Friday, April 02, 2010















Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! OK, let’s assume that there is an error in the counters and that traffic isn’t alt all important! Accordingly, let’s get pleasure from blogging!!!
We had already a Departing By Sea post; so, this time we’ll fly over Miami for a while to match the posts! Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend and a significant Easter for all those who celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Now how in the world did you get all those air shots before the plane was long gone from Miami?? Amazing! Somehow I never think of Miami as having skyscrapers. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend Gil.

Don't stress over the commenters. Sometimes I hardly have any and sometimes I have tons. To me, there is no rhyme or reason. Seems so many people have switched to Facebook ..... but not me.

Viennadaily said...

Hurray to wonderful views from above!

I like this layout better than the other Gil...

I myself moved back to ma old blog platform! I miss daily photo postings! Have a lovely weekend, Gizelle

Cloudia said...

Ah the counters...we love to see that folks enjoy our posts...each comment is a gem! You have the right idea. Keep posting quality like today and rest easy that you are doing something worthwhile!

These pics made me feel take off!
Wow and Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!

Comfort Spiral

eye in the sky said...

Those glorious aerials! Ohmygosh! It never fails, whenever I am airbound, to amaze me - the marvels of creation: man-made and from the Heavens. Beautiful!

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Thanks to put a content in a hollow word such as Everglades was to me.
You got it : just blog for your pleasure !
and hey, switch off with Lulu for each Mur I post - there are too much walls for one Lulu...
As a matter of fact, I used to call Patre Jean-Saul before I ever heard about Voris Bian.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Gil ! Nothing else but living on my schedule !

A Lady's Life said...

Wow! These are some shots!!
I thought I knew Miami but from up there I'd be totally confused.
I usually head up towards Surf Side
going towards Dade Country.
The ocean always changes and you always have something new to look at.
Thanks and keep blogging
Its appreciated:)

Lakshmi said...

Lovely blue and what aerial shots..Ive just tried shooting once fm the flight in Ladakh, but thats about it..

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! Every single one of those pictures are fabulous! I'm amazed at how wonderfully U shot them! Talks a great deal about the skill and dexterity that you have employed in the process!

Besides, everyone of them has come out so perfect without a tell tale sign of the usual aircraft wing / engine in the picture!

Did U charter a plane to do this? :)

Woooooooooooow! I'm speechless!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful aerial shots. Amazing views.

Ingrid said...

Wow, they came out very nice ! Miami is quiet a big city and not at all as I imagined, lol !
Happy Easter !

SusuPetal said...

Nice to look down like a bird, Gil! Thanks for the perspective!

PeterParis said...

I also like the window seat, to get my "geography knwoledge" confirmed! Often, during long flights, I feel frustrated to have to leave the shutter closed for the good sleep of the co-passengers! ... but of course, a little nap is sometimes welcome!

Happy Easter! ... and keep blogging!

Light and Voices said...

Your shots of Miami from the airplane are fantastic!
Joyce M

lv2scpbk said...

A rare look at the city from the sky. We don't get to see that that often. Great shot and aerial views.

Glad you decided to hang in there with your blog. Mine has slacked off with visitors too but I chalk it up to the warmer weather. Everyone wants to be outside right now. But, do it because you enjoy posting too. Happy Holidays!

lv2scpbk said...

Trotter, Here's an idea to draw more people in if you want to. Although, in your case I don't see the need because I think you get a good bit of traffic. But, low and behold I was thinking again. Dangerous concept I know. Lol. Anyway, wouldn't it be neat to pick up a keychain in each place you travel or even a postcard (I collect postcards, hint, hint) to post for people to win. That way you might draw more people in by offering something. Each place you travel holds another chance to win. Something small that doesn't cost you much. Just a thought but again I will stop by no matter what.

joo said...

It's great that you decided to stay with us!!!!
Lovely photos from the plane - wow, I'm usually tofrightened on the planes to take photos:)
Happy Easter!

diane b said...

Great shots from a plane...not easy. Miami looks a bit like the Gold Coast here. The sunrise was pretty too.I bet you enjoyed that holiday..thanks for taking us with you.

april said...

Spectacular photos from the air. Astonishing what can be seen. Great. Have nice and happy Easter days, Gil.

yyam said...

I love the views! :) I'm definitely taking some pictures the next time I'm up on a plane! :)

Have a fabulous weekend! :)

alicesg said...

Wow those views from the plane are fantastic. I always love to sit near the window so I can see the view from the plane. Thanks for sharing.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Gil,
What a great vieuw and yes its interesting to see land through an airplane window..... (are you a pilot maybe?)

Once when we were in Florida, we saw Miami from a road where we could not reach Miami... haha well the trafficsign weren't that clear we thought.... Anyhow we went instead to Tampa and Daytgona beach... where the cars drive over the beach... we thought that that was very interesting , In Holland its "not done"to drive in not any beach...

