"HOUSEBOATS - Including the Houseboat Museum (top left)"








Hi Folks! One week off and then another two to recover... Sorry for having been a bit absent, but piles in the office let no time to surf the Net and visit your blogs! I’ll try to catch up next week... Anyhow, I’m still ahead of the twelve weeks delay in posting, but that’s more the effect of not travelling a lot rather than being lethargic... ;)
After Noord, with a new look of Amsterdam, here you have the traditional canals!! Enjoy and have a great week!!
I love this city Trotter, and your photos are superb!
Bikes, barges, canals, narrow houses... That is really Amsterdam! Of course there is more, so I imagine there will be a few more Amsterdam episodes? In the meantime, this is really nice! :-)
c'est vraiment une ville magnifique et une ville du printemps.
beautiful ..the canals are gorgeous with the colourful flowers!
Un bien bel endroit bien vert, bien fleuri, bien ordonné. Le désordre là=-bas il est plutôt à l'intérieur.
Vous avez de bonnes couleurs! Le printemps est ensoleillé.
Wonderful sights of Amsterdam! Hope to be there some day with plenty of time in hand.
Oh I saw these houseboats on TV. Inside they are just like any home. Very beautiful and interesting.
T sure is an interesting city. It is like they are living in the sea, The canals are so picturesque and the boats are cute. I loved my trip on a canal boat there. The bridges always remind me of Van Gogh. I wonder how the house boats access water, sewerage and power.
I'd love to visit Amsterdam some day.
Maybe I will.
Hi Gil! Many wonderful views of Amsterdam, very pleasant and varied, nice collages too!
Very refreshing! Excellent pictures, Gil.
I want to go to Amsterdam, if not any place else! And your pictures, have accelerated that desire.
Thanks so much!
A lovely city which we enjoyed. Then it was Leiden,Gouda - all very nice and memorable.
Beautiful shots. Very picturesque canals.
Check out Ekambareshvara Temple, Kanchi
Hello! je rentre à la maison je suis partie depuis 1 mois en Tunisie
Je vais à Amsterdam le 2 mai, à quelques kilomètres, visiter le Keukenhof un magnifique jardin.
b ises à vous 2
This reminds me of how much I miss Amsterdam :) Glad to see you put yourself in one of the phots :) Have a great weekend, Gil the Blogtrotta Man!
On se croirait presque à Venise ;-). (Je me fais rare sur les blogs, très occupée au travail en ce moment - et ça a l'air de durer...)
Je n'ai que de bons souvenirs d'Amsterdam, j'y avais même visité le port de commerce, il me semble.
What a way to see the city. Must confess I did everything on land, which was a great way too, coz the "locals" are warm, accommodating and very friendly (a great departure from the Dutch travelers I get to meet during my travels outside the Netherlands).
What a nice post.
what's great about long holidays is that in case where you do not have any travels, you can check back on some of the blogs you have missed because of work and all. have a pleasant break my friend.
Hi Gil, Love that 1st photo. Makes me want to run right out, buy my Spring flowers and get to planting. Living on a house boat sounds so romantic but the space confinements would get to me but a week's vacation on one could be fun. Have a wonderful weekend. ~
Now you've reached a spot I truly dream of visiting. One day....
Thanks for this tour. I hope you were traveling by boat.
This is one of my favorite posts ever, Gil!!
Beautiful photos of a beautiful spot.
I wish I lived on one of those houseboats!!
Have a great Easter
Wow! Love seeing Amsterdam from this perspective....totally cool! :)
Hope you had a great break!
This is a great post and I can relate to it since I visited there a few years ago. The house boats are incredible.
Amsterdamn is another place I hope to visit one day, Gil! The canals look so pretty ...the houseboats so unique. I love the photo of the canal with red geraniums overhead in the shot!
I ahve been behind in blogging myself as we went out to Colorado to see our new grandson right after we came home from Northern Ireland.
Yes, that's where my son and family live, I know Amsterdam by heart, lol ! My son is there since 7 years !
wonderful shots......it must be so romantic to travel at leisure along these canals, soak in the winter sun and cosy up with your sweetheart..just the very thought makes me wanna come here with the husband!!!
Amazingly beautiful photos.So many beautiful places you have captured for us to see and enjoy.
Wish you a wonderful Easter,
Cela me rappelle le film "Vivre pour vivre" avec Yves Montand, Candice Bergen et Annie Girardot.
