Monday, April 12, 2010



The dark blue colour of the Aegean Sea is unbeatable!

"AEGEAN SEA - With the Greek island of Kos in the distance"













Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! After the green of the pines in the last post, we’ll combine it with the blue of the Aegean Sea, which is unbeatable... So, this post is dedicated to the beach side of the Club... Hope you enjoy and have a great week ahead…
PS: I’m still in advance with regard to the usual twelve months delay in posting; but that advance is shrinking… ;))

A Lady's Life said...

What a nice view. Breath taking.
All that water and warm wind makes you feel alive:)

PeterParis said...

The bluest I have ever seen the Blue Mediterranean! Really gives you the desire to dive into it!

Ron said...

Nice pics and the water is amazing.

Voegtli said...

These blue seas are fabulous. Here, in the middle of the island of Sri Lanka, I don't see that much of it. But we have blue skies. And to me, it is great to have blue in your day.

Very beautiful rendering of the Agean.

eye in the sky said...

How clear the waters are, you could see the stone and sands the characterize the shore. Beautiful.

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

RNSANE said...

Fabulous pictures! I especially like the one with the hot pink Bougainvillea, accentuating the blueness of the sea. You two look like you are having a wonderfully decadent time. I am, appropriately, jealous!

alicesg said...

Wow the sea is so blue and looked so inviting. I am sure both your wife and yourself had a very relaxed, fun and great holiday.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil! I like very much these beautiful "blue" collages, wonderful all the views, the flowers, the beaches!
Happy week! :-)

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Hi Gil,

It's a dream of mine to see the Ageon Sea and to visit Greece. Maybe some day. . . Thanks for your comment, I have been bad and haven't been posting lately because I've been working in my yard and enjoying Springtime weather. I think I have Spring fever--can't wait to see your next adventure :-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Gil, the blue color of thr Aegean Sea took my breath away! It's so beautiful!

Ingrid said...

Now I want to go there too again ! It's such a nice and lovely place ! I preferred Turkey by far to Greece !

SusuPetal said...

Those Aegean blues are the blues I like.

But, there is no snow in Helsinki, the sun has been sining and it almost feels like spring!

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

After " Kafka on the beach" ( (Haruki Murakami) here is "Blogtrotter on the beach" (by himself) !

Nisha said...

Awesome, awesome blue ! Gil

lyliane six said...

Beaucoup de bleu pour mon moral qui revient au bleu pâle.
Bises à vous 2.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

It's really unbeatable, and I love it! :)

diane b said...

Beautiful blue and beach scenes. You look relaxed and bronzed. Where to next?

Rakesh Vanamali said...

One word - Heavenly!

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Great !
... keep going East !

Anonymous said...

Yes, that Aegean blue IS unbeatable. Mesmerizing and beautiful!


Emery Roth said...

This looks a lot like heaven to me, especially those two sail boats chasing the breeze at the beginning. A really lovely shot.

S-V-H said...

Blue is anyway my favorite color! Thanks for taking me with you to the Agaeis.I have enjoyed looking to every photo.

yyam said...

That blue is spectacular! It must have been fun swimming there in the clear waters...ahhh...:)

P.N. Subramanian said...

Amazingly blue. Your own photographs are not that clear.

Chuckeroon said...

Ha, so I show blue aconites and you immediately "outblue" me! The snaps seem to prove that you actually were there, so I'll forgive you for psyching me up this week. I really think you are trying to provoke into working even harder on the fitness programme.

Thérèse said...

Unbeatable that's for sure!
For the blue lovers!

Cergie said...

Des pins, des bougainvillées des oliviers, des agaves, la végétation aussi est unbeatable !
Je ne suis allée qu'une fois en Turquie, chez un ami habitant Ankara. Nous y sommes allés en voiture depuis la France. Une longue route. Depuis Ankara nous sommes descendus à leur petite maison de vacances près de la mer.
J'ai voyagé en autocar avec lui et ma belle soeur, une expérience à vivre : séparation des sexes dans l'autocar!
Cet ami a une jeune soeur ravissante. Il était très autoritaire envers elel aisni qu'envers son frère (l'aîné de la famille) et lui a fait faire pour nous des berecks (délicieux) tout en la surveillant attentivement. Tout un art de vivre.

Regina said...

Captivating beauty!
Love to see this place one day.
Thank you for sharing Trotter.

Unknown said...

Captivating blue sea. Thanks for the wonderful scenery.

juka14 said...

There's a lot of blue in here and it's looking great. Beautiful place!

Shionge said...

Absolutely breathtaking Gil and hey..wait I'll bring my camera along :)

Rajesh said...

Spectacular shots. Very scenic place. Nice place to relax.

Ms.N said...

hi trotter. love the ones with the pink flowers the best. The blues are really beautiful, but sometimes so frustratingly hard to get on the camera...

