Sunday, December 22, 2013


"ARRIVING TO TOBAGO - The smaller of the two main islands that make up the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is located in the southern Caribbean, northeast of the island of Trinidad and southeast of Grenada"
"SCARBOROUGH, the largest town on the island with a population of around 17,000"
"WELCOME TO TOBAGO - With cow heel soup every Saturday..."
"NO LIFEGUARD - Tobago has been considered the island that inspired the story of Robinson Crusoe"
"OFFICE OF THE MEMBER OF THE PARLIAMENT - Scarborough serves as the main seat of the Tobago House of Assembly, which is responsible for local government"
"A DAY AT SEA - Heading towards sunset..."


Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! It has been a long time since my last post, but couldn’t let 2013 end without a sign of life. This time we have Tobago, the last stop in the April 2011 Caribbean cruise. Enjoy...
Hope you have a great holiday season, and wish you all the best for 2014!!

My Unfinished Life said...

Hi GT, Hope you have a merry christmas and wonderful year ahead!!

Thérèse said...

Encore du depaysement en cette fin d'annee! Des palmiers, du soleil, de l'eau...
Joyeuses fetes!

diane b said...

It sure looks a lovely island to visit or holiday on.

Thérèse said...

Merci pour ton passage. Bonnes fetes de fin d;annee et j'espere que l'annee 2014 vous sourira plus.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images of the city.

magiceye said...


eye in the sky said...

What a lovely place. It would be paradise to just read a book by the beach and bask on that sunset. Merry Christmas to you and your family. All the best! :)

A Lady's Life said...

The water looks so inviting.
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Glad to see you back.

Ingrid said...

Must have been a wonderful trip !

Ash said...

I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas!

Indrani said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Wish you a happy 2014!

Great captures!

BLOGitse said...

We're celebrating holidays in Málaga, Spain. It's great to do nothing, just relax. Lovely, exactly what this season should be! :)

¡Feliz Navidad y
Próspero Año Nuevo 2014!

Rune Eide said...

That must be a place for some well-earned relaxation! Merry Christmas to you and you family!

Emery Roth said...

It's good to see your blog active again. Welcome back and merry Christmas. I hope it is not your travel but only your blog that has become intermittent.

Anonymous said...

Oh! How beautiful! So glad to see your newest blog post! I always enjoy following you on your travels. Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

Nikon said...

It looks very nice there, Gil, nice & tropical, but it doesn't look like it baking in the sun.
I never heard about the Robinson Crusoe connection - thanks for that info!
I hope that 2014 is a good year for you (and me!).

Lakshmi said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family..sorry for my prolonged absence..I can see you have been to some amazing places in the meantime..some beautiful pics here..waiting for you to visit India. I just wrote a story for Yahoo on one of the oldest churches in India built by the Portuguese in the 16th century..

Stella Bella said...

Happy new year :) hehe

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Des photos toujours aussi superbes.
Bonne année à toi et à tous ceux qui te sont chers !

Unknown said...

Beautiful Gil! Wishing that THIS year will be a wonderful one for you and Mrs. Trotter!! Fabulous in every way!!
Happy 2014~~


Mariposa said...

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Cergie said...

Que d'eau que d'eau ! C'est la moindre des choses pour une île. Et des plages, des fruits délicieux, un endroit de rêve où venir avec de jeunes enfants.
Passe une bonne fin d'année Gil, et que l'année prochaine te soit enchanteresse !

yyam said...

Happy new year! Hope 2014 is a year you get to travel to fabulous places! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes....I could live here!!! Hi Gil, so glad you stopped by! Wishing you nothing but the best in 2014 for you and yours. :)

magda said...

Καλώς όρισες καλέ μου φίλε Trotter!!!
Με τις υπέροχες φωτογραφίες σου από την Καραϊβική, ενθουσιάστηκα!!!
Τι όμορφα μέρη, πολύχρωμα σπίτια, ωραίοι άνθρωποι!!!
Χαίρομαι που είστε καλά και σας εύχομαι μια ευτυχισμένη χρονιά, γεμάτη ταξίδια!
Κι εγώ όλο το καλοκαίρι δεν ήμουν στο blog γιατί είχαμε τα παιδιά και την εγγονή μας, την μικρή Μάγδα.
Πολλούς χαιρετισμούς

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Gil!

I do hope 2014 will be a happy and healthy year for you and your family and that you will be traveling the globe again soon!

Tobago looks so tranquil--love the bright blue water!

Light and Voices said...

Life interrupted my creativity. I am back blogging. I love your travel photos so much.
Light and Voices

Mandy said...

Gosh, you go to such lovely places G. Tobago looks fantastic.