Sunday, June 06, 2010



"VIEWS - In the morning, after breakfast in the main restaurant, the way to the beach provided some spectacular views. There is a lift, if one doesn't want to climb the hill on the way back..."


"SUN CABINS - With a view and wind..."










Trotter said...

Hi Folks! This would probably be a great holiday week, should I have the chance to profit from: a holiday on June 3rd and another one on June 10th... Unfortunately, it’s hard to leave town nowadays, and I don’t know how to get through. Becoming a bit depressed... Let’s see what the World Cup in South Africa will bring in the next weeks... ;)
This is my last post of Turkey 2009. It shows a no-stress day at the Club Med Bodrum. Enjoy and have a great week!!

juka14 said...

Hey Gil, I was just on a holiday for a week. But I wasn't swimming in such a beautiful blue water...

joo said...

It looks like a perfect day of life! I wish I could join you there:)
Have a nice week ahead!

L. Neusiedler said...

have a great week too, and enjoy the football ;)!

Anonymous said...

Gil, although all your photos are just spectacular that first one on today's post should be a post card or the front page on a vacation brochure! I am going to the museum this week so stop back by for a glimpse at some Fabrege eggs...:)

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Wow ! ... but the Med !

yyam said...

I love the very first photo! Great composition! :)

Don't be can relive your vacations through all your wonderful photos!

S-V-H said...

The last pictures is absolutely fine art level! Wow! I LOVE it! I love all the others too and you made me envy for that "nonchalance" lifestyle that you and your wife experienced.

Can we change our life just for one day...*smile*... ???

Thanks for sharing, Manuel! :)

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures, Gil! I'm ready to start packing! Hope you have a great week! Thanks for you visit and comment!


A Lady's Life said...

Wow lots of action in this last photo.
I guess things would slow down now a bit but not for long People are restless and need change.
So you got a lot to look forward to:)

Unknown said...

Any place like this is to wonderful for words. You're a great traveller.
We're off to Langkawi for 3 days this week.

eye in the sky said...

I'd wanna watch that version o "Romeo and Juliet".

alicesg said...

What a beautiful holiday. The sea is so calm and beautiful and am sure the performance is superb too.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Absolutely marvelous pictures, as is the case always! I've heard of Turkey being such a wonderful country! Thanks so much for taking me on this wonderful journey!

Cloudia said...

so BLUE!!!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

Ron said...

Great post, looks like a relaxing vacation. Really like the pics of the resting feet:)

I'm ready to watch some World Cup soccer, I am predicting Germany.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! Really amazing images and collages of the Club Med Bodrum! That sunset with classical music is so inviting! A very beautiful place to spend a relaxing and amusing holiday!
Have a great week ahead! :-)

Anonymous said...

wonderful views. entertainment looks interesting.


Ingrid said...

Apparently you had a great time !

april said...

The colours of the blue sea are wonderful, but I like the last photo best, just because of the colours and the 'swirl'.
Greetings from Cologne,

Cergie said...

Un jour dans la vie, bien calme et sans autre contrainte que de se laisser mener par son rythme biologique et porter par les flots. Oui c'est cela aussi la vie, ces instants à se laisser aller et profiter de sa propre respiration.
La fière forteresse (le château de St Pierre) que l'on voit sur ton message précédent a tout son temps elle, ses fondations solidement enfoncées dans la mer pure et calme....

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Heeh My faithfull blogfrind, you are always visiting my blog even when I am busy.. Thanks 4 that!:)

You Turkey holiday looks great to me how come depressed? well bettr be there than here in Holland, we have had some sunny days , today rainy again.... but therefore I enjoy even more your holidays and visits in now Turkey, great views and a wonderfull evening entertainment! Enjoy your travels? Thanks for showing , I'll be more enjoying summer with a vist on your blog....

(NB we cannot travel because of our dog IOS 's illness, we feel so so sorry for her , she 's having a lungcancer... I will not say more, but we are sweet to our dog -and not be able to travel- )

Bye greetings from JoAnn Holland

hpy said...

Looking at those pictures one could believe that you're on an eternal holiday. I suppose it's not the case.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and colorful place. Fabulous place to relax.

Jehanghir Palace, Orchha

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

I just wrote a Club Med post on my blog...but of course, mine is a fake Club Med and yours is the real deal!!

PeterParis said...

It all looks nice, but I especially like your Russian Ballerinas photo!

... and only 11 months behind! :-)

MedaM said...

