Monday, August 02, 2010



Alghero is a town with less than fifty thousand inhabitants in the west coast of Sardinia. After it was captured by the Aragonese in 1353, Alghero started an economically development period with the arrival of Catalan colonists. In 1720 Alghero and Sardinia were handed over to the House of Savoy. Anyhow, there is still a persistent Catalan influence in Alghero, including a native language, which is a Catalan dialect: the Algherese Catalan!

"OLD TOWN - By the port..."

"OLD TOWN - Pebbled streets..."


"TOWERS - Del Portal and Sant Maria"


"SANT MIQUEL - The patron saint of the city is celebrated on September 28th with fireworks and a «Festa»..."

"CHURCHES - St. Miquel and St. Francesc"

"ARCADES - St. Francesc"

"OLD TOWN - Piazza Civica, Court and Piazza Sulis"





Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! After the strange Orgosolo, let’s move to the West Coast in Sardinia to a bit of Catalonia there. Actually, in 1353 the city was captured by the Aragonese under Bernardo de Cabrera, and grew later thanks to the arrival of the Catalans. Think of Barcelona and get pleasure from Alghero... ;)
Well, repeating myself, if you’re not in vacation, enjoy and have a marvellous week!! If you’re in vacation, you’re already enjoying... ;))

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gil for taking us to places that I will most likely never see in my lifetime. The beach is so pretty and basically uncrowded. My kind of beach. We spent the day planning a Fall trip to somewhere I have always wanted to go. And I hope I can take photos, like you do, worthy of it. :) You all have a great week too.

Paz said...

A lovely tour. This is another place to put on my list to visit, thanks to you. ;-)


Sylvia K said...

What a terrific tour, Gil! I would dearly love to visit there! Your superb photos are the very next best thing! Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing the beauty!


Emery Roth said...

Really beautiful, my kind of place and strangely quiet.

alicesg said...

Looking at your blog, I seem to be in vacation Looked like a lot of walking to do there. Nice architectural buildings.

magiceye said...

beautifully historic city

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! These are really wonderful views of Alghero, I enjoy them so much! I like the images of the old town, the lamps and the arcades, the tower, the beaches, and all the others!
Have a very nice week!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! This certainly is a wonderful place to be. I can almost feel how laid back and fun loving people here seem to be!

Wonderful pictures, as always! Thanks very much for sharing!

Olivier said...

c'est magnifique, surtout les eglises. une belle decouverte

eye in the sky said...

Some of my most favorite places are the small towns, and Alghero sounds like it, where one can immerse himself in... The round tower reminds me of a tower in Copenhagen. What a nice place.

Ingrid said...

Seems as if you enjoyed your walk through the old town very much !

P.N. Subramanian said...

Really a small but beautiful town. The beach too is beautiful and unspoiled.

yyam said...

Definitely looks like a good vacation spot. I love the old buildings and the clear blue waters! Thanks for sharing! :)

joo said...

It must be a wonderful place!
Your photos are terrific:)

Urmi said...

What a wonderful place. Whenever I visit your blog I feel like I have reached that place. Italy is very beautiful and you have captured lovely shots. Old buildings looks fabulous.
You are welcome in blog as there is a new post.

SusuPetal said...

I like especially the narrow alleys, the're cool.

BLOGitse said...

I agree with Susu...
Beautiful pictures as always!
Greetings from Casa!

Ron said...

Great post! I love the very old buildings and the narrow streets and alleys. Places like this is what I want to visit.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Greetings and good wishes:)

It is lovely to see these wonderful fascinating places with your excellent photos and narration.

I enjoyed visiting this new place.

Best wishes:)

My Unfinished Life said...

wow, what lovely European but as u say its got its distinct culture and even dialect!!...

S-V-H said...

Nice captures of an interesting town. I liked the most the photo with the "lamps and small lanes", very nice light situation in one photo!

Sardinia is very pretty. I had some friends there were there for vacations and were always excited about the island.

Thanks for sharing, Manuel!

Nikon said...

I love the shots of the port and the beach scenes - it must be the blue of the water!
The streets look great - reminds me of my trip to Italy.

Cloudia said...

nice posts!

Aloha from Honolulu :)

Comfort Spiral

leo said...

Gil, sorry for not leaving any comments sooner - hvnt log into the www for the longest time. Right now doing so using my phone which of cos doesn't do justice to your beautiful pics. I love, love all these beautiful buildings and the murals in previous post. Lucky2 you to see all these.

Cergie said...

Pour une fois que tu pouvais te baigner en sécurité avec les gardes cotes tu as préféré aller dans les églises... Quelle a été ta prière ou bien est ce un secret ?
Madame Gil est très souriante et ne craint pas le train qui lui vient dans le dos ni le petit chien sans laisse.
Une belle ville bien entretenue avec la mer et la plage (ils n'ont pas été loin pour trouver les pavés des rues) en prime où tu n'avais sans doute pas de mal à te faire comprendre.
[J'aime bien le rai de lumière sur la photo aux réverbères.]

Nisha said...

Nice captures and historically rich town.

rochambeau said...

B ~
U ~
T ~
Love the narrow streets and the PEBBLED streets. And the churches and the beach.

What NOT to like??


Rajesh said...

Beautiful place. The architecture and variety is amazing. I loved the towers.

Shionge said...

Yo Gil, I can never get enough of Italy and so far I've visited Venice, Florence, Rome but still many many more places to see :D

juka14 said...