Have a great Easter weekend and I still enjoy your blog (as always) Hold on with blogging please? :)


Emery Roth said...

It seems you had a good flight. I love the bird's eye views and especially the stages of sunset.

Ron said...

Wow, this is one magnificent post. Miami is extremely beautiful from the sky.

Happy Easter!

Leena said...

I just made last post from our China journey and now I have been In Mexico and Miami with you - my head is going to be befuddled ;))

But Happy Easter to you and yours -
I will go to sauna now - it helps in everything:)

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! These are really spectacular aerial pictures, I enjoy them a lot! I always like very much your collages too! Thanks for sharing!
I wish you a very Happy Easter! :-)

Nikon said...

This is really a fabulous series of shots, Gil! Great idea to do an entire post on aerial shots.

Regina said...

Have a safe trip!
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Easter.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Gil!

I also love to take photographs from the airplane! I always take the window seat :-)

Miami is beautiful from the air took fabulous shots!

My blog traffic has also slowed some ...the holiday preperation takes up a lot of time and many TV shows are in their final weeks, etc. I don't stress over numbers.

Hope you and your family have a very happy Easter!

rochambeau said...

Hi Gil and Mrs. Trotta,
Especially like the aerial photos of Miami. Looks like a mosaic or a quilt.
Wishing YOU and yours a wonderful Easter and many blessings to come.

It has been a pleasure to meet you!


Mariposa said...

great view! Blessed Easter to you :)

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Qui na pas fait le rêve d'Icare ?

Ashira said...

Great aerial pics of Florida! Looks warm and sunny :)

Happy Easter, and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Nisha said...

Great pics.

Happy Easter to you.

I am still in last phase of my solo backpacking. Must say I have diff kind of experience now.

Venksh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Venksh said...

Hi Gil,
Finally Miami tour comes to end...
So which is next on the list...
Thank u for ur superb comments on Kollywood Movie Review, keep visiting it...
Happy Easter enjoy ur weekend...


Olivier said...

les vues du ciel sont magnifiques, on fait le voyage avec toi...Bonnes Paques

June (An Asian Traveler) said...

What a huge city. Great aerial shots.:)

Voegtli said...

Lovely sights. And I love the "Travel Quotes" on your side "strip".

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful and fantastic shots !! Simply amazing post !!Unseen Rajasthan

juka14 said...

Great view of Miami! There're so many houses, not much place any more to put mine...

S-V-H said...

It's big fun to see all those man made island from the air and to know and to see it so clearly that people are living on them is amazing. Great shots, Manuel! And the color blue is fascinating, my fav' color anyway!

Sorry for the long absence from your blog, but you know the reason why.


hpy said...

Hello! I'm back! But I haven't been to Florida, I haven't even been away, I'm just too busy with my work to have the time for blogging:-(
Later in April maybe. But if I have toomuch time I'll go and visit Florida. (I think I must just look at your pictures...)

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Hope you had a wonderful... and long Easter weekend! I spent most of the time stuck and dreaming of getting away..., ;)).
With this post the February 2009 cruise trip came to an end and we have moved to Turkey in July 2009. I hope that you enjoyed the pictures from the plane: the weather in Miami was gorgeous and I had the chance to have the perfect seat for the takeoff pictures! I’m happy that you enjoyed and thanks for the kind comments!

I was actually shooting pictures one after the other and the plane at takeoff runs a bit slower than at cruise speed... ;). It’s amazing, but there are surely many skyscrapers in downtown Miami. And my perception is that every time I get there and stay at the Intercontinental in Chopin Plaza, the views are getting more and more restricted with all those huge buildings growing like mushrooms around it... ;)
I don’t stress, but sometimes it’s a bit weird to compare the number of visitors to the old shut blog and the new one... ;) I’m also on Facebook, but must confess that don’t really frequent it too often, so it doesn’t bring traffic to Blogtrotter... ;)

Great to see you back posting and commenting. It was a long time without your visits and it’s actually your first time at Blogtrotter Two!! I’m happy that you enjoyed the new layout and the current flight!! ;) As for you returning to the old layout, it’s OK, but your templates are always nice and interesting!!

You’re surely right: every nice comment is a gem!! Thanks for yours and for your continued support to Blogtrotter Two!! I’m happy that you enjoyed the posts and pictures!!
Aloha Cloudia! Take care!!

