Sunday, January 10, 2010





February is a perfect month for Florida and the Caribbean, provided you have time to enjoy. In 2009, there was a window of opportunity, as it is now said, and we profited...

"FIRST LOUNGE - Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5. Advantages of the BA Executive Club Gold Card. It's much better than shown here..."


"DOWNTOWN SUNRISE - Manhattanization, with the so-called Freedom Tower - built in 1925 as the headquarter and printing facility of the Miami News & Metropolis newspaper -, getting smaller..."

"DOWNTOWN - The lobby of the Intercontinental, the free Metromover and the Manhattan-style buildings..."

"SOUTH BEACH - 5 & 15 St"



"DELANO HOTEL - Care for a pool cabin?"

"ART DECO - Collins Avenue"






Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Welcome to Blogtrotter Two, the follow-up of the previous Blogtrotter. Not much imagination, I concede... ;)
I'll try to show some more or less interesting places in our not so small World, hope that you enjoy this blog at least as much as the old Blogtrotter and look forward to seeing your comments here!!
Have fun and a great day, week year...

Rakesh Vanamali said...

A brand new space! Wow! I look forward to another set of wonderful pictures from across the world and am happy to be the 1st (perhaps) to leave a comment here!

You are the best!

BLOGitse said...

WOW, I'm second to comment! LOL!
(I was first but our internet connection dropped off, sigh!)

What a start you have for your new blog - congrats!
I wonder why I'm itching?!
oooo, it's the travelling bug! :)
I want to see and feel Miami in the future, thank you! :)

Olivier said...

Bravo et felicitation pour ce nouveau blog, qu'il continue de nous faire rever comme le precedent. Superbe voyage a Miami

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

I love your new blog :)

Rajasthani Turbans

diane b said...

I'm ready for some more armchair travelling. You certainly travel in style and to some beautiful places.

hpy said...

De plus grandes photos sur ce blog TWO qui a changé d'apparence par rapport au ONE! Noir au lieu de blanc. Pour la suite, nous verrons!

Stella Bella said...

yeah ! I am on your new blog! ;D

Tinsie said...

I can't believe it - the photos on this one are even bigger than the previous blog. They barely fit my screen!!

Ramakrishnan said...

Congrats on the new Blog.Great photographs. Keep it going.

Thérèse said...

Let's sit back, watch and relax...

Ingrid said...

Congratulations to Bogtrotter 2 ! I see Miami hasn't changed a lot since I have been there, lol !

Mariposa said...

congrats on your new blog =) lovin Miami!

SusuPetal said...

Congrats for your new blog, nice to know that our travels with you continue!

Anonymous said...

Very nice photos. Nice new blog, too. Congrats on your new blog.


S-V-H said...

ALL the places you are showing us are interesting, nice, cool, colorful, historical.... and so on...for me!

I love to come to see your great photographs. I know Miami myself a little bit, (I got my green card in Miami), I was many times there and I love that vivid city for the most for the architectural part of it, the colors and the lay-back-lifestyle. It's way more sophisticated than Key West. :)

I have subscribed to your new blog also, I don't want to miss anything happen

Thanks for sharing all your travel experiences, it's like traveling with you - and your lovely wife. It's like knowing both of you :)

Neelima Vallangi said...

wow! one more blog full of travels and pictures! And i like the black background.. No surprises! :D Makes the images look even better.
The beach looks lovely.

Anonymous said...

Nice start for the new Blog! I also love the black background. The fotos become more enhanced. The blue skies and the sea waters look even more beautiful!Great! I look forward the next posts, even if I (must) know what they are about...I travel again and that is very good. Thanks! Guida

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Gil!
Nice new blog for the new year and decade! I look forward to all you post.

Miami is getting bigger and bigger! I hope the weather was warm when you visited. Florida had quite an unusual cold spell last week -- it was below freezing!

Best of luck with you new blog --Pat

eye in the sky said...

Great posts to start a new blog! Congratulations!

Voegtli said...

I am happy to be among the first 30 visitors of your new blog. It looks very attractive.

I am off today for Sri Lanka.

freefalling said...

Hey Gil,
A shiny new blog.
I like the bigger photos.
I'd love to go for a swim in the Delano Hotel pool but I'm not too sure about the pool cabin though.

Nisha Jha said...

A nice change in header. And the photos are as awesome as before.

Keep it up.


Unknown said...

Congrates on Blogtrotter 2! Look forward to the many places we too can visit.

lv2scpbk said...

Hey the name works for me. I think you have alot of gem photos and I love looking at them. There are quit a few that catch my eye. I'm sure from time to time I will revisit some of those older sites you have posted.

But, for now I'd like to say congrats on starting your new one (even if the name has no imagination) LOL, just kidding.

