The coast rocks of the Gulf of Orosei are stunning. But you'll see with your own eyes!!

"CALA LUNA - The calcareous rock seems to suddenly appear out of nowhere..."



"CAPO DI MONTE SANTU - End of the Gulf of Orosei"
Hi Everybody! Portugal is out of the South Africa 2010 World Championship, probably not a big surprise (we have Cristiano Ronaldo but we miss a coach, a bit like Argentina...), but I wonder what are thinking those experts who predicted a final Brazil against Argentina... Better pay attention to the stunning rocks of the Gulf of Orosei!! ;))
Have a great Sunday and an extraordinary week!! And a superb 4th of July for my American blog friends!!
These are all wonderful photos of a stunning cliff rocks, Gil!
So sorry about Portugal being out of the cup games. After seeing Germany play today I won't be surprised if they are the top winners.
The water is soooooo beautiful! I haven't visited lately, been on a 5,600 mile motorcycle trip :-)
breathtaking!! Sorry, I've been rather busy these few weeks. finally managed to stop by here :)
Oh, those rocks are great!!!!
Football is full of surprises, yesterday it was goodbye to Argentina. Interesting!
Yup these are stunning. Sea looks rough thou. Not for the faintest heart ;) I was opting for Germany,Portugal and South Korea in this WC. Well now only the Germans left. Go Klose! Hv a good week ahead.
Great pics! I am all about Germany winning the world Cup.
Absolutely stunning pictures indeed! They look so out of the world - especially out of my world! :)
Thanks so much for sharing this!
And about Argentina crashing out of the cup; I'm utterly shocked by what was such a dismal performance!
I'm all out to kill Octopus Paul! Meanwhile, if you meet him, could you please say some not-so-nice-things to him? :)
What a formidable rock! I love the blueness of the sea. Wonderful photos, Gil.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again. Here's to a great week ahead!
Very beautiful scenery. The sea looked so vast and lovely. My two sisters are so sad and sick about Brazil and Argentina's defeat in the World I am no football fan.
magical! And Hawaiians respect stones...
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Wow how gorgeous Trotter.
The cliff and the cave are amazing.
Love the beautiful waters. Thank you for sharing.
Have a great week ahead.
O la laa...this post rocks! :)
Greetings from Casa!
Stunning is right, in size, shape and colour.
The rocky terrain and blue seas.. amazing pics as dying to get out too..looking at all my old pics
Stunning! Stunning! Stunning!! :D I'm awed by the magnitude :D
This is a great rock and seasight views collection, Gil, more complete that mine.
Les falaises sont magnifiques! Je passe en vitesse, je suis là mais je n'ai pas le temps en ce moment. Travail, travail, travail! Je me fais donc rare sur les blogs. Mais ce n'est pas voulu.
c'est magnifique toutes ces criques et ces rochers. Le voilier donne envie ;)
Superbes rochers, ils ont dû s'abattre sur votre tête quand le Portugal a perdu, nous avons bien pensé à vous, pourtant il était dans nos favoris.Maintenant je parie plutôt pour l'Allemagne contre la Hollande en finale, çà serait formidable, ma sœur habitant l'Allemagne et à 30 KM de la frontière Hollandaise nous irions faire la fête dans l'un ou l'autre de ces 2 pays.
What a wild an rocky landscape ! I love rocks !
Love learning about new places from you. Great post, as usual. P.S. Just FYI, am having trouble with my "comment section", trying to figure out what's happening. I can read the comments sent to my email but when I accept/approve them, I don't see them posted on my site. Just in case you're wondering what happened to your comment, I am getting it. Thanks for visiting.
stunning photos. i'd like to be there right about now, since it is so hot in nyc. hot and humid.
p.s. sorry about portugal and the world cup. i've been watching.
Can you imagine having to take a boat to get to some of these beautiful beaches?
These are wonderful secluded spots!
Absolutely breathtaking! And oh how I would love to be able to see everyone of these places! Your photos are the next best thing! Love that blue water! Hope your have a great week, Trotter! Thanks as always for your visit/comment! Always appreciated!
Hi Gil! Amazing rocks in a fabulous sea! I enjoy all the very nice images and collages!
What a disappointment also for Italy in the World Championship 2010...! :-)
Have a beautiful week!
What a beautiful spot, Gil! I can't believe the intensity of the blue.
To me this place is right out of a boy's adventure book :)
The rocks on the coast complement the gorgeous blue ocean.
Gorgeous cliffs and gorgeous photos. Didn't Odysseus pass there?
Stunning pictures! Love the blues in the sky and ocean! What a beautiful place to visit!
Wow! That's all I can say.
Luscious Blue water and sky to match. Do you and Mrs T. look for the most beautiful spots as one of your traveling criteria? Your boat photo inspires me. I'm going to make a little one.
Have you talked to M.Kate?