Sometimes the views you have from planes at takeoff and landing aren’t so nice and interesting, but one always has the feeling of flying (in particular when air bound... ;)) and that’s more than enough to make the whole journey a glorious feast... ;))

Everglades is an interesting spot, but it’s true that one has to beware of alligators and crocodiles... ;))
OK! I’ll switch off the Lulu theme, though you keep posting at «Le Mur»... ;)). That story of Jean-Saul Partre and Voris Bian was always a matter of great entertainment in the sixties... Ageing... ;))
I see you make long journeys into the night! O’Neill would have surely enjoyed knowing your experiences... ;))

It’s not that difficult if you have a map of town: the plane takes off heading south, near the Port; it then turns west towards South Beach and finally heads north to Miami Beach, North Beach and Georgia... This was a flight to Atlanta to get the connection to London, as the flights from Miami were already fully booked when I tried to make the arrangements... ;))
The ocean always makes some wonderful pictures from planes, in particular when there are some ships or some land around... ;))

I must confess that my worse experience on in-flight pictures happened on my return travel from Delhi to London: the plane took off around & 6:00 in the morning and I was trying to manage to keep myself awaken for the Himalayan pictures at sunrise... The problem was that the bed was too comfortable and I fall asleep losing the wonderful experience it seems that another passenger had and told us about later... It was definitely a bad timing to fall asleep... ;))

Much of the recognition must go straight to my Canon G9 camera, the rest is just pushing the button... ;)). As for the absence of engines and tails, that was the advantage of flying a seat on row one of the aircraft, window side... The whole sky for you: there is no need to charter the flight, just be careful choosing the right seats... ;))

Thanks for dropping by and letting your views on the bird eye views of Miami, South Beach and Florida... ;)

Trotter said...

Part Two:

It’s true that this time the pictures came out quite nicely; probably the window glass wasn’t as dirty as usually they are... ;). Miami is huge and what we see here is only the downtown and the South Beach areas, which, with the gorgeous weather we had, gave the chance to the Canon G9 to make some excellent pictures... ;)

Flying like a bird is always a men’s dream; and I’m not talking Freud this morning... ;))

In my frequent flyer profiles (actually not so frequent nowadays... ;)), I have the choice of window seats for long haul and aisle seats for short haul flights... That was when I was making the same journey quite often: Lisbon to Paris, Brussels, Geneva or Frankfurt and return... Nowadays, as I seldom travel alone, we usually have a window and an aisle seat; much easier... ;). Window shut during a daylight flight is a bit boring, to say the least... ;))

Thanks! All credit to my Canon G9... ;)); I was just pushing the button at a reasonable speed... ;))

This time things were perfect and the weather was gorgeous; the sun was shining in such a way that it improved rather than impaired the quality of the pictures and the angle from the window seat in the plane was truly extraordinary!!
It’s amazing; we had some sun on a nice Easter Sunday, after months of rain since October... but today is the first day I hear people saying that they are going to the beach... It’s sunny, though not so warm, I believe... ;))
The idea of giving up something is interesting, but I must confess that it probably would put even much more work on posting and managing then I put now; and that’s a very difficult task to perform. Time is at a premium and not easy to buy... ;)). Anyhow, thanks for the idea! Thinking it over, like Dick said in the last post, quality rather than quantity matters...
Thanks for being always so devoted to Blogtrotter’s blogs!!

I could never leave you... ;))
You better forget your fears when you enter a plane, otherwise things may be difficult to handle...
I’m sorry to hear that another plane crash this morning had a terrible impact on Poland...

You’re right: the closer to the Miami area I’ve seen would be the Gold Coast south of Brisbane; and the sun and beach attitudes you find there are quite alike, I would say... ;). The sunrise had to be caught, as we were supposed to be out of the ship around 7:00 a.m. ;))

All conditions were perfect for the flight and the pictures; at least at takeoff in Miami. I wouldn’t say the same at landing in Atlanta, were a thunderstorm had just passed when we started descending to the airport... ;))

Thanks! These were better than usual! It all depends on the weather you catch while in the air: if you’re in the middle of the clouds, better keep the camera in your purse... ;))

Alice SG,
Great to see that you manage to drop buy even though you’re in such a busy season...
Window seats are nice, except when you want to walk a bit or need to get up from your seat... in particular if you have other passengers seated nearby... ;))
My pleasure sharing the pictures!!

Great to read you here!! And it’s always a bit amazing what I read: so, do you think a pilot can take pictures during takeoff? OK, provided he’s not at the wheel... ;)). No dear, I’m not a pilot, profile explains... ;)
That story of missing Miami made my day... How charming losing Miami to get to Daytona Beach and to its chance of beach driving from one hour after sunrise to one hour before sunset, excluding sea turtle nesting season.... ;)). It’s not only in Holland that you’re not allowed to drive on beaches; probably you’re allowed only in Daytona or in some other similar places, and provided there are no cops around... ;))
Thanks for enjoying my blog and for always leaving such long and interesting comments!!

Trotter said...