Love the city photos as usual because it makes me feel like I can get a sense from your photos of what it's like there.

leo said...

At last I found my way to your shiny new blog. Lovin it already. Never been to this part of US (as if I've been to many lol). Keep up the good work in sharing wt us what the world map has to offer. Congrats.

Ron said...

Great post! Haven't been here yet, but there is always time to see the beautiful beach.

Pietro Brosio said...

Gil, congratulations on your new very attractive blog! The images are splendid!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I am quite jealous of your spacious plane seats!! :)

Love your new blog Gil. I haven't been to Miami since I was a girl....but may be going once again as my youngest son's girl has a home in the keys. Happy 2010 New Year.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Gil,
I'm proud to join your new blogtrotter nr.2, and thanks for inviting me once again, Yeh Florida is thé place to be in Febr. at least for the weather and interesting towns and buildings, there is also a "racket" place in Florida, where you can see the planes which are going to the moon... Have you been there?

Once we visited Florida too (not the key's) , we stayed at surrounding "Daytona beach", what impressed me were the cars driving on the beach, also the slow driving -big cars too- was impressing me very much. That time we wer still smokers and could not go anywhere in places "eerywhere it was forbidden to smake", since 10 years ago we don't smoke anymore...

Where do you saty and for how long are you in Florida?

Thanks for showing this interesting places, e sure would like to visit Florida again.

Have a great stay over-there, greetings fro your wife, and we meet on our blogs thanks and good bye.:)

Greetings JoAnn /Holland

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

I love Miami! I'll be following your new blog as well!!!

Jurgen Huibers said...

Hi Gil, great to see you're back! I'm sure we'll see a lot of great places in the world on this blog also.
Nice start with Miami, love the sun!

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Magnifique mais faut il leur pardonner de nous avoir donné GW Bush.
En guise de représaille certains ont choisi Nicolas !

rochambeau said...

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Trotter,
Thank you so very much!
Always for many years I've wondered about Miami. And TODAY, I see what you've seen. I thought it would look like this. Very nice!

Happy New Year!

Nikon said...

Hello Gil!! Great photos on the new blog. I've never been to Miami but you sure make it look like a nice place to see.
Thanks for stopping by & I wish you the best of luck with BLOGTROTTER 2!

Light and Voices said...

Well, if I ever get to Miami I think I would like to go to Jerry's Deli and have a corned beef sandwich. Lovely blog!
Joyce M

Dick said...

A new blog for a fresh start in 2010.
It looks good and it seems the pictures are even larger.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful experience. The snaps are awesome.

Venksh said...

Mr. Gil the second version of Blogtrotter is superb with its new fresh theme...
nice start with Miami especially with the beach picx, was expecting more of beach picx lol...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me know this new one!
It looks brilliant, it is even more enjoyable to travel with you and your wife here.
February could be very good to leave Finland for Florida or some other warm, sunny county, but not just this February for us.
Your photos are wonderful to see as big now, thank you!
And very happy Sunday to you too!

Rune Eide said...

Congratulations with the new blog! Miami seems to be a delightful mixture of the tall and the special. I wouldn't mind that pool cabin, though...

My Unfinished Life said...

ur new blog space is neat and sleek!!!
i like it very much!!!!
miami is one of the few places in USA i wanna addition to New Orleans, grand canyon national park and yellow stone national park...and of course alaska!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice looking at your new space...its grand usual some wonderfully captured shots....have a nice week ahead....!

Unseen India Tours said...

Congratulations on the new Blog !! The new post is definitely awesome and fantastic !! I loved it !! Thanks for sharing..

PeterParis said...

Blogtrotter is of course a name that you just MUST keep! No. 2, no. 3...

This new presentation gives in my mind an even better chance to enjoy your photos (with the texts that go with)! You have obvioulsy spent considerable time and energy to make the site even more attractive! Bravo!!

Miami is good start! Only one thing frightens me; my last visit was 45 years ago!! Greyhound bus, but I offered myself a nice hotel (in the low season) and spent some relaxing days!

RNSANE said...

Well, Miami isn't my favorite place but I've been in and out of there, probably forty times in my know, I've done 88 cruises - but all over the world. I've actually stay at the Intercontinental. I wish I had known you were going to be in Miami! I'd have insisted you try two of my favorite restaurants - owned by someone who has now become a friend - Tutto Pasta and his new place, Zucchero. I've written them both up on Yelp and TripAdvisor. Even if I'm cruising out of Port Canaveral, I will fly into Miami, just to eat there, then will drive to my other port! The food is outstanding.

Isn't 2010 the year you two need to visit San Francisco?

Emery Roth said...

Of all the places I thought I might find you, Miami was not one. I hope you missed the cold snap about which all my Florida friends have been complaining. As a Connecticut guy I find it hard to sympathize with freezing at 50 degrees F.

