Wednesday, August 17, 2011



"SUNRISE, HOTEL LE GOELAND - Wake up in room 15 with this view..."

"HOTEL LE GOELAND - The Cala Rossa Hotel was fully booked, but the choice of «Le Goeland» proved to be a great decision"

"BONIFACIO - Named in 828 after Boniface II of Tuscany, who fought the Moors, Bonifacio is located directly on the Mediterranean Sea, on the best harbour of the southern coast of Corsica, separated from Sardinia by the Strait of Bonifacio"

"COASTLINE TOUR - Leaving the yacht port, passing the commercial port and the Madonetta lighthouse to get into the open Mediterranean Sea"

"FAZZIO ISLE TO BOCCHE DI BONIFACIO - And the differences between the limestone and granite rocks of the coast"


"BONIFACIO - The old town (the Upper city) is located on the promontory overlooking the Mediterranean Sea at about 70m high and was built in the 9th century. The cliffs have been undercut by the ocean so that the buildings of a white city gleaming in the sun appear to overhang the precipice"

"BONIFACIO FROM SEA - With the staircase «Escalier du Roi d'Aragon"


"THE GRAIN DE SABLE (Grain of Sand) - This huge rock that fell from the cliff symbolizes what seems to be the inescapable destiny that nature reserves to Bonifacio, in the very long term: be buried under the waves. In fact, the mouths of Bonifacio are among the coasts the most exposed to the elements of the Mediterranean Sea"

"VIEWS FROM THE TOP - With the Grain of Sand"


"LA DAME DE BONIFACIO - This reproduction, which can be seen in Bonifacio's Memorial of the Past Museum, refers to the remains of a young woman, carbon dated to 6570 BC. Her skeleton was found in an ancient cave near the village of Capello, north of Bonifacio, proving that the area was inhabited in prehistoric times"



Trotter said...

Hi Folks! Hope you’re doing well, and enjoying some holidays in some wonderful place around this not so small world... Today, we have Bonifacio here, at the very south bottom of Corsica, facing Sardinia and the notorious Strait... The views from the Mediterranean Sea, as you may confirm, are absolutely awesome! Enjoy, drop a line (there won’t be a long line for that... ;)) and have a gorgeous week, weekend or holidays, anywhere you are...

SusuPetal said...

Oh, those cliffs!

Dame doesn't look so healthy!

Olivier said...

c'est magnifique comme paysage (bon sauf le squelette ;)) )

hpy said...

C'est très beau, et on voit encore une fois qu'on ne construit jamais trop loin de la cote.

Lara @ Uproad said...

beautiful places and amazing images! thanks for this virtual trip!

joo said...

I want holiday!!!!! The place looks so lovely, eh, sea, blue sky and so many interesting things to visit!

Thérèse said...

Ravissant! bon à part cette gentille dame bien sur qui met du piment à ton billet...

P.N. Subramanian said...

Mediterranean coastline seems to hold marvels. Well captured. I was wondering as to where the skeleton of the women lies now.

Tinsie said...

After seeing your photos, I really really want to visit Corsica!

Ron said...

Very nice pictures, I am really loving those cliffs.

A Lady's Life said...

so is this skeleton human or cro magnon or what?
this sure is interesting.:)

Emery Roth said...

An extraordinary landscape and town and one of your best posts. Did you walk the staircase?

Light and Voices said...

Cliffs, ocean views, blue skies....what's not to like?
Joyce M

Anonymous said...

Gil, your fabulous and beautiful posts sure make me wish I had paid more attention to my geography and history teachers. Stunning photos.

rochambeau said...

The southern part of Corsica is like heaven! You captured such beautiful light in those first photographs!!
Hi Mrs. and Mrs. Trotter.
Sending happiness your way~~

eye in the sky said...

I love the serene beauty from Le Goeland's waterfront.

alicesg said...

Sorry for the late visit, I seem to have miss this post. Very beautiful town and nice to see those houses built on top of the cliff must be nice to live so near the sea.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Bonifacio looks very rugged and beautiful! I liked the Madonetta lighthouse and the caves. You saw so much of Corsica..what will the next town you visited there be?

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil, what a fantastic post about Bonifacio: amazing the views from the sea, great images and collages!
Have a pleasant week!

It's true, at Ferragosto the highways are often congested here in Italy! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That view of a hotel window could be perfect :) And I can see now, how much we could see there, thanks to you!
Thank you also for your visit my site!
Regards! Leena

yyam said...

Sure looks like an awesome vacation spot! Love the views! Thanks for sharing! :)

Nikon said...

Hi Gil,
I love this post!
The shot of Bonifacio - the old city at the top of the cliff is great.
The shots of the bay and the rocky coast with the azure sea are stunning.

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Stunning photos,amazing views,lovely scenery. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes,

Kalyan said...

Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

Cloudia said...

city on a cliff, eh?

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >


Urmi said...

I feel like visiting Corsica now itself. Absolutely gorgeous and amazing place. Each and every picture is so beautiful that I cannot express you in words.
You are welcome at my new post-

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place. The architecture is grand. and place is also scenic.

Cergie said...

Tu as bien fait de te lever tôt ce jour là, une lumière basse rien de tel. Et mieux vaut avoir une longue journée devant soi lorsqu'on est en vacances.
(Hpy s'y connait en falaises....)