Part Three:

With more than four thousand hours in the air, I should have some great pictures from planes; but that’s entirely true... Many times I was flying overnight; and many other times over the clouds. This time was perfect!!
Sunrise rather than sunset... Pictures were taken early morning, as we had to leave the ship around 7:00 a.m. to allow it to be clean for the next cruise people to start coming in after 12:00 noon... ;)

Miami is probably more beautiful from the sky than when you’re travelling its streets; except in some particular zones... ;)

Your posts from China are awesome!! I would love to have time to make some journeys I’ve always dreamed of and never materialized; hope is the last thing to fade... ;))
China, Mexico, Miami... You made a hell of a trip... ;))
Sauna in winter must be excellent, but I must confess that I didn’t feel comfortable on it when I first tried, so I never repeated the experience... ;-(

The Canon G9 made a good work here! As for the collages, it’s my job, but I see that the quality of the pictures downgrades seriously... A choice has to be made between showing more or getting better pictures; as this is more a blog on travelling rather than a pictures’ blog, I’ll keep the collages... ;)

Great that you liked!! This time I had a decent set of plane pictures to make a decent post all on them... ;)

Oh dear, this trip is long finished, more than a year ago; now, it’s only memories... ;))
Hope you had a great Easter!!

When I travelled a lot alone, professionally, I sometimes took the window (long haul flights), sometimes the aisle (short haul flights)... Now that I barely fly alone, we usually have a window and an aisle... ;))
Actually, Miami looks quite nice on these pictures...
As far as traffic is concerned, it doesn’t seem to be linked to the holidays or not; it’s probably because there are no ads, no prizes, no bla, bla, bla conversation and not much interest on the themes... ;))

You’re not leaving us are you?
Miami looks great on these pictures because actually everything helped to make them nice: the weather, the sun light, the plane route and the Canon G9... A perfect day!! ;)

Thanks! Great that you liked!!

Il semble que tout le monde a fait le rêve d’Icare; du moins les jeunes garçons, d’après un certain M. Sigmund… ;))

I can surely understand why looking warm and sunny must be something that attracts a great deal of attention from you nowadays… ;))

Hope things ended up well with your solo backpacking experience... I had that in 1969, that was a long, long time ago and backpacking and hitchhiking was much easier and safer than it seems to be nowadays... ;))

Next you’ll be driven to Turkey. Hope you enjoy the trip, as this cruise has come to an end... ;)
My pleasure to comment on all those excellent pictures of awesome actresses you always have in your blog!! ;))

C’est toujours de le voir d’en haut, il semble... ;))
Merci de ta présence permanente dans les voyages de Blogtrotter!!
New York au mois de mai? Ça serait intéressant; quelques idées?

It’s much larger than we may see here; but nothing compared with Mexico City, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, etc... ;))

Great to see you back commenting here! Are you still in Sri Lanka? Did you meet many Silva(s)? One day I’ll have to get there...
I love that «Navegar é preciso, viver não é preciso” (to sail is necessary, to live is not necessary)… It was attributed by Plutarch to Gnaeus Pompeius, who, during a severe storm, commanded sailors to bring food from Africa to Rome… Something the volunteers do nowadays, the reverse way… ;))

Glad that you liked that!!

No problem provided that you put some millions on the table... ;)). But be careful to be close to the hurricane escape road, just in case there is need... ;))

Trotter said...

Part Four, Blogger obliges... ;)

Hope things are getting better now! It’s a great pleasure to see you back here!!
I think most of the islands were already there before men put the buildings on... Except may be the small islands in the lakes... ;)
Blues are the best... Not always winning this year, but the best anyhow... And, as colour, no other matches... ;))

So, no holidays... ;-( Busy at work is only for people, like you and me, who don’t know to do anything else... ;))
Florida is probably better in winter when people in some other places are struggling with cold and snow... ;))

Urmi said...

Very beautiful pictures. I liked the aerial view the most. Just amazing. Fantabulous post.

Trotter said...

I thought you would love the greenery of the other post also... ;))

BLOGitse said...

How do you know which is which area from air?
These pics are amazing...
Thanks for reminding me - our life is totally new now. My husband is free at the weekends - so we've had 2 mini holidays already here in Casa.
Yesterday we walked 15km!!!
All this means my blogging time has shrinked but as soon as we'll move out of the hotel I wish to have better blogging routine again...


NicoleB, Egypt said...

Those flight shots are gorgeous.
You almost make Miami look good ;)

Trotter said...

I got the best mark of my secondary school for Geography on the national examination... ;))
Wow! Free weekends make sense: one in Lisbon, one in Marrakesh, one in Fez, one in Rabat, one in Casa, One in Lisbon... ;))

Miami isn't as bad as the «Vice» could make you think... ;))