OMG! The city is in a non-spop move!
Love the Renzo Piano science centre, really, the container houses, the canals and in short the whole town. What a pity, I can't stand its weather!
A very accurate reportage, Gil.
Oh my goodness, to take a river cruise in Holland would be grand. I think I'll put that on my "bucket list."
Joyce M
I tried getting onto your blog three times and nothing happened so I will try again :)
Wonderful house boat living.
I would love to retire this way. Happy Easter to you :)
Amsterdam with all its canals and wonderful bridges is always worth a travel. It's long ago that we have been there. Thanks for taking us with you, Ingrid
im back and what a lovely series...amsterdam is on my bucket list..hope to get there soon ..
Some amazing photos here Trotter! I love all the plants on the house-boats - just adds that lovely touch of colour!
The city looks surprisingly colorful with all those boats and flowers!
The canals are beautiful, I see you were lucky with the weather.
Magnifique, cela a des airs de Sausalito... Tout un art de vivre même en dehors de l'époque des tulipes ou des canaux gelés....
C'était bien le WE pascal, Gil ? Heureusement qu'il n'y en a pas deux dans l'année si on exclut la semaine autour de noël, n'est ce pas ?
how lovely!
We live on a boat - but it's not a houseboat...
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
Love it Makes me a bit homesick.
Sorry haven't visited for a while. New job and ongoing aftershocks make me less motivated at the moment. Will get to it in about a months time
Too many places to visit in Europe and too little time.
Amsterdam I've been to many years ago.
Perhaps we start Europe travelling when settled down.
We've been so busy and next week starts painting and our home will be in chaos for a couple of weeks...
Thanks for sharing these beautiful memories of yours!
Adore having the opportunity to see the canals through your eyes. Will bring my mom back for a stroll tomorrow!
Thank you both!
Fantastic captures of a gorgeous city! Brought back lots of memories of my visit there a number of years ago! Hope all is going well!
My mom likes your photographs too!!
I hate the bikes in Amsterdam ! They all drive like mad. My son only uses his bike and the car only when he goes to the see on weekends.
Hi Everybody! This post had the traditional views of Amsterdam: tree-lined canals and some wonderful old brick buildings. I see you enjoyed it more than the previous one with the new architecture concept; but they both make part of a wonderful city...
Thanks for your comments and keep using your keyboard; that’s the only reason to keep this blog running... Have a great weekend!
You’re a girl of very good taste! Hope you’re feeling better and look forward to seeing you commenting here soon...
At least this is the typical Amsterdam, but I feel that the incredible new buildings they are creating are also worth seeing! There will be some more episodes, but not many, because this was a professional trip and there was not so much time left to wander in the city!!
Tu as raison en ce qui concerne la saison; c’est vrai que le printemps est peut-être la plus belle saison à Amsterdam!!
Indeed! With regard to the flowers, I would love to go to Keukenhof one day and show it here; but up to now it didn’t happen... ;)
C’est une question de perspective; la différence entre la norme et la marge dépend du point de vue de l’observateur… ;)
It’s always better to have a lot of money in hand to go together with the time you have to spend... ;)
It’s true that the houseboats are amazing; once I visited the Houseboat Museum on the Prinsengracht, but maybe they didn’t allow pictures inside, because I’ve none... ;)
They have everything connected in the positions along the canals where they tie up; at least it’s what it seems, otherwise it would be a weird way of living... ;) That’s why it is rather expensive living on a houseboat; not exactly a low cost way of living... ;)
I’m sure you will; and you’ll keep staying happy over there!!
