Thursday, December 27, 2012


"WELCOME TO GRENADA, an island country consisting of the island of Grenada and six smaller islands at the southern end of the Grenadines. Grenada is located northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, northeast of Venezuela, and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
"FLAG OF GRENADA - Adopted upon independence from the United Kingdom, 7 February 1974, the six stars in the red border stand for the country's six parishes, with the middle star, encircled by a red disk, standing for the capital, Saint George's. The symbol in the hoist represents a clove of nutmeg, one of the principal crops of Grenada. The colour combination of red, gold, and green, in the flag is representative of the country's African identity. Red stands for courage and vitality, yellow for wisdom and warmth, and green for vegetation and agriculture (Wikipedia)"
"DOUGLADSTON SPICE ESTATE - Grenada is also known as the «Island of Spice», as it is one of the world's largest exporters of nutmeg and mace"
"GOUYAVE - The third-largest fishing town in Grenada, with a population of 4,378"
"GRAND ETANG - Entrance to the Park"
"GRAND ETANG - The lake, approximately 20 feet deep, is a submarine volcano that is presently extinct"


Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Hope you are having a great season!
2012 was definitely a difficult year here in Portugal, anyway we look at it. For me, it was awful, as my mother (91 years old) passed away on November 26th, after fifteen very difficult months, and leaving my almost 96 year old father feeling like an orphan. I suspect however that 2013 might be even worse... Anyhow, life must go on, so let’s make an effort to beat the rather dreadful mood! A Caribbean vacation would be nice; and Grenada would have some interesting hopeful green sights...
Enjoy and have a very Happy New Year, with all the best for 2013!

Thérèse said...

So sorry to read these news... and just hoping 2013 will be sweeter...
Take care.

hpy said...

Si 2012 a été une année dure pour beaucoup de monde, je n'ai pas beaucoup d'espoir que 2013 sera meilleur, mais il faut y croire et tout faire pour que ça aille. C'est sûr, contre la maladie et la mort, on ne peut pas beaucoup faire, à part accompagner et espérer. Pour le reste, c'est un peu la même chose,; nous dépendons aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, de décisions prises par d'autres que nous-mêmes. Bonne année 2013, quand même!

Anonymous said...

these photos (always gorgeous Gil) remind me of our trip to Hawaii. I can almost smell the nutmeg. :) So so sorry about your Mom and hope your Dad will be okay. They had a very long time together, didn't they? No wonder he misses her. Take care and I do hope 2013 is better. I look forward to all your post. xo

Alice said...

Sorry about the sad news. Hope 2013 will be better year for you and your family. Take good care and all the best for 2013.

magiceye said...

Thank you for the lovely virtual tour of Grenada!

Wish you and yours a joyous season!

Light and Voices said...

Grenada is so green, lush and tropical looking. Love those photos you posted.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Joyce M

eye in the sky said...

Some places look like Asia while others don't. I like the mixture of influences. Sure makes a culture richer. :)

A Lady's Life said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom Trotter.
She lived a nice long life and after all this suffering I am sure her soul is in a better place.Rejoice in her life and the memories she left behind in her wonderful son.

Grenada is lush and green and has a warm feeling to it.
Fishing towns are interesting,Spices are fun and the 20 foot deep lake is spectacular!

BLOGitse said...

I'm sure you're mom is happy now. It's difficult to let people go but that's life, all of ours...
My Spanish studying and holiday in Malaga are soon over. My hubby is here and we enjoy sunny days.
Hope you can enjoy holidays and all the best and happiness for a year 2013!

Ron said...

Beautiful post. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Shionge said...

My deepest condolence to you and your family and I hope your Father will have someone looking after him.

Thank you for visiting me and what a beautiful place.

Cloudia said...


Friendly Aloha from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Gil, so sorry to read these sad news.
A very nice post indeed, with a lot of enjoyable images and collages.
I really hope your 2013 will be better.
Greetings from Turin!

Tinsie said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss :-(

I sincerely hope that 2013 brings happier times.

I'd love to visit Grenada one day and I hope looking at these wonderful photos brings back happy memories and lifts your spirits.

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Il y a des périodes douloureuses dans nos vies, la disparition de nos parents est d'autant plus difficile à supporter que nos relations avec eux ont été riches et heureuses.
Je te souhaite malgré tout une aussi bonne année que possible avec l'espoir que nous pouvons encore individuellement contribuer à rendre le monde plus juste et plus éclairé.

diane b said...

Sorry to hear the bad news and your tough year. Grenada looks just the place to lift your mood. A tropical paradise.

Kalyan said...

Sorry to hear about the bad wishes for you as always...nice snaps & the place to be in.

Lakshmi said...

So so sorry to hear this..I hope 2013 makes it better..

Thanks so much for your wishes..I am in a way glad to see 2012 go..hope to see some lovely posts on your blog next year

SusuPetal said...

My sympathy for you, it's been a difficult year. Hope you all the best.

Chrissy Brand said...

Welcome back, so sorry 2012 was a tough one. My thoughts are with you.

PETRO50 said...

