"MATISSE WORKS - And Matisse by Andre Derain..."
"MATISSE - Woman Reading at a Yellow Table"

"MATISSE - Works"
"MATISSE - L'Odalisque au Coffret Rouge"

"CHAGALL - Creation of Man, Paradise and Expulsion..."
"CHAGALL - Abraham and the Three Angels"

"CHAGALL - Abraham, Moses and Jacob"
"CHGALL - Noah and the Rainbow"

"CHAGALL - Song of Songs"

"CHAGALL - Diptych"

"CHAGALL - Auditorium stained glass"
"CHAGALL - Piano"
Hi Everybody! Southern France was always, at least since the impressionists, an incredible destination for painters and artists... Chagall and Matisse spent some time there! Chagall lived in Saint Paul de Vence; Matisse lived in Cimiez, above Nice, while Picasso lived in Vallauris. And Nice has two wonderful museums, one dedicated to Chagall and another to Matisse! It seems that Picasso [who died in 1973 aged 91] used to say that «When Matisse dies [he died in 1954 aged 84], Chagall [who died in 1987 aged almost 98] will be the only painter left who understands what colour is...». Check by yourself and leave your impressions here... Have a great time!!
very nice paintings! would love to have one hanging on my wall! :D
Thanks, Gil, for these tours in the museums, art brings joy to my day.
I've enjoyed the square head monument/structure pic in Nice and the Russion cathedral which invite the question how come but again why not? And of cos these beautiful paintings. My knowledge of art is nil but colors remind me of Picasso.
Now THIS post explains why THIS blogsite is one of my absolute all-time favorites. It's a regular compendium of what is beautiful, what is exotic and what is bizarre! Love this!
I have always enjoyed these painters.
It is too bad artists can't sell their works when they are alive as well as when they pass on.
Doesn't seem right does it?
thank you for the wonderful art!
Mes peintres briennois et dienvillois Jules Aviat, Charles Maginot ne sont pas mauvais mais à côté de Chagall et Matisse...
Thanks, Gil!
I love Impressionalistic art, so I reaaly enjoyed seeing these works by Chagall and Mattise! If I visit France I'd love to go to the museum for van Gogh in Arles.
PS: Sydney, Australia was one of the most beautiful cities I have ever visited. I wish I could have visited it longer than a week!
Definitely place for me! I adore Chagall!
Thanks for showing such treasures:)
Have a lovely weekend and come to visit Poland soon:)
Thanks! You did the right thing, taking the time to visit these museums!
Love Matisse's design & palette!
The statue from Delphi in the first collage makes an interesting counterpoint to the various Matisse figures. How naughty of you to slip it in there! I especially enjoyed seeing some unfamiliar Matisse. Excellent tour.
Is that really a piano at the end or is it a harpsichord? Very tiny legs to carry all but a very early piano built before pianos had steel frames.
Such a pleasure to look at all these pictures and refresh the mind.The Chagall diptych is wonderful.
Beautiful paintings, Gil. So much vibrant color!
I love your shot of the diptych - it's beautiful. Nice job!
So beautiful.......
Both artists make good use
of that beautiful vibrant blue known as ~Matisse Blue~ perhaps a reflection of the deep colours of the Mediterranean Sea.
what a riot of colours..just been thro your earlier posts..Nice is nice indeed
Hi Gil! What a thilling post full of masterpieces! I enjoy a lot all the fantastic images! I'd like to have one of my works somewhere, in a museum! ;-)
Have a very pleasant Sunday!
Love impressionists!!!! These are awesome! Thanks for sharing! :)
I am very surprised that you were allowed to take pictures in a museum especially of these paintings ! Usually it is not allowed in order not to damage the colors. But probably you did like I do, I don't use the flash and do it like a paparazzi !
You are singing my song, dancing my dance! Thank you for the online museum tour, Gil. Chagall's work takes my breath away. What a cool painting in a paino!
Many thanks!
Lovely, lovely, lovely. I love how you provide us all these lovely sights on all your trips, world-wide. Thank you.
Marvelous pictures, as always! Some nicer reasons why Nice is nice! :-)
This is great. I can see the master's pictures without going there.
God, i cannot take my eyes off this. Absolutely marvellous!
I was in London a few days ago and got to see Vermeer and Van Gogh.
Thank you so much for sharing this Gil!
Pure art. Beautiful.
Thanks for sharing Gil!
Soon I'll be back home in Helsinki. This is the end of our expat life so far.
It's nice to settle down in our own nest! :)
Le musée bas à l'architecture moderne au milieu des lavandes semble très agréable et frais.
Je suis allée voir l’exposition "Matisse Picasso" au Grand-Palais à Paris en 2002 c’était très intéressant de comparer des toiles ayant des thèmes similaires traitées par deux artistes différents, mais j’ai une préférence pour Picasso.
"Chagall et la Bible" est exposée actuellement au Musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme de Paris. Cet homme était un artisan a raconté son fils l’écrivain David McNeil : les mains toujours couvertes de peinture.
he painted dreams!
art is bliss.
Beautiful,beautiful,beautiful paintings. They are all very lovely and your skill in photographing them so well is fantastic. Wonderful post.
Amazing works of art. Thank you for sharing. :)
my god!!! just fantastic....
WHAT GORGEOUS ART TOUR, Trotter....I certainly appreciated it; an incredible beautiful collection!!!!!!
ciao ciao elvira
