Friday, February 12, 2010



"LIBERTY AT SEA - Close encounters, open sea, cantilever Jaccuzzi and bridge..."





"SUNSET AT SEA - Not like the Fiji..."





Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Sorry for not having been able to visit your blogs last week and also for my most probably absence next days... I’ll try to catch up before the end of the month!! Anyhow, I won’t let you empty hands, so a new post is here for your pleasure. ;) A day at sea, in the Caribbean!! Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!!
Kung Hei Fat Choi 恭喜發財 for all those who celebrate the Chinese New Year!! Have a great year of the Tiger!!

RNSANE said...

Ah, those sea days, how I love them. When I first began cruising in my youth, I wanted to be in port every I love the long days at sea on the transatlantic crossings and, even on the Med cruises, I like to alternate sea days with port days!

You two look wonderful in both you formal attire and casual!

Olivier said...

la vie est belle dans cet oasis flottant. Superbe série de coucher de soleil

april said...

Interesting impressions of a cruise. Have a nice weekend, Gil.

joo said...

I wish I could be there! Looks like a perfect place to relax and escape from heavy winter!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Super kool! These pictures are awesome, especially the ones of the vast expanse of the high seas!

But among them all, I loved the sunset pictures - they are fantabulous!

SusuPetal said...

Those towels are fun, I've got equal on my travels, too.

BUT! There's too much people by the pool, not my place at all!

Cloudia said...

Very nice presentation. I'm so jealous- your boat is much bigger than mine. LOL
And yes, we do miss your visits...but understand.

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

lv2scpbk said...

I enjoyed looking at the cruise ship. I've never been on a ship that large. Maybe someday. Looks like a pool party. Love the photo of the railing going into the round circle on the end of the ship. The front of the ship reminds me of the movie Titanic.

Tinsie said...

WOW! This is the kind of cruise I'd love to take some day :-)

diane b said...

You look like you are having loads of fun in splendour and opulence.

alicesg said...

Oh looked like a beautiful holiday. Love the balcony and those towels that looked like animals are so cute. They must have spend a lot of time creating them. Very lovely.

yyam said...

Ahhhh..I've never been on a envious of you! Love the views of the sea at sunset...and your towel origami arrangements...cute! :)

L. Neusiedler said...

ah, so nice! holiday, relaxation... :)

Venksh said...

Hello Gil,
The ship is amazing, the pool looks little crowed...
The Sunny Sea pic is amazing and also the sunset pics, it shows the difference in emotions...
U look smart happy hour pic n also in the pic u in suit with ur wife...


PeterParis said...

It looks like you really enjoyed! Fabulous weather and beautiful sunsets help!
The towel art is impressive!

Re your comments on your previous post; to travel on (nice) cargo vessels can be fabulous - few passengers (if any other), mostly very good comfort and nice food (at least that used to be the case; haven't done it the last years).

indicaspecies said...

These phtoos are cool, and that looks like a warm and lovely sunset that you enjoyed!

Ron said...

Fabulous pics! The cruise looks like such a wonderful time.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! What a wonderful post, I enjoy all the beautiful pictures, the collage of the sunsets is splendid! The room looks very comfortable!
Happy new week! :-)

Dsole said...

Olà Gil! I see you had such a great time!! I'm happy for you :)
I've just arrive from Porto, I was there for a weekend and just found it amazing, what a beautiful city.
There's on epic in my blog, a very special one, if you can take a look, or maybe when you have the time, there's no hurry of course!
Boa noite ;) (maybe this is only "gallego" uh?)

hpy said...

A great sunset, but - and I know I'm repeating myself - too much people on board, at last for me.

Galaxy6139 said...

your pictures are very awesome ^-^ and so cute for those animals on your bed made from the towel ^-^

Dick said...

Looks very relaxing but a bit busy at the swimming pool.

Stella Bella said...

恭喜發財! :D

What a beautiful sunset! Lovely photos! ;D

leo said...

Sunset is beautiful. Towel animals are so cute. I can imagine you went into ur room n b surprised by these form of arts daily on ur bed. One handsome couple ready for dinner. Grrreat cruise.

Mariposa said...

how wonderful! =)

Shionge said...

I've been on a cruise ship before and it is romantic and beautiful just like all that you have shown :D

My Unfinished Life said...

some very lovely pics of your cruise!!!
tempting me to go on one myself!!!

S-V-H said...

Wow, cruising the Caribbean must be the real fun! The ship is very impressive. I never was on one but I have seen many of them in Key West docking at Mallory Square and all the other places.