Marja said...

Oh Trotter gorgeous I love Turkey very much. I went to Bodrum Not to club Med of course. We went one week on a wooden threemaster along the turkish coast and one week in a hotel. I loved every minute of it. Thanks for these beautiful pictures

Nikon said...

Hi Gil,
Sorry to take so long to pay you a visit, but now that I'm here, I'm amazed at that blue sea! It's hard to believe how stunning that area is!
Thanks for all of your visits :)

lv2scpbk said...

Crystal clear water. Love the blues.

Lakshmi said...

just want to dip my head in those blue waters..fantastic..what a post..lifted my blues away as its terribly hot in India now

Nola said...

Wow, I've "traveled" through several posts, your photos are great. I see you haven't posted in a while, I'll be on the lookout for new posts.

Anonymous said...

yes, this is the magic of Aegean sea. well done

Urmi said...

Oh! what a spectacular view. The crystal clear blue sea looks amazing. You have taken wonderful shots. The scenic beauty is absolutely fantabulous. Great post.


The white dresses are the perfect complement to the breathtaking blue sea.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Nice pic layout, Gil.

MedaM said...

Lovely blue and wonderful views. I completely enjoyed in these great photos...precious reminder of wonderful time that you and your wife enjoyed together.

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! So the blues of the Aegean Sea came back in full force and are here to counter the ashes now floating over Europe!! It seems things are getting better now, but it keeps being a mystery for me what happened... Airplanes couldn’t fly because there was an ash cloud. OK! But where are the ash clouds gone if the volcano is still expelling ashes and lava out there? Is there someone out there with an explanation? Probably someone decided too early to block the air space or someone decided too early to open the air space... I’m afraid that the first alternative is the true one...
Anyhow, planes are flying, but I’m still stuck! Hopefully things will change!!
Thanks for your comments and have a great weekend!!

Already flying there makes you feel alive... That means airports, airplanes, traffic congestion, stress, and then a perfect place to exercise your favourite sport: sea watching... ;)

That’s a great blue indeed! I wonder why I have this trend to always get closer to the sea; it’s probably because I was born in an island and live in a town close by the Atlantic Ocean... ;)

Thanks for your faithful presence at Blogtrotter and Blogtrotter Two: you’re getting closer to be the only Blog friend to have commented on all my last one hundred posts in both blogs...

Wonder how it would be to live in the middle of the island of Sri Lanka far from the sea... At least it seems there is a blue sky over there... I wouldn’t mind to have an experience in the island where the Portuguese, namely the ones with the Silva surname, had such an importance since the sixteen century... ;)

You could surely see the pebbles on the shore, but that isn’t the best they have; that’s exactly where those beaches aren’t at all capable of competing with the golden sandy beaches of the Algarve... ;)

Aloha!! Blues are the best!! ;)

That bougainvillea was on the right spot to frame the picture of the blue Aegean Sea... ;). Actually the pine trees made a wonderful location for the resort and the rest comes with the traditional MED philosophy... But, anyhow, jealousy is an appalling sentiment... ;)

Alice SG,
We truly had a great time there; actually we usually have a great time anytime we travel abroad... That’s also part of an old tradition that started in August 1974, continues for the next decades and keeps going still nowadays!! ;)

I was preparing some future posts of a region much closer to you and realized that the Mediterranean Sea has some wonderful blues almost everywhere; but anyhow the dark blue of the Aegean Sea still feels «unbeatable» to me... As for the beaches, I’ve already seen better much closer to where I live... ;))

Welcome back!! The pictures were taken from Turkey, but it’s probably time to get to Greece now: things are going bad there, financially speaking, and almost certainly prices have gone down a little bit... I assume that your gardening is a somehow continuation of your painting, so the flowers must be a treat for the eye... ;)

It was exactly what happened to me the first time I saw it in 1976; but it still makes an impact on me anytime I come close. You’re absolutely right about the beauty of the blues...

Everybody seems to be a bit jealous around here, but there is no reason for that: I’m the one who is stuck here now... ;))
I haven’t that preference about Turkey over Greece, probably because I’ve some Greek friends and don’t remember any Turkish one... ;) But I acknowledge that some of the old Greek sites are in better shape in Turkey rather than some others in Greece... ;))

Hope the ash cloud from the «unnameable» volcano didn’t cover the sun that was starting to shine in Helsinki!! ;)). Those are also my blues, so we are already two loving them... ;))

Trotter said...

Replies, Part Two!

That’s Kafka Tamura, not the much more well known Franz... But the most interesting is that you don’t find any cats there, so Mr. Nakata would surely have a great job finding them there... ;)). Anyhow, Blogtrotter is always ready to enjoy a «by the beach» trip... ;)

Great to read you back here! Hope the solo backpacking troubles are over and everything runs smoothly over there!