Beautiful GIL. Your last post also had few such formations. Thanks.
hello Gil,
Thanks for inviting me to watch your blog again, I LOVE your blog and the travels.....the water and the scenes with rocks are so wonderfull,
sorry that I am not able to blogging for a while, I am too much in pain since I lost my dog, see you when I am more able to blog, I will return in blogland anyhow,first we are going for our own travels, I show you in a while where we went, BE patient please...
JoAnn Holland
Beautiful Cliffs! I could spend all day there.
This is the entire great travelogue and gains much experience and all the new things from this travel article as well.
awesome rock formations. those seascapes are truly my favorite subjects and there are lots of them here in the philippines. i bet you will have a great time here if you happen to like these kind of scenes :)
What a gorgeous landscape!
Cheers from South Sinai :-)!
I want to go there! :)
:D :D :D :D :D
Such spectacular scenery...the ocean is so blue and those rocks are breathtakingly beautiful .... good thing you are showing me such lovely things since I can no longer afford to travel!
At least these are rocking pictures! -our star players were not really rocking at the world cup this time... too bad... any favorite octopus recipe?
Stunning captures!
The water is so blue!
..had me hunting all over looking for hidden things. Found them all rather scary, sharp and unfriendly. Not good for sailors in storms. No comment on football....too ashamed and head down. Paul is good fun!!
I love the colour of the sea :-)
Fabulous shots. Those rock formations are awesome.
Hi Everybody! I just confirmed that the prediction of octopus Paul on Germany v. Uruguay was right and came here to thank you for taking the time, during such a busy football season, to still drop a line on one of the most impressive parts of the Sardinian coastline! ;)) I wonder what people will do the next four years until the World Cup 2014 in Brazil... ;). Anyhow, on this side of the Atlantic Ocean posting on Sardinia 2009 will continue for some weeks; with only one post per week, it will get some time till I get rid of all the pictures I took there last year... ;)). Hope you truly enjoy and wish you all the best for the game this Sunday... ;))
Have great fun and a gorgeous week!!
PS: I’ll try to reply to your comments either today or during the week, but I’m still waiting for Peter’s comment... ;)
GMG! Thanks for your comment. I just got back from a short holiday at the east coast of Malaysia. I will be posting some pics up soon! :)
Have a wonderful week!
OK!! Congratulations Spain!! It was the best team, and probably the only one that in the final worked to win rather than waiting the others to lose... ;)) Of course, this is an excuse to the Portuguese coach, as he can always say that Portugal was eliminated by the champions, but that also happened because he didn’t prepared his team to win... TV coaches, we are thousands... ;))
Must confess that I was rather impressed with those cliffs; incredible walls just straight to the sea, and almost everywhere around the island...
About Portugal. It would have been difficult with such a loser as coach, but now there is the typical excuse: we were sent off by the champions... Anyhow, the Cup comes closer this time, to our neighbours... ;)). Much closer than to the Netherlands, which was beaten for the third time in the final game... ;))?
Germany had no chances against Spain; octopus Paul dixit... ;))
A five thousand six hundred miles motorcycle trip? That’s almost a trip around the world... and at the end Spain won... ;)). I wonder whether Sardinia was one of your destinations... or South Africa!!
It seems everybody has been busy these last weeks; now that the World Cup ended I wonder what will be the excuses... ;)).
Thanks anyhow for dropping by and leaving a comment notwithstanding the frenetic schedule!!
These are probably the largest collection of most stunning rocks I’ve seen around in Mediterranean Sea...
Argentina, as I predicted (not only octopus Paul gets the right result... ;)), had «keine Chance gegen Deutschland»... And without a coach, things are even much more difficult... ;)
The sea looks much rougher than it actually was, but we can’t say it was an «Admiral’s sea»... ;)) (an expression we use in Portuguese to name a completely flat sea...). So, not even Germany had a chance against the tiqui-taka style of our neighbours, the Spaniards... ;). And Klose won’t get closer to the record of Ronaldo, the phenomenon, who scored 15 goals in all championships he played... (Klose has only 14...). Anyhow, nothing compared to Just Fontaine, the Frenchman who scored 13 goals in only six games in only one Championship, the 1958 Cup, first won by Pele and Brazil, in Sweden!!
So, you were also wrong; only Paul, the most famous octopus in the world, was one hundred percent right... I knew the Spain was the best team, but thought that Holland could do better than they did in the final... It’s too harsh to play against the «tiqui-taka»... ;))
It’s amazing how we can have so different experiences; probably because I was born in an island, I can’t figure myself living far from the sea, and actually I’m always thinking that I should get a house with some kind of sea view... Playing Euromillions might help... ;))
You know, Paul was always right, and Argentina, with so many brilliant players, but without a coach, wouldn’t be able to go anywhere... Football, though accepts some genius, is basically a team game... ;))
That blue was superb!!
My pleasure to visit and comment on Norwich... We missed it for such a long time...