Sorry for not visiting that long. Lot of things going on at home, hubby is still sick - again!

Thanks for sharing you many and wonderful pictures, Manuel. I like also the header very much!

Anonymous said...

That's a huge ship. Lots of people on it, too. ;-)

You both look nice and happy.


Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Le vrai luxe, la croisière en bateau, avec peut être un peu moins de monde.
Très bons souvenirs des traversées sur les ferries entre la Suède et la Finlande, à travers les archipels de Stockholm, A°land, Turku...

Neva said...

Seee, I found you ! and what lovely photos..I LOVE the pool shot...I am just not that creative!

Light and Voices said...

You and your wife look so relaxed and happy. Happy trails to you!
Joyce M

rochambeau said...

Thank you for the tour!
For giving me the liberty to see the Liberty with you and Mrs. Blogtrotter.
You are always having F U N !
Like those animal blankets terry towels too!
Have a great week to you both !
Please tell Mrs. Trotter to stop by sometime~

Unknown said...

OMG Gil, you are living every person's dream life..what do you do? I am so curious ;) Beautiful and lovely photos and I certainly want to be there, to be pampered..and with no kids haha! Happy week ahead Gil and your lovely wife..M

Ingrid said...

Wonderful pictures ! makes alive so many souvenirs of our cruise. The ship too looks very much alike. In Egypt they always create animals with towles. I learned to make a swan.

eye in the sky said...

It's amazing how they sculpt animals from towels/sheets. Brings a smile to my face.

Unknown said...

Smashing pictures and what luxury too! I'm not very good for cruises ( seasick!) but I guess the bigger ships are fine.

Anonymous said...

The pool party seemed quite popular.:) Loved the collage of your wife Gil.

Urmi said...

What a lovely presentation with mindblowing pictures. Absolutely gorgeous. I liked all the pictures but among them I liked the sunset pictures and your picture in a relaxing position very much.

Nikon said...

Great shots of the ship and the ocean, Gil. It looks fabulous!
Boy, that is a very big boat :)

Thérèse said...

I think I would stay in the cabin during the day and practice on making animal shapes with bath towels and go out at night when the sun goes down, stay on the deck while everybody is eating and eat and chat with whoever is still awake when everyone else is asleep...
What a bad cruiser I would be...

BLOGitse said...

I've missed this post!
Amazing shots again!
Don't you get extra kilos during those cruises? You eat and drink much more than at home - or am I wrong?

Those towels are cute...
customers are smiling before going to sleep! Good idea! :)


Cergie said...

Il me semblait être passée sur ce message. J'aime bien l'intimité de tes photos de chambre. Presque comme à la maison, n'est ce pas ?

Emery Roth said...

What different tracks we follow!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You both looks so tan and relaxed! I'm! Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

it was a paradise. and now. so sad. wonderful captures anyway

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Thats the good life my friend, I can picture you sitting on the deck and swimming at a warm pool with your wife, having a great time :)

Let me share some more of your travels!:) JoAnn in a cold Holland

Ashira said...

Looks like a great cruise! The zip line looks like a lot of fun, too.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Un vrai Trotter, s'il en est...
Très bonne présentation, your blog looks better.

MedaM said...

Hi Gil, I don't know what to say. My words cannot say more then your fantastic photos can. I am simply impressed and delighted. You and your lovely wife have visited almost the whole world. Your faces show how much happy you are and how much you both enjoy. There is nothing that man cannot see on the TV or through the internet, but the feeling is completely different when you experience it personally. That must be a special feeling.

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Back home from some hot sands to enjoy your comments and the lamprey season… ;) Thanks for commenting here!

Still love to be in port almost every day; but two days at sea on an 8-10 day cruise is OK! And the day before disembarking should be definitely a day at sea. But I think I’m still not prepared for the transatlantic cruise, with 5, 6, 7 or more days at sea… ;))

La vie est belle. C’est tout… ;)

Like the rose, a cruise is a cruise, is a cruise, is a cruise... ;)

Caribbean is definitely a place for Northern Hemisphere people to escape on winter time... Hope you’re enjoying your break wherever you are...

Love that expression of yours: fantabulous... The magnitude of the sea is always impressive. But today I’ hearing the news of the Chile earthquake and the tsunami alerts; that’s always cause of concern...

That’s a typical expertise of the crew in the cruise ships; seldom saw that kind of arrangements in regular hotel rooms... ;)

Aloha! Come on, your boat is yours; this is just rented... ;)) Thanks for missing; I’ll try to be more present, but times are hard for achieving that purpose...