Cloudia said...

Verrrry nice shots!

Aloha, Friend

Comfort Spiral

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Wow, ça commence bien !
(mais, Gil, never bent horizon line, please).

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

I can't believe I've actually been to the same place as you! Hope you had a chance to go to Key West while you were in the area.

yyam said...

Congrats on your new home my friend!

Love these pictures...Definitely one of the must-see places...the blue skies, palm trees, beaches are so inviting...lucky you!

alicesg said...

I have followed you to your new blog. :) Your new blog looked very nice. Looking forward to more photos of your travels and it looked like we are travelling with you when we view your

Unknown said...

Hi ya Gil.....LOVE this blog! I had a peek at your visited map..and there's very little that you havent gone to. I am sure many are envious like me. Great Miami post..and the only ones I have seen apart from yours are on TV :)

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! I must confess that I’m truly happy with your reactions to the new Blogtrotter!! It seems that it achieved its aim… And, as the visitors to this new blog are even less than the visitors to the previous Blogtrotter, the ratio between visitors and comments is incredible high… ;)

You were Number One! Thanks!!
Hope you will keep enjoying Blogtrotter’s saga…. ;))

It would have been lovely to see you first, but Rakesh (a nice guy…) was first and had no connection problems from India… ;))
Travelling bug? I’ll have to keep mine under control, as my chances to get out are becoming much more difficult nowadays!!

Merci! J’espère que Blogtrotter Two continuera à te donner le plaisir de visiter des endroits plus ou moins lointains sans sortir même pas de ton canapé… Et si ça fait rêver, c’est encore beaucoup plus mieux; on ne sortira pas jamais de l’ottomane… ;))

Great! Will be looking forward to seeing your comments here as I used to read them at Blogtrotter!

You should get a chaise longue, as these trips are far from being so exciting as the ones taken when we were much younger… ;)) Much more style, much less adventure; and dementia is getting around the corner… ;))

Oui, on verra; mais pour le moment les photos ont été agrandies, car elles sont le plus intéressant de ce blog… ;)

Great to read you here!! Would prefer to see you in Hong-Kong or Macau, but I’m somehow stuck around here… ;))

The pictures are larger, but the posts have less pictures per page and the pages have less posts, so you probably won’t have any problems downloading the blog… ;))

My pleasure!!

Exactly! The show has just started… But this time I’m not anticipating as many interesting destinations as I would some years ago… ;))

It would have been great if the bad things had changed for good… Like our saying: «for better, ok; for worse, it’s enough as it is…» ;))

Thanks! Love to see you commenting here. You’re on the Board of Honour of Blogtrotter’s commentators; look forward to seeing you also at the Board of Blogtrotter Two… ;)

Thanks for coming with us in these «chaise-longue» travelling… But the door is open for real travelling in the sun… ;)

I’m glad you liked! Would prefer to celebrate in New York, but things are getting difficult for travelling theses days… Cheers!!

I still remember your lovely photos from Key West, Conch Republic… It might not be as sophisticated as Miami, but it sure is a great place to go and to be…
Maybe one of these days we’ll be able to meet in person; for the time being wish you and you family all the best and hope health problems will be healed fast and soon…

Great to see you here on this very first post!! I never changed Blogtrotter’s background to black because I simply didn’t know how to do that without changing the whole template and having to refill the many additions I had to the original one… Ignorance!!

You know everything about these trips for almost forty years… ;))

For the New Year, ok! For the new decade, it has to wait for 2011… But that’s a long discussion, taking into account that there was no year zero… ;))
The weather in Miami in February 2009 was perfect: around 25º centigrade, which is a terrific temperature for winter… ;)

Great to read you here also. Look forward to your sharp comments in the future posts… ;)

Glad to see you here commenting on the first one; hope you had a nice trip and are having a great stay in Sri Lanka! With the tragedy in Haiti, people aren’t focused anymore in Sri Lanka, but I wonder that there will still lots to do there also…

Wow! Great to see you at the first post of the new blog!! Can imagine you swimming at the Delano… ;

Trotter said...

Part Two:

The header has now moved to another island; no longer Easter Island but Moorea, French Polynesia… The photos are larger… ;)

Thanks! Hope that what will be shown here will not disappoint neither you nor me... ;)). Actually, it has been hard getting to interesting places lately...

OK, then I’ll keep the name... ;)
Re-visiting, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing since I started blogging in 2005; knowing that the pace of travelling would decrease incredibly, I started re-living it in post memories... ;))
I think that the next post on South Beach will show the city better than this one...

