Sunday, September 09, 2012


"ARRIVING TO DOMINICA - The «Nature Isle of the Caribbean» is an island nation south-southeast of Guadeloupe and northwest of Martinique. It has 750km2 and a population of 71,293 at the 2011 Census"
"DOCKING AT ROSEAU - The capital, oldest and largest city of Dominica, with a population of 14,847, is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, the Roseau River and Morne Bruce"
"TRAFALGAR FALLS - There are two separate waterfalls in Trafalgar. The upper falls comes from the Titou Gorge and plunges down the 60m rock that fronts the viewing platform. The lower falls flow from the Trois Pitons River in the Boiling Lake area"


Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Ok! 63 years old deserve a post!! Even if things continue to be a bit tricky here with my parents (95 father and almost 91 mother) and my wife with a broken elbow on her right arm!! And, as it comes to be a Sunday, what better than Dominica, discovered by Columbus on a Sunday (Domingo)? Shame, it’s on the rainy side...
Enjoy and have a great Sunday and an excellent week ahead!

My Unfinished Life said...

hey gil,am so happy u put up a post again!!

best wishes to your mum, dad and wife for a speedy recovery!!

The forest is so green and the waterfall is so beautiful!!

PeterParis said...

Under the rain, the charm is different, but is definitely there!

Knew already that you, especially your parents, have had some serious difficulties lately and got unfortunately the confirmation here. I wish you and them all the best!

In any case, I had the intention to send you a message today; I had noted that September 9 is your birthday. … so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

diane b said...

Happy Birthday 63 years young. I went to a new gym, they asked me how young are you?
Thats the tropics for you 'hot and wet'. You still got some great shots that really convey the feel of the island. All the best for your parents and wife. Did you go to St Lucia? My nephew lives there.

Alice said...

Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have the best time of your life celebrating with your family. The waterfall looked so lovely in the rain.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

Belated birthday greetings! Sorry to hear about your wife - hope she's feeling better now.

A rainy weather on your destination isn't all that bad - it can sometimes bring in unexpected twists to your adventures!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

My oh My! Welcome back, Chief.....and here's wishing you a very happy birthday, belated though!

Wonderful post, as always.......absolutely gorgeous....

Wishing your wife speedy recovery and sending some very best wishes for your parents.....

Do take very good care...

P.N. Subramanian said...

Oh you were in Dominica!. Glad to see you after a long time. Beautiful views. You both look great with the colorful raincoats. Presently I am at Cochin (Kochi) and it is raining heavily.

Emery Roth said...

These cloud and storm pictures really rumble. Glad to see you're going forward. I hopw you got my email. I hope things are improving. MY thoughts are with you.

Diana said...

Nice pics!

Hope this does not mean you will only post something every year from now on..!

Congrats from Wädenswil ;)


Dsole said...

Great pics from Dominicana! I guess it was a great travel.... awesome vegetation... I can see the green is due to the usual rain... not like here in Spain, where the most frecuent color is yellow...
Anyway, I'm glad to see you back! I have almost forgotten to blog but you know, later or sooner we always come back someday!
I hope everything is going well with you and your family, take lots of care!
Best wishes from Madrid

Cergie said...

La pluie ce n'est pas désagréable lorsque l'on peut se mettre à l'abri pour se sécher et se détendre après... Je reconnais sur ton montage des plants d'ananas et de café. J'espère que ton appareil de photo n'a pas trop souffert de l'humidité....
(Pardonne moi de ne pas passer fidèlement je suis moins assidue au blog en ce moment.)

Cergie said...

TU as 63 ans !!! Comme le temps passe ! Mais il n'a pas de prise sur toi semble-t-il ! Que cela continue ainsi longtemps !

Oman said...

I would love to spend some time in that waterfall :)

Dave said...

Nice photos Trotter. It looks like you have certainly been around - Dave

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

The top row of water and the lower greens swept me off!

Ruby said...

Awesome pictures!!! I love the greenery and the waterfall! Cheers, Ruby

Anonymous said...

When you said "enjoy the rain" in your comment on my blog, I thought to myself, "how does he know it's raining here?" LOL.....then I saw your post was about enjoying the beautiful scenery in the rain and it is indeed beautiful. I love waterfalls! Happy happy Birthday Gil and I hope everyone is mending fast.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Très chouette - est-ce la république dominicaine ?

eye in the sky said...

Wow. That looks like an arduous walk towards the waterfall, but I am sure it's worth the journey. Particularly love the last photo. So green all around.

Hope your wife gets better soon. Great post as always. :)

magiceye said...

Gorgeous captures as always!!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful place !

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

Best to you and your family!

A Lady's Life said...

Wow so much forest . I love waking through such forests full of ponds and waterfalls. Must be a great place to enjoy even with the rain. lol Hope you had the happiest of birthdays.

SusuPetal said...

Rain photos are good, sometimes one gets bored with the ever lasting sunshine in holiday photos.

I'm busy preparing my art exhibition. Wish me luck, Gil!