It’s definitely a destination to go; don’t wait too long to fulfil your wish! Resisting temptations it’s worth while... ;)
Part Two:
I’m sure you enjoyed the place; hard to feel otherwise... And I see you dove into the melting cheese in Gouda; what a treat... ;)
Those canals are more than picturesque actually... in particular in some districts of town... ;)
Un mois en Tunisie après l’Inde et pas de photos pour nous émerveiller… Dommage… ;-( Et dis-donc, tout s’est passé sans problèmes? L’Afrique du Nord ne semble pas être la destination la plus paisible ces jours-ci; même Marrakech a été touchée…
Ne me parle pas de Keukenhof; j’ai déjà tout dit à Mariposa… ;)
Amsterdam is surely a place to be missed; and furthermore you’re probably also missing the fabulous rijsttafel... ;)
La Venise du Nord, c’est aussi la pub... Le port de commerce ne serait peut-être le plus beau souvenir que j’aurais pu garder d’Amsterdam… ;)
This post is based on a stroll on land, though all of the pictures refer to water and objects in the water... ;). As for the friendliness, it depends on who is wining the soccer game... ;))
I would love to go back to those times where there were long holidays; that would mean that I would be back in college, with lots of years ahead and two to three month holiday breaks... ;)
If you wanted to buy flowers, you should have gone to Keukenhof; it’s the largest garden in the world and there are more than seven million flowers planted there every year... ;)
The question of space depends much on what is available; I still remember the round of applause I got from the bell boys in the Santa Monica Sheraton Hotel after packing a five week Hawaii vacation luggage of the three of us in the case of a small Honda car... They couldn’t believe it would ever fit in, as they were so used to waste space... ;)
Time to start packing!!
It’s indeed a great place to visit; and to live when the sun is shining... Otherwise, on grey, dull days, I would prefer Lisbon... ;)
Part Three:
My pleasure to guide you on the virtual tour!!
Great to read that you have also been there! It’s a wonderful place, though there is no baseball or decent ice-hockey teams... ;))
Lisbon is closer to NYC than Amsterdam, but there are direct flights for both cities, so start packing... ;)
Northern Ireland, Colorado... So, who is the Trotter here? ;))
You’re a lucky girl to have «bed, food and laundry» free of charge in Amsterdam... ;) It’s true that those millions of bikes are sometimes a bit intimidating for pedestrians, as the riders feel they always have priority on everyone... ;)
A question of taste, the company to chose... ;). Maybe it’s time for you to also start packing... ;)
Hope you also had a wonderful Easter!! My pleasure to post these pictures for you to enjoy!!
Thanks for your visit and first time comment here! Precise!
Ah, Claude Lelouch... Que nous sommes vieux... ;)). Je me rappelle qu’à ce temps là on avait dit que c’était un film sans idées et sans émotions, avec des documentaires dérisoires et des propos frivoles… Le temps passe… ;))
The weather depends… If you’re lucky and catch a sunny day instead of the grey and foggy usual Nordsee weather, the place is gorgeous!! And all the lovely girls come out to the parks... ;))
There are some Rhine cruises from Switzerland to Holland; maybe time to start packing instead of just putting it on the «bucket list»... ;)
It seems it now has worked with the blog. Blogger has always its own idiosyncrasies... ;))
Part Four andfinal, for the time being...
It’s my great pleasure to bring back your good memories with the virtual tour of Amsterdam... ;)
So, you also have a «bucket list»? Couldn’t believe... ;)
Great to read you back; but these days, you’re probably the Trotter.... ;)
Colour is the Key!! It’s not just a matter of eating more fruits and vegetables; consuming a variety of different coloured produce is important as well... That’s what the FAO says... ;)
And it actually is coloured; but you need the sun to see it, and it isn’t always there; not like Tinos... ;)
Truly lucky!!
On irait que Sausalito a des airs d’Amsterdam; mais je ne le trouve pas beaucoup... Il y a de l’eau, mais ce n’est pas la même chose... ;). Canaux gelées, je ne crois pas qu’il se passe souvent… ;)
Aloha! Living on a boat… That remembers me Jerome K. Jerome… ;)
I could imagine you would love to see it by other’s eyes… ;). Take your time and stay healthy…
It’s not such a small world! That’s the motto of Blogtrotter…
Now, when you start travelling Europe, take TP521 flight – direct to Lisbon… ;)
The chaos you have is probably nothing compared with the chaos in Morocco; Marrakech was hit… Glad that you’re far away…
My pleasure! And glad that your mom also liked the virtual trip…
Great to read you back here after such a long time!! Everything running as smoothly as it can be, though the IMF is around the corner… ;)
So much beauty along those canals, Gil! Living on a houseboat seems a peaceful existence – I wonder if it is? As always, thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures. I may get to Amsterdam this summer, pending some visits to clients in Europe. – g
It depends on the residents... ;)
Don't you want to make a detour to Lisbon?
I love this post! I spent just 48 hours in Amsterdam at the age of 4 and all I can remember is the canals. Stunning.
Amsterdam is unforgettable; in particular foe a four year old girl...
Wonderful photos with all the boats.
That's Amsterdam's trademark...
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