It’s great that you didn’t get lost to arrive at Blogtrotter Two... ;)
I’ll surely share with you what the world has to show; the problem is that the world has a lot to show and I lately, on the contrary, have few to share... ;)

One day The Steelers will play down there and you’ll travel to see... ;)
And South Beach is a lovely place to see... and to be seen... ;))

PS: I must have a special word of thanks to you, since in Blogtrotter (one) you were the only one who commented in all my last eighty posts (80)! I fully appreciated and am much grateful. Thanks again!!

Thanks! I think that the black background and the larger pictures make it more attractive...

PS: A special thanks also to you, as you come second in the rank of commentators of Blogtrotter (one) with seventy-eight (78) comments in the last 80 posts! Thanks again!

Also like the new look in black of the background...
I thought you could use you Open ID with the restriction I introduced to registered users only... But I’ll let it open to anonymous for a while so that you may comment as you wish... The problem would be when spammers will start looking at this blog and attacking it... ;)

Ah ah ah, British Airways has some advantages in Club... ;))
Lucky girl to have free lodging in the keys... I’m envious now... ;))

Are you interested in going to the moon? Cape Canaveral is not recruiting nowadays I think, but they might open an exception to you... ;))
So you were at Daytona; for the Daytona 500? That’s thrilling... Now you see the advantages of being a non smoker... ;)
Non smoker and a bit distracted: I was in Florida in February 2009... ;))
Thanks a lot for your comments. Always an interesting chat!!

Thanks! Miami has certainly some terrific spots that you must adore... Can imagine that!!

The sun was shining in Miami, and there was no need to bring my pocket sun this time... ;)
As for the places we’ll see here, I’m not so sure that they will be great... I’ve been a bit stuck lately, so things are hard and getting harder...

C’est vrai que c’était la Floride qu’a été mal famée, même si personne n’a pas eu de profit… Mais vraiment on ne saura jamais, parce que la Cour Suprême n’a pas laissé faire la recompte des votes…
Pour les représailles on a quand même Carla… ;)

Thanks! Downtown isn’t my favourite area in Miami, but these pictures taken from the Intercontinental Hotel aren’t too bad... ;)

The United States is huge... Many years ago I was talking with some American friends and they told me: you have been to places many Americans have not been to... but that wasn’t the case of Miami...
Thanks for your good wishes; hope to see you here often!!

Corned beef isn’t exactly my favourite; but a nice stone crab at Joe’s would certainly be OK!! ;)

The pictures are actually larger!!

Thanks! I’m glad that you liked it!!

Great that you enjoyed!! Miami is a nice place to start a blog, a cruise, an adventure, whatever... A nice start... ;)

Wow, so no long no see, but here you are on the first post of the new blog!! Thanks!! You’re truly welcome to «chaise-longue» travel with us!! ;)
II have a Finnish friend who always tries to travel South in February... Even if it is for a lousy conference... ;)

Trotter said...

Part Three:

Miami is a bit of a conglomerate; probably not as much as Los Angeles, but still... There are many different quarters and downtown is far from being the most interesting part of town... ;)
Anyhow, the pool cabin comes with champagne... ;))

Thanks for your kind words! As for Miami, you have it here; New Orleans, Grand Canyon and Yellowstone you have it in Blogtrotter 70s & 80s; and Alaska in Blogtrotter. Just help yourself... ;))

Thanks! I’m glad that you like the grand format...

Miami helps a lot to make it an interesting post!

OK, I’ll keep the trademark; just wonder whether I should register it... ;)
You’re right; it took some time to manage to adapt the template to this form. Mostly due to my cyber-ignorance... ;)
45 years ago? Wow! At the same age I was hitch-hiking Lisbon-Stockholm; not a chance to take an intercontinental flight... ;)

88 cruises? That’s stunning!! No wonder you have been in Miami some forty times... I’ll try to get to the restaurants you mentioned my next time there...
First time in San Francisco, 1982! Last time, 1996! It should make sense 2010... But there are still so many «new» places to see... ;)
Anyhow, my daughter was there last October...)

I was there in February 2009... Weather was warm enough... 50 F is what we call a cold winter day in Lisbon... ;))


OK, I’ll try... Anyhow, the Corcorde is no longer flying and that was the only place where I’ve seen the bent horizon line... ;))

Come on, I’m sure you have been to some nice places also... ;)

There are some nicer beaches, but Miami has some charm; in particular in the Art Deco District we’re seeing in the next post!

Alice SG,
Great to see you here! It means you didn’t get lost... ;))
You’re always welcome to join for the trip!!

M. Kate,
I’m glad I’m competing with TV... ;))

MedaM said...

What other to say Gil but I am impressed with your new start and with this post. The third photo took my breath away and all others are just outstanding.

Trotter said...

Thanks! I was on the jet lag side, so that picture came out quite early in the morning and the light was great...

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

Trotter said...

I take it as a compliment... ;)