There was a huge pool party! And the railing is a cantilever jacuzzi, if we are talking of the same... ;). Masters of Universe was intended to recall memories from Leonardo and the Titanic... ;)

So, it’s time for you to start packing right away!!

Fun in splendour and opulence, that’s what it should be... Not that much, but fun anyway... ;))

Alice SG,
It was a great holiday... As for the towels, i don’t think they take more than two or three minutes to do it; they have many staterooms to take care of and the rooms are always impeccable clean!!

Don’t be envious; that’s not up to standard... ;) The origami arrangements are gorgeous, and the vast sea is immense!!

Relaxation is certainly nice...

There was a party on that pool; but there were other pools, not so crowded... And the cantilever jacuzzis were empty during the party... ;))
Handsome guys always look smart... ;))

I once planned to make a trip on one of those cargo vessels from Bergen to Tromso and Cape North... Never materialized, so now I feel it’s too late... And never made North Cape... ;)

Those sunsets cannot compare with South Pacific, namely Fiji Islands... But they are good enough to bring pleasure to your eyes... ;))

Just imagine Jensen running through that ship... It would be a great fun trip for him... And also for you, I’m sure!!

Great that you liked the collages: I’m not so happy with the quality, but it occupies much less space! Not all staterooms have balconies and not all are this size and this comfortable... ;)

So, you keep travelling west... Great! But next time we have to get for a drink... ;)
I’ve been to Hitchcock’s post; incredible!! ;))
Boa noite é português!!

It’s like living in Fécamp; just a little bit more people by square km... ;) But you truly don’t notice it, except when the restaurant doors aren’t yet open for dinner... ;))

The staff has a lot of expertise on towel arrangement... ;)

The pool is always a bit busy, except when everybody is ashore; but that was pool party, so that’s why you see so many people around... The library, on the contrary, was empty... ;)

Kung Hey Fat Choy!! Great year of the Tiger!!

The surprise was only to see which animal I would find, because we know we would have some kind of arrangement over there... ;)
Handsome couple, always... ;))

Glad you liked!!

If you’re there, it must be romantic... ;)
I’ve been in large and small ships; each one has its charm... ;)

You should start packing, after the wonderful trip to Goa you showed in your blog... ;))

Trotter said...

Part Two!

Many of these also stop at Key West; probably not these huge... I can’t forget the sunset show at Mallory Square... ;))
Hope your hubby recovers soon; you’ll have to move fast from that place...

Happy, we are anytime travelling... Looking nice is just a question of kindness in your eyes... ;))

J’ai fais une fois Turku-Stockholm le 21 juin 1981 ; c’était magnifique avec les bateaux de la Silja Line…

Thanks for making the journey… ;)

Enjoying life… ;)

Our pleasure. Mrs. Trotter is always too busy to blog… ;))

Work for surviving and trotting to live… ;))
No kids; young lady is skiing in Switzerland… ;)

In Egypt you probably got some waiter from a Caribbean cruise line. I haven’t got any towel arrangement; just a snake made out of the bed linen… ;))

They do the most incredible things on those ships… ;))

There are some quite efficient pills for seasickness… ;) Don’t let you go down with that and start packing… ;))

When you’re not in port, the pool parties are always terribly popular… ;)
I’m also in a few of those pictures!!

Happy hour always makes some terrific shots… ;))

It was the largest cruise ship at that time… ;))

Thérèse ,
The advantage of large cruise ships is that usually you may do whatever pleases you and need not to be in line for everything at the same time; except for meals at the main restaurant… ;))

It’s awful… Unless you have a lot to do in sightseeing, those huge breakfasts, snack before lunches, lunches, afternoon teas, dinners and suppers surely grows you fat… ;))

«Comme chez soi…» C’est magnifique comme resto à Bruxelles… ;))

I prefer the sunny ones... ;)

I would love to be tanned in February... ;))

It still is; this part of the country wasn’t touched...

I know how you appreciate the delights of live; so I wonder how you manage to stay in Holland for winter time... ;))

You’re talking of the post on Haiti, like Vaggelis... I didn’t experience the zip; it remembered me some friends crossing the river to make the Inca trail trek to Machu Picchu... By then, it was the only way... ;))

Thanks! Glad that you liked!!

I’m glad that you liked! It’s a way of seeing that this work may be interesting for someone around the world... It’s true that «being there» is a terrific experience...