s a fabulous view; just imagine seeing it at the end of a tunnel while driving on the way to Cala Gonone!!

Partir est toujours magnifique; en vacances ou même en travail… ;). Aujourd’hui la température à Lisbonne est de 35º centigrades; ils sont fous ces gens de la Méteo… ;))

With regard to Villa Certosa, there were lots of pin-up girls around and on the beaches, but no sign of the Cavaliere… ;))

I would prefer strawberries and champagne, but since we were in Italy, prosecco would be fine… ;))

Il semble que je dois aller au gym pour le dos; quelle drôle d’idée… C’est ça le problème quand le délai de garantie commence a s’évanouir… ;))

Aloha!! Fabulous mythology, that of the Hawaiian gods and demigods… Wouldn’t mind to be in my favourite Hawaiian island (Maui) now, enjoying the sun at Wailea and having a drink at the Four Seasons… ;))

That was truly a shame… But the Kingdom of Tavolara is a quite weird piece of land… ;))

I would love to have a full time vacation after all these years… Unfortunately, it has been much worse reaching it than previously imagined… ;))

You can’t imagine how many pictures were taken during this week vacation… I counted almost two thousand… ;) But, after deleting many repeated, some blurred (more than usually acceptable…;)) and some uninteresting, the end result was of one thousand six hundred and twenty… ;))
You’ll see some next year… ;))

Trotter said...

Part Two:

Alice SG,
People in the islands usually build houses in the weirdest locations you may imagine… Next year, I’ll show you some from this year’s holiday… ;))

Thanks for your wishes…
Lobster and pasta goes quite well together; actually, lobster seems to go quite well anyway… ;))

There are lots of pictures for you; but with the year delay, you’ll probably see them only next July or August… I’ll keep them stored for you anyhow… and I tell you already: it’s going to be worth while seeing!!
You’re always welcome dear; start packing for the next adventure… ;))

Searching the wonderful could be a great motto for a lifetime… ;)). Like the Brazilian writer Jorge Amado said in one of his books, «we cannot have them all, but we should try…» ;))

Il Portolano a été la belle surprise de l’arrivée à Porto San Paolo… Je l’ai découvert par hasard, mais il semble que le restaurant est très connu dans le coin…

I would switch the Cape Comino with the amazing Tavolara island; for the rest, I fully agree with you…
My pleasure to comment on your yummy blogs!!

It was a short holiday, but great anyhow… You’ll see some pictures of it next August probably, taking into account my delay in posting… ;))

Not an easy task to make those collages; sometimes they come out better than others… weird… ;)

Je ne suis pas si sûr d’être content de rentrer… ;). La seule chose qui vraiment me touche pour la rentrée c’est avoir des amis bloggeurs qui me manquent… L’envie, avec une semaine, même si un peu longue, de vacances, ne passe pas si facilement… ;))

I wonder whether you mean the first ones in Cala Gonone or the others in Posada, but they are both great…

I was born in an island; that must be the reason why the blue waters are following us everywhere… ;))

Moving companies,
Thanks for your visit and first time comment here. That TV was rather well fixed… ;))

My pleasure!

You know how it hurts… But worse than that is the prospective that you have to spend some time left in a gym… Always remember an old professor who passed away at the age of 91, that when asked what was the secret for his longevity always said: never entered a gym… ;))

Trotter said...

Part Three:

Imagine if you see Ted Roth’s pictures: that’s truly a skilled photographer… Here you just see some beautiful sites, nothing more than that…

It’s indeed a lovely place!!

Everything trompe-l’oeil… All the decorations on the walls are just paintings; nothing there… ;)

Il semble qu’il y a trop de monde partout… Je me rappelle de l’Algarve à la fin des années soixante, avant que Cliff Richard n’ai découvert Albufeira, et la comparaison avec aujourd’hui est affreuse… Heureusement je ne doit rien vendre pour partir ensuite… ;)

Lobster spaghetti, sure… ;))

Fast ended this vacation… ;)

Again? This looks like spam…


Heureux de te voir de retour à la blogosphère… Un stage d’hélicoptère? Et tu ne veux pas voir tes cheveux blanchir? ;))

Even without aggravation that back pain is already an awful experience… ;).
That’s all painted… Nothing else on those walls!!

Wow! What a gorgeous journey… One day I’ll get back to California and will try to re-visit some of those places you mentioned… But first there are still so many other places I’ve never been to… ;))

Silvio was probably too busy during the summer to make decent receptions at the Villa… But, Bingo on the Semidano… ;)

Trotter said...

Part Four and last, for the time being...

One has to profit while there is time… ;)

Pasta and Greek salad sounds definitely like holidays are in the air… ;))

Great to read you back here! Congrats on your graduation!!

Not so fabulous as Tuscany, but a great tour anyway… ;))


My pleasure!

We drove there… Actually, the picture was taken from the road that starts getting down to Cala Gonone, after the tunnel that separates it from Dorgali…

Anything «al nero di sepia» is always great… ;)

Start packing… ;)

S-V-H said...

Wonderful report in beautiful great photographs. The Rock is really impressive and beautiful. You have chosen a wonderful destination on Sardinia.

Thanks for sharing!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my! The lobster spaghetti and sepia nero ravioli look delicious!

Such beautiful views from Sardenia! I think this is one of favorite places that you've visited.

Trotter said...

That's the most famous part of Sardinia and deservedly so...

Lobster anyway... ;)

Ingrid said...

Must have been a wonderful trip !

Trotter said...

Indeed it was...

seema gupta said...

TAVOLARA ISLAND seems to be a adventures place. just love dthe pics

Trotter said...

Tavalora is probably one of the most odd islands I've ever seen...