Absolutely wonderful place for relaxing. Fantastic post as well as the previous one. I completely enjoyed.

P.N. Subramanian said...

Oh! you are concluding with Club Med Bodrum. Enjoyed every shot. Thanks.

Thérèse said...

Cela ne doit pas être dur de se déstresser dans un cadre pareil!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Gil

Club Med Bodrum looks like a very relaxing and entertaining vacation spot! The synchonized swimming looks interesting, and I'd love to see Romeo and Juliet.

Sorry you can't get away right now but I hope you'll find the opportunity to do so during the summer.

Nikon said...

It looks very beautiful there, Gil - the color of the water is amazing.
Your night shots - the stage shots - are excellent!

Rune Eide said...

Something to wish for - and something to envy :-)

Regina said...

Wow breathtaking seascape and scenes. Truly fabulous cruise.
Thanks again Trotter.
Looking forward for the next pages.

Enjoy a wonderful week and summertime.

Stella Bella said...

Gorgeous sea and yummy food! ^^

Definitely wanna check it out there in the future. :)

I wanna go on holiday!!!

Anonymous said...

another magical photoset!!!!

Marja said...

Love the colour of the water and the beautiful sun cabins. What a great place to be

diane b said...

Great view from the breakfast table. You look like you are having fun in the beautifully coloured sea. Thank you for showing me around Turkey it is a cheap and comfortable way to travel from my computer chair.

Urmi said...

I am spellbound to see such beautiful, fabulous, gorgeous and brilliant pictures. The colour of the water is so nice and the sceneries are awesome. Brilliant post as always.

Anonymous said...

You made me miss greatly Greece and holiday there in this rainy morning here .
I want to see a sunset in Oía!

Thank you again for those wonderful photos!

Oman said...

wow what a holiday. and by your looks, it seems like you have yourself a visual delight :)

Sahildeki Ev said...

I hope you had enjoyed your time there. Our beach house is about 2 hours away from Bodrum by ferry, but I cant stand Bodrum more than couple days. Its so crowded and the traffic is always killing me.

indicaspecies said...

So this was another stress free day (and night) at CM Bodrum! Good!
Have a lovely weekend Gil and hope the World Cup brings lots of cheers to you.

leo said...

Breakfast with a view and if it gets too hot take a dip into the sea pool, indeed what a life :D
Have a good WC month. ps/Will you be in South Africa?

BLOGitse said...

Greetings from rainy and cold (+10 C) Helsinki, Finland!
One more week to go and then back to Casablanca!
Have a great day and good week ahead!


Emery Roth said...

A little R&R time is always useful in combatting eternity and maintaining the tan. We've been doing a bit of our own traveling and are just back from Maine.

lv2scpbk said...

The water looks so clear and the food looks so good.

Lakshmi said...

This is what I call a perfect day ..

Joy said...

I would love to just sit on that decking over the water and let time pass me by. Beautiful.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again. Have a great start to your week!

Trotter said...

Hi Folks! Sorry for having been slightly absent, but first I needed a break, so we profited from the national holiday on June 10th and took a long weekend break and then I was working abroad this last week, just got back yesterday... The reason for the delay on posting and on these replies...

It seems everybody takes holidays; I’m happy when I manage just to take a small break.... ;)

I’m happy to have you on board; next time let’s coincide with the dates... Actually, I still have to put your country Poland on my map; a shame it isn’t there yet... ;)

Must confess that those seven zero to North Korea where something... Unfortunately, the rest wasn’t so productive... ;)

I’ll go back to your blog as soon as I finish here!! I fully agree with you on the virtues of the place caught on that photo; it’s an absolutely stunning place where one may spend ages just enjoying the views...

Like in Dante’s Hell, let your «préjugés» down... («Qui si convien lasciare ogni sospetto...»The Med isn’t that bad; you do what you want, if you want, where you want... And the locations are usually magnificent... ;)

Not as much, surely, as I love your true compositions...
That’s why I started blogging; since I’m mostly stuck, I relive my travels through blogging... ;). When I made more than one hundred flights a year and spent an average of one hundred sixty nights abroad a year, I had no time for taking care of blogs... ;)

OK! But I don’t think you can complain too much... At least the pictures you create are absolutely gorgeous; and those actually do deserve the name: »masterpieces»!!

Great! So, everything packed, where do we meet? ;)) Thanks for coming here and dropping a line!