Indeed! After 1978, I’m never sad seeing Argentina going off... ;)). But the defeat of Brazil of course broke my heart... More than «nuestros hermanos», they are «nossos irmãos»... (that is «our brothers», in a language that it fully understandable for you... ;))
Aloha! These stones are a kind of special ones ... Do Hawaiians have the same traditions as the aboriginal people in Australia? Songlines and the like? I didn’t notice that when I was in Hawaii...
My pleasure to share all this, in particular with visitors that are kind enough to drop a line anytime they come here!!
Wow! That’s a great header for the post! I should have remembered that expression for the title of the post: «This Post Rocks...». It would have been a great designation!! Great to see you happy in Casablanca!!
Part Two,
And everything else you may imagine!!! Stunning at all... ;))
That’s exactly what happens to me most of the time... Instead of travelling as often as I used to, I look at the old pictures and post them... That’s how the different Blogtrotters were born, though only a very few number of visitors pay attention to them... ;))
These are awesome, indeed! I fully agree with you!!
I can’t believe that this collection is larger than yours... Furthermore, your Granny’s house isn’t that far from Dorgali, I suppose, and also from Cala Gonone... ;))
Je te comprends très bien; c’est affreux voir que tout le monde part en vacances tandis que nous, nous restions là… ;)) Et maintenant que l’Espagne a gagné, on n’a pas plus de foot à voir… ;))
Les criques sont magnifiques; il y en a charmantes sur la Rivière Turque, mais celles-ci sont aussi superbes… ;))
Tu sais, on a perdu parce qu’on n’a pas un entraîneur digne de ce nom, même s’il y en a quelques joueurs qui sont très bons… Mais maintenant cet innommable type, digne émule d’un certain Domenech, a la chance de dire que l’équipe du Portugal n’a souffert qu’un seul but pendant tout le Championnat et justement contre les Champions du Monde… Quelle tristesse… ;)). À la fin, ni Allemagne, ni Hollande, mais oui, «Nuestros Hermanos. Tiqui-taka»… ;))
This is the most impressive collection of sea rocks I’ve seen in the Mediterranean; actually, the Atlantic Ocean isn’t so unruffled to sail around the islands... ;))
Thanks! I also had some troubles some day last week with the comments; I had thirty comments, the comment section showed the thirty, but only 19 were acknowledge in the main page of the blog... it lasted however only for a few hours, not much...
Hot and humid is the worse combination of them all... ;))
We lost, because our team wasn’t as good as Spain... And our coach was far from being a genius... ;). But then, we realized we lost against the World Champions... What else? ;))
There is no other way to get there... ;)). And some of the beaches are absolutely out of this world...
Breathtaking indeed! You just have to start packing... And if you want to stay a bit more, G@tto has a house for sale in a village south of Cala Gonone... ;))
My pleasure to visit and comment on your blog!!
I saw the game of Italy against Slovakia; a true nightmare to your side... But coaches like Marcello Lippi, Fabio Capello, Diego Armando Maradona, Carlos Queiroz, Sven-Goran Eriksson... could just get home and enjoy the money they earned and leave their teams in peace... ;))
My favourite blue used to be the Aegean Sea; darker than this one... But the show around the Gulf of Orosei is also worth seeing... ;))
Perfect complement!!
Ulysses, I always prefer Ulysses instead of Odysseus (and one of the reasons is because Lisbon is said to have its name from Olissipo – hypothetically city of Ulysses), might have been around Sardinia during the famous «ten eventful years» after the Trojan War and before getting back to Ithaca... Who knows?? ;)
A beautiful place for a vacation, something I desperately need... ;)
Being one of the most beautiful places in the world would certainly draw our attention as a spot for a holiday; the problem is that there are so many beautiful places out there that it is impossible to see them all... ;))
What happened to M.Kate?
You’re always welcome!
Sorry for Ios and also for the Clockwork Orange not working against Spain... I was expecting a bit more from Sneijder & Co. ;)). Hope to see you back healed after all the suffering...
You’ll need at least a week!!
Part Three,
Shenandoah spammer,
You’re to be still here... ;))
I’ve not seen the rock formations in the Philippines; one day I’ll have to make the coast of, at least, some of your most beautiful islands...
Thanks for visiting and dropping a line... ;))
Start packing... ;))
It’s my pleasure; please feel free to be a frequent commentator here, after being a frequent Cruiser with Royal Caribbean... ;))
The problem wasn’t the stars, but the coach... ;))
«Polvo à lagareiro» it’s the best; with hot olive oil and garlic... ;))
Great to read you back here!!
Hidden gems are much more difficult to find than a better coach for England... ;))
Similar to the beauty you have in the Aegean...
Fully agree with you!!
Welcome back to this post, though I believe you were heading for the next one... ;)
Look forward to seeing the Malaysian adventure!!
Love the massive rocks.
Fabulous, aren't they?
ohhhh!!! no one can beat the nature, its true, just fantastic art of rocks.
It's absolutely stunning!!
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