The Aimé and Marguerite Maeght Foundation was founded in the 1950s by the Cannes art dealer Aimé Maeght. Friend of André Malraux and of many painters, he commissioned the Spanish architect Josep-Lluis Sert to design a building that would complement the natural setting, "installing a museum inside Nature." On the foothills of the Alps, across the road from Saint Paul (de Vence), the Maeght Foundation combines natural scenic beauty with the fantastic art of Miró, Giacometti, and many others.

"THE MAEGHT FOUNDATION - Building and Gardens"


"MIRÓ - Sculptures and Stained Glass"




Hi Everybody! Saint Paul de Vence is famous for its display of modern and contemporary art. And a great deal of that fame draws from the fact that Marguerite and Aimé Maeght decided to create a foundation to promote modern and contemporary art and to open its doors in Saint Paul in 1964. Nowadays, two hundred thousand people visit the place every year; and the visit is truly worthwhile... Enjoy, drop a line and have a fabulous week... ;)
Great post and wonderful photography.
amezing and eye catching art work....just enjoyed wathcing them
J'ai un faible pour Chagall - je me demande pourquoi.
What a lovely place and, I must say, I am so glad that you made your visit to Egypt when you did and were not there during all the craziness of the past couple of weeks. Even in their joy at freedom, it seems some very sad things took place.
What a magic place for art lovers. I've never heard of it before but now I know of its existence ,thanks.
Lovely artwork and sculptures. Modern art is not exactly my cup of tea but I really like these!
OH! That would be an inspirational place to visit!
Beautiful post Trotter! I love Chagall and Miro and this museum looks fabulous!
Very interesting structures you posted in the beginning. They must have been really fascinating to look at.
Thanks for the tour!! All the art is fab. Especially I like the Chagall and the Miro sculpture, much of which I've not seen. So thank you once again for taking us all to the finest places in the world!
Lovely art pieces and sculptures. I dont know much about art but they certainly capture my attention.
what an eclectic mix. beautiful...
GIM: Something unexpected has happened in my life. Kindly get the details from my recent post.
Fantastic museum, I like Miró's art especially.
Oh yeee...I'm a Miro fan! :)
Wow! Its hard not to be a Miro fan! This is different, very very different!
Cool and awesome art! Thank you Trotter.
Cheers and happy weekend.
I prefer Miro as a painter, great place btw!
Always fun and exciting to see but not my favorites. Just went to a Picasso not my favorite either. Have a wonderful weekend Gil and as always thank you for your fabulous photography and showing us things most of us will never see in real life. :)
i always found art displayed outdoors more fun and riveting that art indoors...i guess for me it gives a sense of belonging to nature and the landscape and the way it relates to its surroundings is more interesting for me!!!!!
love the pics you have taken...!!
A terrific tour, as always. I'm most curious about the section titled, "Collage with Chagall." Am I correct in thinking these are not all Chagall? In fact, none look like typical Chagall. The one on the lower left looks like it might be a Calder sculpture, and the one next to it looks like nothing I know by Chagall. (Strangely colored Albers?) However, the one that catches my eye is the sinister, dark painting of the man in the block overcoat. Is that Chagall? If not, then who?
I enjoyed looking at each and every photo --remakable art works. The Chagall made my heart sing! Thanks, Gil!
I like Chagall He always has a violin in his art work.
I'm going to make an exception here and anticipate the answer to your queries, as it may also help some other visitors. So, no need to wait one or two weeks... ;)
The "Collage with Chagall" has only one Chagall painting on it: the one in the top-middle. Top left is a painting by Ladislas Kijno, a French painter born in Warsaw in 1921... Lower left you're right: Calder; lower-middle: Ellsworth Kelly; and lower right the bottom of the small pool by Georges Braque. The one that caught your attention is by the Spanish painter Edurdo Arroyo (Madrid, 1937). It's named «Toute la ville en parle» (literally: The whole city talks about it)!
Wonderful art beautifully captured. It was a great experience watching all this art.Amazing creativity.
Hi Gil, this "museum inside Nature" is so interesting, how many masterpieces! I'd like to have a work of mine there! :-)
All very beautiful pictures!
Happy Sunday
That's not so my cup of tea ! I prefer impressionists, expressionists and fauves.
I love how you've arranged the pics. Sculptures and arts stunningly collided. Such feast to the eyes.
Un régal pour les yeux, Gil. De l'équilibre et des couleurs primaires franches et fraîches qui nous ravissent les yeux. J'espère qu'à l'ombre des arbres il a fait frais et que vous avez eu d'une légère brise, c'est avant la mi-juillet qu'il faut aller dans le midi de la France mais il est vrai qu'à la chaleur vous êtes habitués.
PS : le père de mon beau-frère qui était avocat a eu affaire avec Chagall et chez mon beau frère il y a un petit dessin de lui...
wow modern art ;)really nice!
You have made some very nice collages (PowerPoint?) of some very nice pieces of art! Have been to St.Paul later, but haven't been to Maeght since rather soon after it was opened. I guess I should go back with some new (much older) eyes!