J’espère que ça va mieux maintenant; le bleu aide toujours, du moins un petit peu… ;). On t’attend à Lisbonne, car il me semble difficile de sortir d’ici pour le moment… ;))

There is something similar nearby, but not that deep dark blue... Anyhow, that nearby spot will be seen only after some more Turkish posts. Keep in touch to check it... ;))

Come on; if I look relaxed and bronzed, let me stay there for a while; no need to be moving without more ado... ;)). Anyhow, there will be something new next, but for the following weeks we’ll be still in Turkey... ;)

OK! Heaven on Earth is a dream coming true; but probably there will be some more ingredients to make it truly heavenly... ;)

OK, but where to? Turkmenistan? Uzbekistan? Tajikistan? Kirgizstan? I’ve never been in the Stans... But don’t lose the faith. Maybe one day you’ll get a card from the old fashion Republics... ;))

I’m glad to see that Blogtrotter has been converting visitors to the charm of the Blues... In particular the blues of the Aegean Sea... ;))

OK! You’re impressed with the picture; I must confess that I’m much more astounded with the spot itself... But that’s the difference between a pro photographer and a mere trip amateur... ;)).
Anyhow, that blue is as symphonic as José Mourinho’s F.C.Porto, Chelsea or Inter Milan; all Blues... ;))

So, we are already two in support of the blue... ;). You’re welcome to the Aegean Sea or anywhere else; unfortunately things are getting too difficult to make transatlantic trips nowadays... ;)

It’s always gorgeous to swim out there in the blue... ;)). And there is a lot of fun to enjoy in a Med Club... ;))

P. N. Subramanian,
I think that the reason for the slight distortion of the pictures is probably the size at which they are posted: actually, when uploaded they come out at 400px*300px for a /s400/ format. Then I manipulate them to make it 800px*600px for a /s640/ format. And they lose quality in some computers... In my office’s 19’’ monitor, they come out quite large and distorted; in my 24’’ monitor at home, they are perfectly acceptable... Mysteries of soft or hardware... ;))

You know, the Blues are always «outblueing»... Even the ones José – the most famous Special One - left in Stamford Bridge... ;)). I’m sure you’re going to work hard in that fitness programme... And if you’re going to show the progress in Paris, we should try to arrange a Bloggers’ meeting there... Peter could be in charge, provided that he accepts the job... ;))

Blue lover... Who isn’t? ;))

Mais c’est incroyable; tu connais tout ça... même les agaves… Et on ne parle pas du Restaurant «Les Agaves» à Beaulieu sur Mer ni de «l’agave tequilana», qui sert, bien sûr, à créer la tequila… ;)
De voiture jusqu’à Ankara? Ah, mais tu es bien à l’aise dans la crise actuel des avions au sol; alors pourquoi ne pas en profiter pour l’excursion qui s’impose: Lisbonne!! Pas de séparation de sexes dans les bus, je t’assure… Mais il n’y a pas de berecks aussi… ;))

It won’t be difficult for you to see this place one of these days… ;). My pleasure to put it on Blogger!!

Fascinating indeed!!

I’ve lots of posts on the blue side of Blogger… ;), but actually the posts on the Aegean Sea (either Greek or Turkish side) are a dramatic exhibition of the palette of dark blues!! ;))

I’m thrilled and looking forward to seeing the result of your next adventures in pictures… ;)). Breathtaking for sure!!

Trotter said...

Part Three:

Surely nice place: to relax or to be quite active… OK! You anticipated that I would be on the relaxing side… Bingo!! ;))

Ms. N,
Wow, Welcome to Blogtrotter Two on your first comment here… ;))
It seems that the pink bougainvillea has taken the lead on this post… ;).
You’re absolutely right; the precise blue is very hard to catch on the photo camera!!

So, you have been in Bodrum a week aboard a three master and a week in hotel and you say «not to the Club Med of course»... A three master is surely much more expensive... ;)). One day I’ll get a couple of friends and we’ll charter one of those boats for a cruise of the coast and islands... Great idea!!

My pleasure to get to your blog!! And a great pleasure also to read you here, at the blue Aegean!!

Great that you loved it!!

You’re always welcome; in particular in those incredible hot days of a true Indian summer... ;)

Thanks for your visit and first time comment at Blogtrotter Two! I usually try to post at least once, sometimes twice, a week, but now time is at a premium and it’s hard to find some free time around here... Anyhow, I’ll let you know what comes next... ;))

Lucky you, who are so close to that blue Aegean Sea... Though things seem to be a bit tough nowadays in Greece... It’s not only in Greece actually!!

I thought you were always on holiday... lol!!

I adore when you write fantabulous!!! ;))

It’s true that it came out perfect for that night, but that’s already the other post dear... ;)

Thanks for your compliment!!

Thanks for your lovely and continued comments; it always a great pleasure to read you at Blogtrotter!!