Padharo Rajasthan said...

These are some really beautiful,fantastic and amazing shots !! This part of world is extremely amazing and awesome !! Thanks for sharing such a beauty !!

Great Post !!

Padharo Rajasthan

Ola said...

the view from the hotel's window was really magnificant! and the rock formations-amazing. The skelleton looks however scary!:)

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures and you have seen a lot !

diane b said...

i love the shot of the old city teetering on the top of the cliffs. You sure find some ancient places to visit. Thanks for taking me along.

Ash said...

Interesting photos, Gil. I must say the skeleton photo really freaked me out!

juka14 said...

Beautiful coastline and cliffs!!!

Chuckeroon said...

Heh, Trotter! You may think I've beeen neglecting you, but my attention has been rather far from photoblogging. I feel a bit like that skeleton - somewhat focused on other things further away!

But the photography is still alive and kicking. More time snapping and less time blogging it, in fact.

Are we any nearer to that beer in LHR?

Anonymous said...

Awesome-looking photos!

Unknown said...

Great scenery. Love the cliffs.

My Unfinished Life said...

lovely images of a a lovely place!!

especially love the cliffs!!

elvira pajarola said...

Ohhh, so incredibly magnificient the cliffs over the sea...I LOVE IT...!!!

Corsica, the wild Isle, so very diffrent & so amazingly beautiful: Your fabulous photos show a wonderful part of it!!!!!

Gorgeous little town & so much life....!!!

Thanks for a wild, wild trip to our neighbour Isle...!!!!

Thanks so much Trotter for your always so kind visits in my Tuscany!!!!!

ciao ciao elvira

Emery Roth said...

Where have you been. To one who stays local your excursions are always very welcome, and I miss them. I hope all is well.

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! Just a few lines to answer your kind comments!

Yeah! Eight thousand years are probably too much!! ;)

Le paysage est superbe!!

Je doute même s’il y a de la côte au-delà des constructions… ;)

My pleasure!!

If you want holiday, just imagine me who had none... ;)

Je ne sais pas pourquoi ils l’ont trouvé si intéressante… ;)) Bon, huit mille ans c’est peut-être assez… ;)

I tell you the story of the «Dame of Bonifacio»;
In 1972, the skeleton of a woman from the early Neolithic was discovered in a cave known as the Araguina at the entrance of the city by archaeologists Francis Claude Michel Weiss and Lanfranchi. However, already in 1962, Paul Rossi, Director of the College of Bonifacio, had noticed signs of a habitat of some importance. Subsequently, the site was systematically searched from 1966.
The stratigraphic layers were in an exceptional state of preservation and archaeologists were able to date the origin of the skeleton (6500-7000 BC), notably through the Carbon 14 analysis. The skeleton was covered with a yellow substance (funerary rite). The woman who lived with his family in the cave died at age 35 and was about 1m55 tall (the average size was at that time). She was disabled (with the Scheuermann's disease). One shoulder (right), higher than the other, was atrophied. She had problems in the joints that had reached the tibia, toes ... The food she ate consisted of fish, shellfish variety, but also meat (beef, sheep, goat) the occupants of the cave also hunted a small rodent (rabbit) called Lagomys Prolagus corsicanus. The group of the Lady of Bonifacio also consumes wild fruit, berries and interred their dead in the home itself. These prehistoric people practiced the same trade in and out of Corsica to get supplies of flint and obsidian, from which they made weapons and tools. It is thought that this community has come to Sardinia and then moved it in the Cave of the Araguina. The skeleton of the Lady of Bonifacio ( and this is the answer to your query P.N.) lies in the Museum of the Alta Rocca, at Levie. The town of Bonifacio has only a simple plaster cast of that skeleton.... ;)

Better hurry, before we all in Europe get bankrupt... ;)

They’re awesome aren’t they?

The whole story above, at P.N.’s answer...

Trotter said...

Part Two:

Not so interesting the stairs!! ;)
Things have been harsh, the more for a stuck traveller... ;)

Everything perfect!!

I got the best marks of my secondary school in the final exams for History and Geography... lol!!

Thanks! Great that you liked...

You definitely have good taste!! It’s superb!!

Nice, but probably dangerous... ;)

I hope you’ll like Porto Vecchio...

Thanks! All credits to that incredible town...

One of the best hotel views we had ever had...

Glad you liked...

Trotter said...

Part Three:

It’s an incredible place, and the views from the sea are awesome!!

My pleasure to show and my joy you liked... ;)

Wow! Great to have you back!!

Super cool... ;)

You’re too kind!

After your forts and temples, Bonifacio is far from being impressive... ;)

Au Geoland je me levais toujours tôt… Le spectacle était superbe… Et, en plus, il y avait le ferry qui arrivait du continent… ;)


Thanks for your visit and first time comment here!! Look forward to reading you here more often!!

Great views, indeed!! The lady has a long story... ;))

Trotter said...

Part Four, and final for the time being!

I would love to have seen much more... ;)

My pleasure!!

The lady is a bit too old... ;)


I was there on a connecting flight; but had to move from LHR to Gatwick and had no chance for the beer... Next time...


They’re fabulous!!

A wonderful view!!

It’s indeed a wild and wonderful island!! But the other one south of it also has its charm... ;)
My pleasure to visit your Tuscany!!