Oh wow! Those are some amazing sculptures! So much fun! Love the bright colours of the paintings! :) Really enjoyed this post...totally up my alley! ;)
Amazing quality to the photos, Gil. The paintings look fabulous!
What a great spot!
Beautiful sculptures and paintings.
What a wonderful way to enjoy some of my favorite artists!!!!!!
Aloha from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
Your beautiful photos of these art works are stunning - I have a soft spot for the "Chagall" and could look at that for hours - so many different facets.
Have a wonderful week.
"All Things French"
Such beautiful arts Gil..if only I can see them. You are living the dream life :) Happy week ahead.
I have been to Miro's art collection in Barcelona, I admire his style very much. Here I love the owl (human?) sculpture especially
Love each and every of these installations!!!
Parappalaru Falls Trek
Very awesome!
this kind of art is full of imagination.
I like your perfect blog,
While I prefer the impressionists, I did enjoy my visit here. You captured so much wonderful art. Do you have any originals on your walls. Better not say since you are away from home so much!!!!
Hi Folks! Sorry to have been late replying to your comments, but it’s no idleness... ;) Things have been pretty busy indeed!!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Chagall and Miró and the others at the Maeght Foundation are a true delight for the sight and it shows!! Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!!
I’m not so sure about the quality of the photography, but thanks for the compliment anyhow... It helps the self-esteem... ;)
I’m glad you did enjoy...
I was lucky with Egypt, but this here I was trying to get to Petra, but just put it on hold... Changing (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), but dangerous times we’re leaving... Hope for the better!!
Saint Paul de Vence is a place known for its modern and contemporary art, but actually mostly in France and in French culture areas of influence... No wonder you had never heard of it... ;)
OK! But at least Chagall and Miró would have the significance to make an impact on you, I hope... They’re fabulous... ;)
I’m sure you will love strolling in those gardens and enjoying the paintings inside!!
If you love those two, this is a museum you shouldn’t miss; and the surroundings are also awesome...
Welcome back!! Great to read you again here at Blogtrotter Two!! The Miró Pitchfork and the sculptures in the garden are fabulous!!
My pleasure! Be my guest...
Alice SG,
Truly glad you liked it!!
Part Two:
Mix, but with a terrific logic underneath; not just a melting pot... ;)
I’m deeply sorry!!
Indeed!! You’re not alone in the passion for Miró... but then you have to visit his museum in Barcelona... ;)
So, we are already three in a row... ;)
It makes four of us just here... ;)
My pleasure!!
Painter or sculptor, he’s great in every field...
The place is fabulous! You definitely deserves the trip (Michelin ***)!!
I think that the impression modern and contemporary art causes on you may be very well explained in rational concepts, bla, bla, bla... But in the end, I’m afraid it will always be a matter of taste, and that is all... ;)
That is a very interesting perspective, though I feel that paintings are hardly affordable to be outside... But as far as sculptures are concerned, the gardens of the Maeght Foundation are a perfect environment for them...
I’ve already anticipated the answer!!
Third Part:
I’ll have a Chagall surprise for you in the near future!!
Violins and animals are always present in Chagall’s paintings...
Glad that you liked!!
I’ve a feeling that one day I’ll see one of yours in such a place; either in Saint Paul de Vence or somewhere else...
Impressionists, Fauves... OK! Expressionists... it has to be a much clever choice to get something interesting... ;)
It takes some time to put these collages together, but it also gives a great deal of pleasure when it comes to the end... ;)
Les couleurs primaires de Miró et Chagall sont vraiment magnifiques… Fraiches et franches est le parfait choix des mots pour les décrire… Le temps à Saint Paul était irréprochable: du soleil, pas trop chaud, merveilleux!!
Dis à ton beau frère de bien garder le petit dessin… ;)) J’aimerais bien en avoir un aussi… ;)
Glad you liked it!
I learned with you to make the collages with the PowerPoint; much easier than many other systems... ;)
The Maeght Foundation definitely deserves the trip!!
It is great that you liked the post!! And I’m also truly happy to be following your alley... ;)
With just a Canon G9, I don’t think we can get any better pictures than these I’m showing... ;). But the paintings are fabulous and the camera didn’t change the colours... ;)
Part Four and Final, for the time being...
Aloha! That is definitely the great advantage of the Maeght Foundation: the site is fabulous and the friends of Marguerite and Aimé Maeght were most gifted people, as we may see from the pieces in display... ;)
I’ll have a pleasant surprise for you as Chagall lover in the near future!! Hope you enjoy!!
M. Kate,
Well, my concept of dream life must be quite different from yours... I don’t think I’m living anything like that, but you’re probably right... Who knows? ;))
The Miró Museum in Barcelona is astonishing!! I started to be a Miró fan from very early in my life and kept it throughout... ;)
Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two! Hope to read you here often!!
The impressionists are also great, but these guys here are nothing to be left behind... ;)
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