That’s the great advantage of always having troubles with night photography... Not being an expert and blurring the pictures, sometimes rewards you with a much better result... ;))

You say I’m the traveller, but that is you who are going to Langkawi... It is on my list, but I still have not managed to get there at least once... ;)

They will probably repeat it one of these days... ;))

Alice SG,
The sea is fabulous, nothing to complain of... The performance is with young people who work on the different departments of the Med Club; pure amateurs, so nothing extraordinary to be expected... Just fun!!

You’re welcome! My pleasure to drive you through this beautiful journey... There is always a lot of beauty out there to be seen!!

That’s how it is... ;)

That’s the advantage of the Club Med: it can be frenzied as well as relaxing: you choose... ;))
Did you see our show against North Korea? Unfortunately we didn’t make such a great impression in the two other games... ;-(. As for Germany, it would be a surprise, as no European team as ever won a World Championship outside Europe... ;)

I tell that the sunset on the classical side was one of the highlights of the day; furthermore because most of the times we were the only ones there... ;))

Interesting... Yeah, let’s say it usually is fun, but you’re not dealing with professionals, so your expectations are not supposed to be high... ;)

We surely had a great time!!

That last blur came out quite nice; a bit like as if it was from the Whirling Dervishes... ;)

Un jour dans la vie, mais heureusement on n’était pas Ivan Denisovich… ;). C’est ce que j’aime au Club, c’est que tu peux prendre ta journée comme tu veux: active, si tu as envie du sport; calme, si tu préfères rester avec mon sport favori: «sea watching»… ;))

Sorry for what happened with Ios!!
Turkey was last year, so depression can easily come afterwards… ;)). And you cannot complain with the weather in Amsterdam because you just got your summer holiday this week: sunny and hot… I know it quite well, because I was there… working… ;))

Trotter said...

You are absolutely right; the art is transforming one or two weeks into something looking much more extensive, and also profiting from every business travel occasion (very few anyhow…) to also see the places around… And, also important, being a fast shooter for the photos… ;))

You’re absolutely right!!

I’ll check your fake Med post as soon as I finish here… ;)). But they are now really improving the standard and targeting new customers, so when it comes to glamour, I think it will start being something acceptable to you… ;)). And you surely know how to find sponsors…

A little less than eleven months now, the delay in posting, but it will increase soon… ;))

I’m so glad you liked it!!

It’s true that everything comes to an end… This time it was the Club Med Bodrum’s posts… ;))

Ah non… Tu pourrais y rester longtemps sans te rendre compte que le temps passe; même si la plage ne résiste pas à une comparaison avec les plages portugaises… ;))

Just made it!! Took a long weekend break and had a week work abroad; so at least changed the views from the regular office building!! ;)

Most of the night shots came out blurred, which in the end showed to be a great advantage to just the regular ones… ;))

Wishing and envying… that’s part of our lives… ;)

The cruise was on the other post; on this we were mostly exercising my favourite sport: sea watching… ;)). And it actually looks great!! ;)

I can anticipate that you will be making a detour on one of your next trips to England... ;). But you could also make a detour to Lisbon, so that I can treat you both to the «pasteis de Belém»... ;))

Thanks! Magical looks quite kind of you...

Can imagine you spending the day on those sun cabins; but beware the wind... sometimes it blows very strong... ;)

I’m also travelling Queensland though your computer, but I must confess I would prefer to be actually there... ;))

You must start packing as soon as possible... Everything is still there to be enjoyed... ;)

OK! The best I can do is to treat you to my sunset in Oia... ;))

Sea watching: favourite sport and true visual delight... Like Clooney would say: What else? ;))

I had a great time at the Club Med Bodrum, which is a bit far from the city itself and enjoys a superb location in the middle of the pine trees... Have been only some hours in Bodrum itself, to visit, so didn’t feel so much the crowd and the traffic... ;))

We had a nice time enjoying the seven zero to North Korea, but the other two matches were nothing special; and now we face Spain...

No, I won’t be in South Africa, but hope the Portuguese stay there deep into July... ;))

So, you’re back in Casa and hopefully things are now running much more smoothly than in the first weeks there... ;)

That’s exactly what is needed: combating eternity and maintaining the tan... ;). Maine is an amazing place to go, but I prefer the lobsters in Portugal... ;))

And actually everything is exactly how you describe... ;))

And you make no mistake in the qualification... ;))

That was the best spot in the whole area; at sunset, it was awesome!!