J'ai toujours eu un faible pour Chagall - ou au moins pour ses peintures. Matisse n'est pas mal non plus d'ailleurs ;-)
A treat indeed! This art tour is fantastic.
Just incredible, Gil! Thank you for sharing scenes we wouldn't see otherwise.
Wow! the paintings are beautiful.
The paintings are all very beautiful. I always admire those who can draw and paint.
thanks for showing us angels!!!
Warm Aloha to you
from Honolulu!
Comfort Spiral
Hmmm, I like Chagall's Diptych but not so much the Matisse or other Chagall works.
well, contemporaneity might have also some crazy sort of art, but I always said it's worth seeing. thanks for this insight! and book a flight to NOLA ;)!
Hi Everybody! It seems it’s definitely better to see Matisse and Chagall works rather than observing what’s happening all around: Japan, Libya... Troubles are getting closer; no wonder Blogitse left Morocco and Northern Africa and went back to Finland... ;)
Well, changing to more interesting and looking forward issues: yesterday night we had a fantastic super full moon and today spring officially starts! We have a gorgeous day here in Lisbon and I hope you’ll also have great weather to celebrate...
Welcome back! Long time no see you here! Hope your busy studying season will end with excellent results!!
One Matisse or Chagall hanging on your wall would probably mean that you wouldn’t need to bother with your financial status till the end of your life... ;)
My pleasure! Great to know that it helps you become joyful... With all those colours, no wonder, I assume... ;)
Well, interesting that Square Head didn’t get only bad marks... ;). As for the colour, maybe Picasso wouldn’t be the best standard to compare with Chagall and Matisse... ;)
Thanks!! I very much appreciate your comments and it’s absolutely reciprocal: fantastic trips I take on your blog...
I think that Matisse and Chagall weren’t probably the best examples of artist who did get recognition only after passing away... But it’s true that sometimes it happens... Probably prices get up because there is no more... ;))
My pleasure!
Ce n’est pas facile avoir un Matisse ou un Chagall juste à coté… ;). Mais les jeunes filles de Jules-Charles Aviat sont très (trop…) belles… ;)
I wouldn’t name Matisse and Chagall as impressionists, but their paintings are absolutely awesome also... The Van Gogh Museum at Arles has some beautiful paintings, in particular an excellent collection of Vincent’s self-portraits... But the Vincent Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam has probably some of the most famous of his paintings... ;)
Sydney is a superb city!! I was there for three times: in 1992, 2001 and 2001... It’s definitely time to go back... ;)
Part Two, after a long walk in the sun, a night’s sleep and a lengthy week working... ;)
Sorry for the mistake: 1992, 2000 and 2001... ;)
I knew you were a girl of very good taste... I’ll try to get to Poland soon, maybe this spring...
They are probably some of the best spots to visit in Nice, though many people don’t even know they exist... ;)
Good taste! Definitely!!
That statue was in the Matisse Museum and I thought it deserved to be included in the collage... ;). Matisse lived the last years of his life in Cimiez and that’s the reason the museum is there. The most famous works aren’t there, but the collection is worth seeing...
It may be a harpsichord, though it sounded like a piano... ;)
Great that you enjoyed!!
Blues are always great!! No wonder there are so many different kinds of blue; we have seen it in the next post... And you are right: The darkest blue sea I remember is in the Mediterranean, actually in the Aegean Sea...
Welcome back, you incessant traveller... ;))
I’m sure you will have a painting of yours in a museum... But while it doesn’t happen, why don’t you start by making them a proposal of an offer against display? It may work... ;)
I wouldn’t classify them as impressionists, but they are great!!
Part Three:
Not all museums forbid the taking of pictures... And of course, I never take pictures of paintings with a flash; it damages the painting and doesn’t work at all because of the reflections...
My great pleasure to see you happy!! Chagall is definitely superb...
Great to read you back here after such a long time... And the pleasure it’s all mine to see that you love the posts...
Maybe the museums, and they are several, are the best part of Nice... further to the salade niçoise... ;)
My pleasure!!
Van Gogh is great and Vermeer is one of my favourites!! Furthermore is very easy to know his works, as he hasn’t left so many... I know almost all of them by heart... ;)
I can’t believe you moved from Casa without coming to Lisbon... What a shame... ;). Hope you enjoy life back home; easier now that spring has come... ;)
C’est le Musée National Message Biblique Marc Chagall… Très sympa et dans un quartier résidentiel très gentil…
J’ai aussi vu l’exposition Matisse/Picasso à Paris… C’était au temps ou je voyageais... ;) Magnifique!!
Part Four and final, for the time being...
You said it!!
And I’ll try to book a flight to NOLA... ;)
I thought you would love these Chagall paintings!!
My pleasure...
It’s not like Tuscany, but anyhow... ;)
Tu as raison; il n’est pas mal du tout... ;)
My pleasure!!
You said it, I agree...
That’s exactly how I feel, having always been a disaster in the drawing classes... ;)
Angels for you!!
You’re too tough... ;)
I did enjoy very much to travel with you and to see all theses art treasures at the Cote-d'Azur! Love Chagall, like Matisse :)
Glad that you liked...
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