Saturday, April 04, 2015


"SERRANOS TOWERS - Built in 1392, it was one of the twelve medieval gates, and the main entrance to the city. Initially built with a defensive function, it also served as a prison for nobels, from 1586 until 1887"
"BRIDGE - PONT DELS SERRANS - Rebuilt in 1518, it is the second oldest bridge in Valencia after the Pont de la Trinitat"
"OUR LADY'S PLACE - With the Turia fountain and the Miguelet on the right, the Bell Tower of the Cathedral"
"REGIONAL PARLIAMENT AND CATHEDRAL - The Metropolitan Cathedral, also known as Saint Mary's Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic church. It was consecrated in 1238 by the Archbishop of Tarragona, who was the first bishop of Valencia after the Reconquista. Basically Gothic, it also contains Romanesque, Renaissance, Baroque and Neo-Classical elements"
"CHURCHES AND PALACES - Baslica of Our Lady of the Forsaken, cathedral and palaces"
"THE SILK EXCHANGE - LONJA DE LA SEDA - Built between 1482 and 1548, the UNESCO considered it as a World Heritage Site in 1996 since "the site is of outstanding universal value as it is a wholly exceptional example of a secular building in late Gothic style, which dramatically illustrates the power and wealth of one of the great Mediterranean mercantile cities"
"SILK EXCHANGE - Outside and inside"
2BUILDINGS - Around City Hall Square"
"SPANISH REVOLUTION - 15-M Movement, Indignants Movement or Take the Square is the name given to a series of demonstrations whose origin can be traced to social networks such as Real Democracy NOW or Youth Without a Future among other civilian digital platforms... The protests started on May 15, 2011 with an initial call in 58 Spanish cities, including Valencia"


Trotter said...

Hi Folks! It has been more than one year since the last post here – the first half of Valencia...
Meanwhile, many things happened, the saddest having been the passing away of my father at the age of 96. That happened on March 29, 2014. And it was another reason why I’ve been away from the blogosphere lately...
Anyhow, here we have the second part of a short trip to Valencia in May 2011- the old part of town. Enjoy and have a great Easter, those who celebrate!

My Unfinished Life said...

Condolences for your father's demise, its always hard to lose one's parents..I have been in such a situation and totally understand your state!!

Lovely images and hope to read more of your posts...and oh, Im not Anupama (as u mentione din your comments on my post)

Sylvia K said...

So good to see your online again, Trotter and thanks for stopping by my blog!! So sorry to learn of your father's death.

Your captures are superb as always and of one of my favorite places -- I lived in Spain for nearly two years -- way back when!!
Take care!


eye in the sky said...

Great to be back here. As usual, you capture the grandeur of old Spain beautifully. Love the structures. :)

Light and Voices said...

Happy Easter!

It was so sad to hear that your father passed away.

I'm glad you are back blogging. Lovely photos of so many buildings and the air shots are great too.
See you next time.


Thérèse said...

So sorry for your father. Glad to see you back in the blogosphere.
Valencia: quite a large city full of history and by what I heard the place where to eat paella...

alicesg said...

Glad to see you back on bloggerland.Sorry about your father passing. Lovely photos of the buildings with amazing architectural designs. Happy Easter.

Ingrid said...

Looks beautiful, it's a long time I haven't been to Spain !

Pietro Brosio said...

Glad to see you back blogging, so sorry to read about your father.
These images and collages of Valencia are wonderful!
Happy Easter!

PeterParis said...

Yes, really nice to see you blogging again! I stayed one night once in Valencia on my way north - now I see all that I missed during my (obviously too) short stay.

Dianne said...

Ah! so Valencia is more than sweet oranges and Tapas Bars it has the most wonderful architecture .... and I can't believe I've never been there.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Maybe I'll visit, one day...
For the moment I'm still refurbishing my apartment, dreaming I'm sailing the Canal du Midi... like Peter.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. There is so much to see here.

A Lady's Life said...

Hi! Sure missed you and your beautiful pics.
Sad to hear about your Dad. 96. Wow.
Wish he could have made it another 4 years. Would that not have been nice.
My Gramma made it to almost 90. She missed it by a few months. When people reach these ages, you root for them to keep on kicking. It made me feel good to have good genes.
Well guess it was his time. We all have our time in the sun.
Anyway. Glad you are back. xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh Trotter, It's so good to see you posting again. I have missed "my trips abroad and history lessons". So sorry about your Dad. My Mom is 91 and doing quite well...still lives on her own and drives". I know you must miss him so. Take care and keeps those trips coming ~ Lynn

yyam said...

So sorry that you lost your father. And welcome back to bloggy land.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

nikon101 said...

Hi Gil, great to see a warm, sunny post on the blog! T-shirts and shorts, boy, we could use a dose of that here in bleak, raw, New England!
I'm glad that you are back at it, maybe I'll do the same someday :)
I hope that you have a great year ahead of you and more posts to the blog!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello greetings and good wishes.

Fabulous photos and very interesting information. I enjoyed this post tremendously.

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

d'intéressants édifices

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Retour "gagnant" et superbe après une longue absence.
Bien cordialement.

Oman said...

wow, i miss this blog for it takes me to far away places where castles and amazing structures thrive. great post blogtrotter.

Anonymous said...

My condolences on the passing on your father. May he rest in peace.

I'm glad you're able to return to blogging. I enjoyed your photos, as usual. I like the architecture of all the buildings. I find the history of the towers in the very first photo, especially.