BLOGitse said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Your jungle art looks interesting :)

Next week I'll be in your neighbor country, let's see if I have possibility to visit Lisbon - flights are quite expensive for a short stay, 300e return from Malaga, autch!
But let's see what the situation is when I've settled down...
Hope all your family members are better soon!!!

rochambeau said...

Happy Sixty Third Gil!! May this be a fantastic adventure filled year for you and yours! Thank you for the tour of the Dominica! It's positively nothing like I imagined. That is what is great about you posting your photographs and memories here. Thinking good thoughts for your parents and of corse Mrs. Trotters elbow.


Light and Voices said...

I love all the colorful buildings. Good thing you had raincoats handy. Lovely waterfalls.
Joyce M

Ron said...

Very beautiful post, love the waterfalls. It's great to see you are back.

Joseph Pulikotil said...


I am enthralled to see your lovely photos. They give a vivid description of the magnificent places you visit. Besides, your narration is excellent.

We are having rains here in Kochi although not very heavy.

My belated birthday wishes. You are younger than me by two years a but you are more active and strong.

I am extremely happy to read that you are taking care of your old parents. You are one in a million these days. Most children dump their old parents in an old age home or leave them to fend for themselves. God bless you abundantly and you are a beacon light for others.

Wish you all the best,

Nikon said...

Hello Gil,
I really like the waterfall, pools, and forest photos - it looks so green & lush. Very tropical looking.
I hope that all is well with you - I'm having computer problems, so I apologize for the delay in commenting.

Mildred said...

Don't know how I arrived here but I enjoyed very much the visit!
Thanks for sharing all the beautiful images of your travellings!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY month to you!

Regina said...

Hi Trotter. Wow such fantastic vacation. Truly a beautiful place!

Thank you for sharing.

Hope your wife is doing fine.
Wishing your all good health always!



Anonymous said...

*** Merci pour ta visite sur mon petit blog ! :o)
Quel plaisir de découvrir ton univers !!! :o) !!! merci et bon week-end ! ***

Pietro Brosio said...

Hello Gil, all wonderful views, very nice pictures and collages!
Have a great weekend!

Georgianna said...

Hi Gil,

Wonderful series of photos and a very different environment than usual. I must say I love that artistic forest image – beautiful!

Hope you are having a good week.


Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Je te souhaite tardivement un bon anniversaire et une bonne année.
Comme disent les finnois "vihrea on hyvää silmille !"
Le vert est bon pour les yeux.

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Sorry, la bonne formulation est "vihrea tekee hyvää silmille"
le vert fait du bien aux yeux

Kalyan said...

beautiful captures...lovely scenes!

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Its very chaming even in rain!!
Have a nice week
Yvonne & Raphael

Trotter said...

Hi Everybody! Thanks for your visits and comments!! 2012 was not an easy year in Portugal, and it was surely worse for me. My mother passed away on November 26th, at the age of 91, and now I’m trying to make life bearable for my - almost 96 year old - father. We’ll see what will come in 2013 but, judging by the last two figures in the year number, nothing good is foreseeable...

Always great to read you here!

Thank you!

Thanks. It was already a much difficult period...

Anyhow, I prefer it sunny... ;)

Always great to have you here!

Rain is just water; and after a storm comes a calm...

Thanks. Hope you had a great trip to Peru. I’ll check it out...

Hurrah Wädenswil! It’s also ok for Zürich... ;)

I know that yellow you talk about very well... ;)

Trotter said...

Part Two:

Merci! Toujours charmante et sympa!!
Cette fois la camera a survécu; mais, une fois à le Hawaii, c’est la camera vidéo qui est partie avec l’humidité et les poussières du volcan…

It’s definitely a great place to go!

Thanks! Great to read you here! Hope to see you more often on this blog!!

Glad you liked it!!

So glad to see you here!!

Thank you. Amazing rain!! Fortunately we are having some sunny days here...

Non, c’est La Dominique!!

It was a great walk, even if under the rain...



Trotter said...

Part Three:


It seems we had bad luck on that morning, the guide told us… Usually there is some sun shining there… ;)

Hope it was a success! I’ll check it out… ;)

So, you didn’t come to Lisbon… 

Thank you!

There were people profiting from the opportunity to sell those raincoats… ;)

Thanks! Great to read you, as always!!

Thank you for your kind words! It’s not an easy task, but it’s spiritually rewarding…

Great to read you here!

Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment! Look forward to reading you in the future!!

Trotter said...

Part Four, and last, for the time being...


Tout le plaisir est pour moi…

Thank you!

Great to have your comment here for the first time…

Glad you liked! The blurred came out artistically…

Ce n’est pas facile le finlandais… Même pour les experts… ;)

Great to see you back!!


Light and Voices said...

Glad you are back. It is December here in Chicago with perhaps 2 inches of snow because of lake effect. In Des Plaines (just maybe 1/2 hour away) there is only a dusting of snow.

Looks hot and gray and rainy there in the Spring. Is it their normal rainy session in Spring?

Joyce M
Chicago, IL

Trotter said...


No, we just had a bad rainy morning in Dominica... ;)

Regina said...

Beautiful place!
Happy New Year to you and to your family!


Trotter said...

I hyou missed my explanation for the absence in the more recent posts... No worry!!