Lovely town to have a walk!

Joy said...

This place spells history! The buildings are so interesting. I especially love the photo of the dog.

The weekend is almost here. Looking forward to it?

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Nice town I've never been to...
[Suppose you've seen Tarros as well].

diane b said...

The old towns of Europe are fascinating. I love your shots of the alleyways.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Sardinia has so many interesting sights to see. It looks very historic and rustic, and I see another lovely beach!

Emm said...

Gosh, those are beautiful photos and it looks incredible there! I love the narrow street and the St. Francesc arcade. The round tower looks interesting too.

A Lady's Life said...

Such an interesting place. One is for ever learning :)

Marja said...

My mum went there She is well travelled like you. Isn't the world just a wonderful place. Love Marja

hpy said...

Le toit de St Miquel est magnifique.

irinapictures said...


Anonymous said...

Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Emery Roth said...

A terrific tour and some of your best photos. That must be you on the kite catching some aerial shots.

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! It seems that Blogger is getting worse every day... The last feature is to show your comments on my mail box without showing them on the blog itself… If there was no Blogger, it had to be invented, with all this catastrophic performance… ;)). Anyhow, thank you all for keeping dropping by here and leaving your comments, notwithstanding being deprived of seeing what you have worked out... I’ll try to find an antidote to such an appalling situation... As soon as I manage to get some more stamina to do anything and to get rid of this back pain... ;))
Sorry for the short replies, but sitting in front of the computer doesn’t help my spinal disk herniation, as the doctors use to say... ;))

Lucky girl, you manage to plan a Fall trip now; I’m troubled to plan my week vacation in early September 2010... ;))

That’s the problem of travel blogging; your list of must-sees never ceases to increase... ;))

My pleasure! As to see it, better start packing... ;)

Thanks! The photos are never that good, but the places sometimes are wonderful... ;)

Alice SG,
The only wrong is the idea of being in vacation too... ;). The pictures are from last year’s vacation...


Alghero deserves it all...

I’m not so sure it is a wonderful place to be; but it surely is to see... ;)

C’est comme moi découvrant Evry chez toi... ;))

Alghero is indeed a small town for nowadays patterns... Copenhagen? You mean the Round Tower built by Christian IV between 1637 and 1642 to be an astronomy observatory? It was the first part of the Trinitatis Complex, which combined church, library and observatory in a single building...

You’re absolutely right...

P.N. Subramanian,
Unspoiled? Maybe... ;)

Probably more to visit than to spend a holiday... There are many other better places in Sardinia for holidaying... at least in my opinion... ;)

Nice! No need to exaggerate... ;))

Trotter said...

Thanks dear! I’m pleased that you may easily «blog travel» with Blogtrotter… ;)

Those streets in the old town are a gem indeed…

Don’t leave Casa without flying to Lisbon… ;)

I’m glad you liked it!! There are lots of old places like that all around Europe…

Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter! I’m truly glad you enjoyed the journey and look forward to reading you soon again here…

So European indeed!!

I also liked that strip of sunshine coming in from west on one of those pictures; it was deliberately, but it could have resulted in a flop… ;). No wonder your friends were excited with their vacation in Sardinia; the place is gorgeous!! Only G@tto is already fed up with it… ;))

Everything in Italy has a certain flavor; but this one should be more Catalan than Italian… ;))


Great to see you back commenting here, even if you’re using your mobile rather than the desktop… Thanks!

Ce n’était pas grand chose se baigner au port… ;)). Pas de prière, mais maintenant avec ce cauchemar au dos… ;). Ce n’est pas facile de me faire entendre avec le Catalan… Quand on lit, il y a des mots qui sont similaires, mais, entendu, c’est beaucoup plus difficile à comprendre… Et le portugais est encore beaucoup plus difficile pour eux… ;))

You’re right!!

Everything is there to be liked... ;)

The bastions are quite impressive; and there are a lot there... ;)

Trotter said...

You surely have many more places to see in Italy believe me... ;))

A stroll in Alghero is perfect...

You’re right: Almost every one of those stones has a story to tell... ;)
Weekend means Saturday on the beach, Sunday lunch with parents... Not much diversity... ;))

Southern Sardinia, including Tharros and San Vito will have to wait for the next time... ;))

Old towns are gorgeous; one day I’ll show Lisbon also... ;)

Historic it is, in certain places; rustic also; and tremendously fashionable elsewhere... ;)

Wow! Great to read you back here!!

True: always learning...

Your mum has a travel blog?

And that’s not the only one...

Wow! Great to read you here!! Hope the fires are finished around Moscow!!

What’s the fun of being an anonymous spammer? ;))

I’ve already answered on your first comment!! Thanks!!

Light and Voices said...

I probably will never get to see all these beautiful sights that you post week in and week out. Lovely posts.
Joyce M

Trotter said...

Don't lose hope...

MedaM said...

Oh, what a lovely and interesting place. i completely enjoyed these old buildings and narrow streets. There is something special in this lovely space that make me feel so comfortable while looking at these wonderful photos.

Trotter said...

Welcome back! It's always a great pleasure to read your comments and see that you enjoyed the posts!!

Lakshmi said...

Theres something abt these old historic towns..they seem to be lost in a fairy tale world

Lakshmi said...

Theres something abt these old historic towns..they seem to be lost in a fairy tale world

Trotter said...