Into the new year I wish you all the best as well. Good health, happiness and contentment. I am sorry that this year is not good for you. Even in our country is not easy. Fear of losing their jobs, small salaries and constant rising prices. Dominates at us strong corruption.
But we will not spoil our blogging. I'm looking forward to retirement, but I still have to work four years. I like traveling, but after retirement it will not be easy.
I hope that you will be better next year 2013. Wishes for you! Peter.
... By the way, your last series of pictures of Grenada is very interesting. I like to look.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

I'm so sorry about your mother, Gil. 2012 has been a tough year and i hope so much that this coming year will brings us a great deal of peace and happiness.

Thank you for this masterpiece.

juka14 said...

So sorry to hear about your mother...
I hope 2013 will be better for you.

Great to see your new post. Happy New Year!!

LeenaH said...

Thank you for your visit my blog and comment!
I wonder, how long journey your parents made together? Loosing the life time partner is hard, he needs you and you need all the best things, which give to you energy.
Happy happenings during 2013 to you and your wife!
Regards Leena

Erika said...

Auguri di ogni bene per l'anno che sta per iniziare.
Un abbraccio.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read about your mother. May she rest in peace. I send you and your family good thoughts and prayers, especially at this time. I wish you all the best for this New Year 2013!

yyam said...

Sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. Please take care.
Here's wishing a brighter and happier 2013 for you and your family!

magda said...

My dear friend Trotter
What wonderful photos!!!
The places are so beautiful!!! So green!
I wish you a very happy and blessing new year and many travels!!!
Many greetings

Nikon said...

Hi Gil, sorry to take so long to get here.
I'm very saddened by your news & I hope that your father has a better year than last - & you too, of course!
I love the greens of Grenada - especially the last shots of the lake and the waterfall. You took excellent shots.
Again, my best to you and the family & I hope that 2013 is a much better year!!

Cergie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cergie said...

Sincères condoléances, Gil, il est des moments où il nous faut grandir et devenir les parents de nos parents, ce qui n'est jamais aisé mais il faut bien y passer.
On ne peut dire que tu te sois rendu en un endroit désagréable, j'aimerais bien retâter un peu du climat tropical et du dépaysement garanti !

Je te souhaite une meilleure année à venir ! Que tu te portes bien ainsi que les affaires de ton pays, que ta famille aille bien et que tu fasses de nombreux séjours pour nous en parler.

Emery Roth said...

Gil, very sorry to hear about your mother and also sorry to have taken so long to get back here, but we are now finally past the silly distractions of the holiday. This aging business is no fun. Losing parents is the beginning, but I still recall the call from my father to tell me, "Mother's gone." My instant reaction was, no, she's here with me, and now they are both here with me. I'm content to know that we all survive in those who love us.

As to Granada, I'm still trying to figur out what Reagan was up to there. Thanks for making Granada into a real place for me. Now what is this homage to Ted Roth abpout? Thanks for the link. Is that a coffee grinder? Great photos!

Mariposa said...

Gorgeous!! Happy 2013! sorry for the lack in blogging last year :) Hope all is well for you and your family~!

Indrani said...

My condolences!
Hope 2013 will hold out best things in life for you!
Great captures presented.

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Greetings and good wishes.

However pessimistic the out look may be, looking at these lovely photos lifts up the spirits and hope springs up in the heart.

We will survive inspite of all the odds.

Best wishes to you and your family,

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Greetings and good wishes.

However pessimistic the out look may be, looking at these lovely photos lifts up the spirits and hope springs up in the heart.

We will survive inspite of all the odds.

Best wishes to you and your family,

Emm in London said...

Gil, I hope that 2013 is indeed better for you and that your father finds his feet again.

What lovely photos you have here! It is incredible to think that we might tour around Granada when 40 years ago it was out of the question!

lyliane six said...

chers amis
c'est très dur de perdre sa maman et je compatie à ta douleur, j'espère que ton papa se remettra un peu,à son âge ce n'est pas facile.
Nous avons passé les fêtes de fin d'année en Argentine,Buenos Aires et aux chutes d'Iguazu, j'ai photographié les mêmes héliconias que les tiennes sur les photos (je ne savais pas leur nom)il a fait très chaud et beau.
Je vous souhaite une meilleure année et vous embrasse tous les deux.
Lyliane et Michel

My Unfinished Life said...

I feel sorry for your lose a parent at any age is difficult...and having gone through it myself...i truely deeply feel your loss!!

I hope 2013 is good for you....yes its bad times for everybody due to recession...

Grenada is so green and full of the images :)

thecouple said...

Grenada looks awesome. Green covered town and Sea by the side.
Hope 2013 will be a great year for you.
Bindhu & Unny

Anonymous said...

Hi Gil, Just checking in on you.

Cergie said...

Rien de nouveau sur ce blog, j'espère que tout va aussi bien que possible pour toi et les tiens, Gil....

lyliane six said...

Chers amis,
j'espère que votre santé est bonne ainsi que celle de votre famille
Ici tout va bien, Michel est en retraite depuis le 1er mai, il a beaucoup à faire au jardin après ce long hiver.voici mon mail :, j'espère avoir de vos nouvelles

Sincères amitiés
Lyliane Michel

Alexander said...

Beautiful greenery and scenery.

Alex's World! -

Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Gil,
I wish you a Wonderful and Happy New Year!